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Example sentences for "cube"

Lexicographically close words:
cuartos; cuatro; cub; cubby; cubbyhole; cubeb; cubebs; cubed; cubes; cubhood
  1. The specific resistance is the resistance between opposite faces of a unit cube of the material at a definite temperature (usually 0deg C.

  2. On these lines are laid off lengths proportional to the cube roots of the number of stars in each gauge.

  3. With a pivot at that point, a swinging outward of the giant cube would produce exactly the marks he had discovered.

  4. Again he went down upon his knees, and with his probe went entirely around the altar a second time, closely examining the line of separation between the cube and the floor.

  5. Hence it is necessary to reduce the volumetric measure--the weight--to a linear measure, which is done by extracting the cube root from the number representing the weight.

  6. Which of these two cubes will shrink the more uniformly: the cube A resting on the pavement, or the cube b suspended in the air, when both cubes are equal in weight and bulk, and of clay mixed with equal quantities of water?

  7. The cube shown above is better shown here below.

  8. The cube placed on the pavement diminishes more in height than in breadth, which the cube above, hanging in the air, cannot do.

  9. If you would to draw a cube in an angle of a wall, first draw the object in its own proper shape and raise it onto a vertical plane until it resembles the angle in which the said object is to be represented.

  10. Sidenote: This table is constructed for use in cube root sums, giving the value of ab.

  11. Sidenote: Definition of a cubic number and a cube root.

  12. To divide a cube number into two cube numbers.

  13. Describe a cube round Jupiter's orbit; the circle including this will be the orbit of Saturn.

  14. If the Instrument be made longer or shorter, the aperture must be in proportion as the Cube of the square-square Root of the length, and the magnifying as the aperture.

  15. To find solidity of a sphere, multiply cube of diameter by .

  16. To find cubic inches in a ball multiply cube of diameter by .

  17. Note--The numbers in the above Table, if the Decimal point be carried three figures farther to the right hand, nearly express the absolute weight of an English cube foot of each substance in averdupois ounces.

  18. English grains in an English cube inch of water = 253.

  19. When, therefore, I looked at a cube I could see all its sides at once.

  20. Off in the direction the cube takes when it begins to trace the outlines of the new figure!

  21. The first cube used was of rock crystal; it was 0.

  22. But with a second cube of rock crystal corresponding results were not obtained.

  23. The cube was covered with a thin coat of shell-lac dissolved in alcohol, to prevent the deposition of damp upon its surface from the air.

  24. For though the experiments with the first cube raised great expectation, they have not been generalized by those which followed.

  25. A] I have traced it experimentally from a ball placed in the middle of the large cube formerly described (1173.

  26. I had a chamber built, being a cube of twelve feet.

  27. In some of the experiments one half or one part of a cube showed a superiority to another part, and this I could not trace to any charge the different parts had received.

  28. Or it was easy by revolving the stand which supported the cube to bring four of its faces in succession towards the inductric ball, and so observe the force when the lines of inductive action (1304.

  29. Of or pertaining to the square root of the cube of a quantity.

  30. Presenting a combination of a cube and an octahedron.

  31. To raise to the third power; to obtain the cube of.

  32. A hydrous arsenate of iron occurring in green or yellowish green cubic crystals; cube ore.

  33. A combination of a cube and octahedron, esp.

  34. Expressed by the cube root; -- said especially of ratios.

  35. And of the same stone of Paros as were the steps: which cube and square stone was the Basis and foote set vnder the Obilisk, which I haue in hand to describe.

  36. Pyramides in whose place was set a huge Cube or foure square stone of forme like a dye, sound and firme of a monstrous thicknesse and incredible weight to bee carryed so high.

  37. This is because the cube is the figure of perfect stability, and thus represents Truth, which can never be overthrown.

  38. As one plane of the cube implies all the other planes and also "the within," so any plane of manifestation implies the others and also that "within" which generates them all.

  39. Slowly, together, the cubes began to lose their bluish glow, their cube shape--to vanish utterly.

  40. Then, all at once, the cube itself, gleaming and baleful!

  41. That it was a sentient thing he also knew, for now there was no mistaking the fact that, but for the presence in the little hollow of Jaska and Sarka, the cube would not have moved.

  42. And with his first movement, the cube's brilliance vanished instantly, the cube disappeared, and appeared again right before the face of Sarka, so close he could touch it!

  43. Then his hair almost stood on end under his helmet, for under that first aircar, where he had first seen it, the initial cube was again gleaming into life!

  44. He tore his glance away from it, and realized that he accomplished the feat with a distinct effort of will--as though the cube had willed to hold his gaze, knew he was there.

  45. Even as the cube appeared before his eyes, thrice baleful and menacing in its close proximity, his eyes darted back to that broad flat rock, where the second gleaming cube now appeared!

  46. Racing as though racing against time, Sarka caught up cube after cube and hurled them all after the first.

  47. The door swung shut, and in the forward end of the vast aircar gleamed the cube which had obeyed his command!

  48. The cube vanished instantly, and it seemed to Sarka that invisible hands caught at his feet, lifting him up through the trap-door in the belly of the aircar, up and inside.

  49. He shot a thought at the gleaming cube in the forepeak.

  50. As he approached the car, the gleam cube beneath it seemed to gleam brighter and brighter, as though it echoed the radiance of Sarka.

  51. Keep your eyes on me, for to look at the cube spells danger!

  52. She was staring at the contents of the cube and apparently did not hear him.

  53. Instantly, a huge cube materialized in the center of the room.

  54. Inside the cube there was a realistic image of a resplendent silver table, and upon the image of the table stood an equally realistic image of a resplendent golden bowl.

  55. He could almost see the postman holding the little cardboard cube which would contain the rendered ring.

  56. But the package was a cube of three inches, and would have held a hundred rings.

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cube" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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