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Example sentences for "cramping"

Lexicographically close words:
cramming; cramoisy; cramp; crampe; cramped; crampons; cramps; crams; cran; cranberries
  1. Cramping Glued Joints: Handscrews and Batten shown at left; temporary Batten at right to keep the wood flat.

  2. The portion marked H is called the "horn," and it is not cut off until after the frame is glued up; its object is to prevent the rail splitting or bursting when knocking up the frame or during the cramping process.

  3. At the right hand of the sketch a wooden cramping arrangement of the box type is given, and by wedging up the boards are closed together.

  4. An example of this method of cramping is shown in Fig.

  5. The cramping operation forces the wedges into the saw cuts, thus causing the end of the tenon to spread and tightly grip the mortise.

  6. Two pieces of wood are glued in position and allowed to set prior to glueing and cramping the joint proper.

  7. Men, women and children huddled shoulder to shoulder in the cramping quarters.

  8. Unquestionably, however, the monotony of his school work weighed heavily upon his mind, and, in his own opinion, was cramping his powers of production.

  9. In all exercises for these muscles, indeed in all foot-work, shoes should be worn with soles broad enough to prevent the slightest cramping of the foot, and so giving every part of it its natural play.

  10. The roads were obliged to institute many cramping economies which to them very often meant the using up of their corpus and to the business world of the United States a permeating retrogressive influence.

  11. That night I was attacked with cramping colic and suffered fearfully.

  12. That night I was seized with cramping colic.

  13. They consequently have not observed the errors and defects of their religion, or its cramping and stultifying effect upon the mind, or its effect upon the morals of the country.

  14. They cease to answer the moral and spiritual wants of the people, and become as cramping to their souls as the Chinese wooden shoes would be to their feet.

  15. Clearly it is a somewhat artificial arrangement, cramping the imagination of the poet; and it is regarded by some as a sign of literary decadence.

  16. Nothing is more likely to convince him of the way in which Roman civilisation contrived to leave these superstitions as mere fossils, incapable any longer of doing mischief by cramping the conscience and inducing constant anxiety.

  17. It was a revolt against cramping customs and conventionalities, and she partly sympathised with it, though she knew that such revolts are dangerous.

  18. The vigour of the new land throbbed in his voice, and, flinging aside all cramping restraints and conventions, he had, as he had said, claimed her as flesh and blood.

  19. We should particularly avoid binding or cramping the chest and the hips and waist.

  20. If there is anything in the human body which we ought to be thoroughly ashamed of, it is corns; for they are caused by our own vanity, and nothing else, in cramping our feet into shoes one or two sizes too small for them.

  21. When I read the finest passages of the Iliad, I am conscious of a soul-sense that lifts me above the narrow, cramping circumstances of my life.

  22. We presume that he was inwardly, wisely, and beneficently prompted to walk somewhat astray from the narrow and soul-cramping paths then trod by most New England clergymen.

  23. Their awful and cramping Creed devil-ward was the chief fountain of bewildering and brutalizing force that dragged intelligent and kind men on to redden our soil with innocent blood, and that too "in all good conscience.

  24. There are no cramping desks, the pupil may sit where or how he pleases, or even move from place to place if he does not disturb his fellows.

  25. The swaddling clothes of the straight-backed desk, head to the front and hands folded, are just as cramping and even more nerve racking to the school child.

  26. Every one agrees that swaddling clothes are a bad thing for the baby, cramping and interfering with bodily functions.

  27. It was horribly cramping in the canoe and my hands were 'most too cold to paddle.

  28. The position was a cramping one, and his wet hands slipped upon the crossbar, but he had become accustomed to doing unpleasant things, and it was evident that one could not clear a ranch without grubbing stumps.

  29. Here was a man all deathly white, who spoke never a word, but who retched with sharp painful sounds and kept his free hand gripped into his cramping belly.

  30. But at least we are growing to discern where our boundaries are, and it is deeply refreshing to find that the boundaries erected by humanity are much closer and more cramping than the boundaries determined by God.

  31. It mounted into an indictment against the cramping evils of intolerance, it scathingly denounced the goodness of the strait-jacket until the old minister saw every effort of his life assailed and vilified.

  32. I think it's the right of every human being to live fully--not just half live through a soul-cramping routine.

  33. Farquaharson's face lighted with genuine pleasure as he grasped the outstretched hand in a grip of cramping heartiness.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cramping" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    acute; agonizing; atrocious; biting; circumscription; confinement; cramp; cruel; distressing; excruciating; gnawing; grave; hard; harrowing; harsh; hurtful; hurting; limitation; limiting; narrowing; painful; piercing; poignant; pungent; qualification; racking; restriction; restrictive; severe; sharp; shooting; spasmodic; stabbing; stinging; stint; tormenting; torturous