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Example sentences for "corralled"

Lexicographically close words:
corpuscles; corpuscular; corr; corral; corraled; corralling; corrals; corre; correct; correcte
  1. We had corralled adjacent to another tainted pond, of which the animals refused to drink but which furnished a little rank forage for them and an oasis for a half dozen ducks.

  2. Yu'll sing a different tyune arter yu've been corralled with nothin' to drink.

  3. As soon as they corralled a party of hostiles, they impressed the best trailers and used them in running down the others.

  4. But Crook never let up, and finally corralled Geronimo.

  5. Water was plentiful, cars were in waiting, and on reaching the railroad, the cattle were corralled in the shipping pens.

  6. If corralled the night before, passing trains were liable to excite the beeves, and thereafter it became the usual custom to hold outside and safely distant.

  7. A careful hour's work resulted in seven car-loads of extra heavy beeves, which were corralled separately and in advance of the others, completing a long day in the saddle.

  8. A small remuda was corralled within ropes, running from choice to common horses, all of which were looked over carefully by the trio, including the wagon team.

  9. Two horses were sent in by Dell, and the welcome addition of two extra men joined the herd, which was easily corralled at dusk of evening.

  10. Jenny's perturbation seemed to make Mr. Pitt's intentions more definite, and he corralled the young woman, as he also swept me along.

  11. For, I ruminated, if the police had corralled me as witness, and held me for one of their protracted queryings, I might have stayed there until late into the night or even all night.

  12. It would 'a' corralled us good an' proper if thet fool Swede had n't run amuck.

  13. The men corralled the wagons, and defended themselves for several days until relief arrived from Fort Supply.

  14. I'll have you all safely corralled long before it breaks--never fear.

  15. Jack would have corralled something more momentous than a toe.

  16. He organises a sort o' campaign ag'in Cherokee; what you might term a fiscal dooel, an' at the finish he has Cherokee corralled for his last peso.

  17. Two thousand five hundred more prisoners brought in to-day and corralled in jail yard.

  18. When we returned, we found a large squad of rebs having come in, and they were corralled near the church where General Judah was paroling them.

  19. I allow they'd have corralled the dollars if they could, but it was Mr. Brandon they meant to knock out.

  20. You have him corralled when he's under the British flag.

  21. For some months they were corralled uncomfortably near the genial Quartermaster's Main Street office; but in October they were removed to a yard fixed up for them on D.

  22. Once having served the purpose, he was turned loose and remained free until another election unless, as I have intimated, he and his fellows were again corralled and made to vote a second or even a third time the same day.

  23. The night school gathers in as many as can be corralled of those who are big enough, if not old enough, to work.

  24. We drove the stock to where they were accustomed to being corralled at night and corralled them, and made camp for the night, for I was needing rest, very much, on account of my shoulder.

  25. So the wagons were corralled and left at our present location in charge of a sergeant, with thirty infantrymen.

  26. Jim Bridger's quick eye had caught sight of them, and not knowing but it was the big band coming, he had the wagons corralled to prepare for an attack.

  27. They at once corralled their wagons for a fight, and all the talking Jim Bridger could do would not make them believe otherwise, until he rode out to where we were.

  28. As soon as the train was corralled and the stock turned loose, we appointed four men, who claimed to know something of butchering, to cut up and distribute the meat among the people of the train.

  29. I had mastered the art of handling a rope, and while we usually corralled everything, scarcely a day passed but occasion occurred to rope wild cattle out of the brush.

  30. Thereafter we corralled them at night, which always called for a free use of ropes, as a number usually broke away on approaching the pens.

  31. We corralled the little herd every night, adding to it daily, scouting far and wide for unowned or wild cattle.

  32. Are you sure you corralled your sheep so they won't stray out?

  33. The fifth evening, after I had corralled my costly but uncongenial muttons, I walked over to the ranch-house and stepped in the door.

  34. I guess the Aleuts have them all corralled now, though there's no sign of any Indians here," he said.

  35. There would be a circus before they corralled Stickine.

  36. It was as though the mountain tops had corralled all the clouds in the country and held them penned like sheep over the valleys.

  37. The emigrants' wagons were corralled after the Indians made the first attack.

  38. There was no need of a pound, as our cattle were herded in daytime and corralled at night.

  39. The soldier in the center background making a dash for the corralled wagons is probably a flanker cut off by the sudden attack, possibly the Lt.

  40. I corralled the boys up in the yard, an' the feller got good an' goin'.

  41. The beeves had to be corralled every night.

  42. We had a branding chute on the ranch for grown cattle, and the following morning the herd was corralled and the road-branding commenced.

  43. Don Pierre had a remuda corralled before sun-up, and insisted on our riding his horses, an invitation which my employer alone declined.

  44. In making up the herd no cattle were to be corralled at night, and no animal would be received which had been roped.

  45. The worst thing we had to fear was the loss of our saddle stock, as they were gentle and could be easily run off and corralled on the range by stretching lariats.

  46. The other boys had killed twelve, and we got three, making fifteen in all, and what was best of all, the Buffalo all lay near to where Jim had corralled the wagons.

  47. Jim ordered the stock all corralled at once, and the men were not long in obeying orders.

  48. On reaching the place Jim corralled the train, and he then went to all the families and told them that two hours was as long as we should stop there.

  49. When I saw the train, I signaled to Jim to corral, and I never saw such a number of wagons corralled so quickly before or since, as they were.

  50. But we could not have a better scare crow than the scalps we have scared the last two bands away with, and I think if we are always successful in getting the train corralled before they come on us we will get through in safety.

  51. As soon as Jim had corralled the train, we turned our horses over to the herders and struck out down to the river to see what condition the water was in, and to our satisfaction we found that it had just commenced to rise.

  52. Sech stock should be corralled a bit An' hev a mark 't 'll stick.

  53. Why, dog blast my lasso, boys, If it ain't Denver Jim that's corralled here at last.

  54. His horse Dex was evidently corralled at the back of the adobe.

  55. In a vacant lot back of the court-house the horses of the posse were corralled under guard.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "corralled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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