That is what conventionality bids you say now," I replied.
From the moment that I found the bogy of conventionality potent enough with her to frighten her into keeping her word and marrying me, I had no fear for "to-morrow.
People with new ideas, opposed to the conventionalityof the old ones, expect naturally to bide their time before the public unhesitatingly accepts them.
They were free as air--untrammelled by any conventionality or artificial needs.
While they never suffered from the narrow conventionality imposed upon the authors of the miracles by the authority of the holy writ, yet something of the medieval subjection to sources was long manifest both in form and content.
Geoffrey's conventionality was a little bit shocked at this lack of affection; he was also disappointed at not getting exactly the expected answer.
The discipline is the same, the conventionality and the presiding fetish of Good and Bad Form.
After the decline of the Pavane it continued as an inseparable adjunct of gatherings of all degrees of conventionality within the scope of a polite mode of living.
An amusing conventionality of gender in pirouettes makes it man’s prerogative to do the pirouette en l’air--i.
As to darknesses that have fallen upon vast areas, conventionality is--smoke from forest fires.
Our submergence in a sea of conventionality of almost impenetrable density.
Conventionality is often denounced as untrue and hypocritical.
It was another case ofconventionality for a limited time and place.
Thus his finest moments are marred by lapses from sincerity into the commonplace conventionality of the day.
For, was it not to little Ella Wray I first assumed the attitude of the worldling: subscribing to the laws and exigencies of conventionality before I had suspected the existence of such an influence?
I think that my conventionality is of a tolerant order, but Mrs. Archinard's efforts at aesthetic originality make me feel grimly conventional.
No, it is all masquerade; and the motley is that same easy conventionalityby which we hope to escape undetected and unknown!
If Quackinboss had none of that refined appreciation of sentiment which in a certain measure is the conventionality of a class, he had what is infinitely and immeasurably superior, a true-hearted sympathy with everything human.
Her unsophisticated open-air existence required no varnish of conventionality to make it palatable to him.
With all his attempted independence of judgement this advanced and well-meaning young man, a sample product of the last five-and-twenty years, was yet the slave to custom and conventionality when surprised back into his early teachings.
A similar instance of conventionality constantly repeated is the sin of inversion, which is no less prevalent, throughout the poem, in the conversational than in the narrative portions.
The bad effects of conventionalityare here strongly felt.
Again, those centuries had not to struggle against such an accumulation of precedents and fixed habits, in a word, against so much conventionality as those which came after.
The growing influence of conventionality is to be seen in other signs also.
There is much conventionality displayed in the minor characters; only Beata and Richard are really original.
Let not conventionality cause you to seem cold and unsympathetic when you meet strange people from other countries.
Forget yourconventionality when you speak with them; they are not accustomed to it.
I am not used to it yet," she answered; "when I am it will be no worse than the conventionality at home.
The highly paid male soprano might therefore be dispensed with in opera buffa; the unnatural conventionality of the opera seria would have been insupportable in representations of daily life.
These visits of charity had the same conventionality of setting and of accent.
This irritated me yet more, for it implied that I was influenced by the conventionality which both he and my husband despised; and Sarah opening the door that instant, I stepped in, without even saying good-night to him.
Conventionality and routine and arbitrary law banish their very approach.
While the Princess ate, therefore, he played with his knife and fork, and they bandied the necessary phrases of conventionality while the thoughts of both were busy with intimate matters.
Of course, to a certain extent, conventionality is a useful, peaceful thing.
The thing I get more and more impatient of every year is conventionality in every form.
That produces the most sickening conventionality of all, because it is merely an attempt to construct a pose that shall be accepted as unconventional.
The long facade was imposing, dignified, with a touch of conventionality and solidity in keeping with my standing in the city.
As she had truly observed, we were both conventional; conventionality was part of the price we had willingly paid for membership in that rarer world we had both achieved.