But the author of Waverley is not merely conventionally a name for Scott; the element of mere convention belongs here to the separate words, the and author and of and Waverley.
Scott is merely a noise or shapeconventionally used to designate a certain person; it gives us no information about that person, and has nothing that can be called meaning as opposed to denotation.
How impossible he has shown not only here but everywhere--how conventionally accepted.
Granted also that Ann is good and sweet and conventionally right.
The design is usually composed of conventionally treated leaves and flowers, often growing from boldly curved stems.
Sometimes they may be seen conventionally suggesting the small feathers on the shoulder of a bird's wing by being dotted over it at regular intervals.
But if the conventionally beautiful form is allied with spiritual ugliness it ceases to be beautiful to us, and if the conventionally ugly form is allied with spiritual beauty that beauty irradiates the physical deficiency.
Petite, distractingly pretty, Hamil recognised immediately her attraction--experienced it, amused himself by yielding to it as he exchanged conventionally preliminary observations with her across the table.
I am aware of the lines used conventionally by engravers to indicate heraldic colours in coat-armour; but I can see no natural relation between perpendicular lines in an engraving and the red colour of a soldier's coat.
The daughters of the professional class and of those below them in the social scale were as well educated, as intelligent, as personally presentable, as those whom a partial chance had made conventionally their superiors.
Cabanel's portraits of women of the great world are conventionally painted, and with the coldness of manner which distinguishes him.
But whether the omission is due to the breaking down of faith under the strain of grief, or whether it is conventionally improper in a lament to allude to anything which would lighten the sense of bereavement, I do not know.
The important habits conventionally reckoned virtues are barren unless they are the cumulative assemblage of a multitude of anonymous interests and capacities.
Wisdom, is a well-recognised tradition, for she is conventionally represented as Athene.
The white wand figuring in this ceremony is evidently the magic rod or fairy wand with which the Elphin Queen is conventionally equipped, and which was figured in the hand of the Cretan "Hob," ante, page 494.
The honeysuckle, termed conventionally a palmette, is classically represented as either seven or nine-lobed, and this symbol of the Dayspring or of Wisdom was common alike both East and West.
In the group of coins here illustrated it will be noticed that the Mater Deorum is conventionally throned upon a rock.
This begins with the idea of the soul as the human ego, conventionally regarded as something independent of the material body during life and immortal after death.
Everything is ordered to fit the Gothic plan, and the conformity becomes in time conventionally monotonous.
After breakfast Archie suggested that they should leave the car at the inn and proceed to Paris conventionally by train.
But the judge, fortunately, was not conventionally minded, although he had sat upon the bench for upwards of forty years.
The colours conventionally assigned to each animate and inanimate object were taught in the schools, and their use handed on unchanged from generation to generation.
In the Sixth Dynasty tombs at Deir el Gebrawî, there are instances where the flesh tint of the women is that conventionally devoted to the depiction of men.
He falls under the temptation to make a conventionally desirable conclusion, the "pleasant ending" already animadverted against, which is supposed to be the constant petition of the theater Philistine.
What is conventionally called Austria has in reality a much longer name by which alone it is technically recognised to exist.
Bulstrode attemptedconventionally to shear it of a little of its eccentricity.
These sheets of illustrations are conventionally called "plates.
Figure 6 is a rear and side view of the circuit maker, conventionally called the exposing motor.
When they do indulge in reverie and day-dreaming--which is probably more of the time than is conventionally acknowledged--they are aware of what they are doing.
Had she been conventionally a lady, instead of an angel in peasant form, would he have been so ready to return her kindness with an offer of marriage?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "conventionally" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: customarily; generally; normally; obediently; properly; traditionally; usually