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Example sentences for "conuerted"

Lexicographically close words:
conuenyent; conuersant; conuersation; conuersion; conuert; conuerting; conuerts; conuey; conueyed; conuicted
  1. All which benefices he speedilie conuerted to his owne vse, and to the vse of his chapleins.

  2. But the same Paule Aegineta affyrmeth, that the Mulse profyteth nothing in manner the collericke, bycause the same in them is lightly conuerted into choller.

  3. And to persons being twentie yeares of age, and of an vntemperate hotenesse, or others hote of qualitie, the honny to them is hurtefull, bycause it is soone conuerted into choller in them.

  4. In the foresaide citie foure of our friers had conuerted a mighty and riche man vnto the faith of Christ, at whose house I continually abode, for so long time as I remained in the citie.

  5. That done, we went to one of the Greekes Churches to see a pot or Iarre of stone, which is sayd to bee one of the seuen Iarres of water, the which the Lord God at the mariage conuerted into wine.

  6. Caesar at this sentence stode so stil, as whilom dyd the wyfe of Loth, by seing the City on fire, and consume into ashes: by the sight whereof she was conuerted into a stone of Salt.

  7. Some doe saye, that in the newe Spayne onely are conuerted Christians sixe Millions.

  8. Andreuccio now sure and certaine of his losses, attached with incredible sorow, conuerted his anger into rage, thoughte to recouer by anoiaunce that which he could not get with fayre wordes.

  9. But when I sawe she was ledde to the rape like a bondwoman, I considered, that better it wer her life to be loste, then suffered to liue in shame: wherefore my naturall pitie was conuerted to a kynde of crueltie.

  10. In the Primitiue churche forthwith after christes ascension / because the Iues which wer conuerted vnto christe did lyue a great while with thos gentils which hadd receyued the gospel / ther begon a very Iuishnes.

  11. For what rigor or affliction soeuer Fortune offred, coulde neuer before that tyme put awaye the meanes from writing one to an other, but onely the vices before named, and the foolish and wicked loue wherin he suffred him selfe to fall.

  12. You see on thother side what a father you haue, who careth not after what sort he bestow you in mariage: and you hauinge refused so many greate states and noble men, I know not one, either farre or neare, that is minded to haue you.

  13. The Pit is couered with a little couer aboue, and thickly round about beset with bushes and thornes.

  14. Howebeit, the mother and other of her kynne, sollicited and chose the other gentleman because (in dede) he was more welthie.

  15. All which the Ladies sawe, vnknowen to him.

  16. Captayne, a strong and lofty lubber to enter into a Caue, and when shee saw her best aduauntage, thacked him with stones, vntil he groaned foorth his grieslye ghost.

  17. These wordes and sutch like, this sedicious and desperat man declared: Whose talke Tarquinius interuented, and vpon his comming euery man conuerted him selfe to salute him.

  18. In this wise she conuerted all her affections, to pietie and the perfit loue of God, who after she had long time liued a religious life, shee yelded vp her soule in such ioye as the Bridegrom doth when he goeth to visite his spowes.

  19. We perceiued that this people might very easily be conuerted to our Religion.

  20. M205) And the reason why it snoweth there oftener then in France is, because it raineth there but seldome: for the raine is conuerted into snowes.

  21. This lacke they supply, either by Stone cole, fetched out of Wales, or by dried Turfes, some of which are also conuerted into coale, to serue the Tynners turne.

  22. Some accustomed to burne it on heapes in pits at the cliffe side, and so conuerted the same to a kind of wood, but the noysome sauour hath cursed it out of the countrey.

  23. Trebigh, a priuiledged franchise, is by his Lord, Master William Wray, conuerted to a generall welcomer of his friends and neighbours.

  24. This venting of Pilcherd enhaunced greatly the price of cask, whereon all other sorts of wood were conuerted to that vse: and yet this scantly supplying a remedie, there was a statute made 35.

  25. There were conuerted of the nation of Lettowe eight persons vnto the Christian faith.

  26. And in Hungary, the water of Cepusius being poured into pitchers, is conuerted to stone.

  27. It is doubtful vnto vs whether in these words Kranzius would haue said, that the Islanders were first conuerted vnto Christ in the yeere of our Lord 1070.

  28. King Henrie was easilie intreated to heare of anie talke for peace, and therefore comming to the place on tuesdaie the fiftéenth daie of September, made so large offers, that he had almost conuerted the yoong mens minds vnto concord.

  29. The naturall people whereof, neuer since they were conuerted haue beene found in any heresie, nor in any thing contrarie vnto the Romish faith.

  30. They are people that would be conuerted with the like facilitie vnto the holy gospell as their neighbours, if there went any thether to preach.

  31. They go naked like vnto the Indians, and doo speake their language, and are almost conuerted vnto their nature.

  32. According vnto the common opinion, at this day there is conuerted and baptised more then foure hundred thousand soules, which is a great number: yet in respect of the quantitie that are not as yet conuerted, there are but a few.

  33. Likewise this kingdome, with great ease, might be conuerted vnto the Catholike faith as it seemeth, for that they haue amongst them many morall rites, ceremonies, and vertues.

  34. In like sort also the rest of the idoll-temples standing in other places were either ouerthrowne, or conuerted into churches for christian congregations to assemble in, as our writers doo remember.

  35. Sidenote: Scotland conuerted to the faith of Christ.

  36. And from the comming of Henghist to this Ida, it was onlie gouerned by earls or Heretoches as an Heretochy, till the said Ida conuerted it into a kingdome.

  37. There is also the Brehoc, the Gytho, and the Herme, which latter is foure miles in compasse, and therein was sometime a Canonrie, that afterward was conuerted into a house of Franciscanes.

  38. Indeed the chiue, while it remaineth whole & vnbrused, resembleth a darke red, but being broken and conuerted into vse, it yeeldeth a yellow tincture.

  39. Coell the sonne of this Marius had issue Lucius, counted the first Christian king of this nation: he conuerted the three archflamines of this land into bishopriks, and ordeined bishops vnto ech of them.

  40. After this Theonus also Eluanus succeeded, who conuerted manie of the Druiydes, and builded the first librarie neere vnto the bishops palace.

  41. Sosimus saith; and besides him, diuers other writers, which being conuerted into English miles, doo yeeld 112.

  42. Adelwold king of Sussex, as a gift at that time, when he receiued him at the fontstone after he had conuerted him to the faith.

  43. By east of this standeth Durham place, sometime belonging to the bishops of Durham, but conuerted also by king Henrie the eight into a palace roiall, & lodging for the prince.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "conuerted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.