And thus the force of Loue, which is well discryed when it is not fayned, made her sure of that, which was vnknowen to all the world.
Then Philenio thinking that he had at pleasure vsed their persons, deliuered them their apparel, and so sone as they were ready, he let them out at a litle dore, very secretlye vnknowen of anye, and so they went home to their houses.
If euer man had cause to defende the honor of his vnknowen frend, cause haue I right good and apte.
Hee complayned of ill lucke, accusing Fortune, but chiefly hys owne folly, for giuing himselfe so mutch to hunting, for the desire whereof, hee was thus straggled into vnknowen Countreyes.
I had thought to liue here miserably, vnknowen to al the world, and behold, I am here discouered, when I thought least of it.
So that now amonges them all thynges for Money are venalia, ready to be solde, and yet the same vnknowen to the Emperour him selfe.
This said streight is supposed to haue passage into the sea of Sur, which I leauevnknowen as yet.
But amongst sundry strange things which in these tents they found, there was rawe and new killed flesh of vnknowen sorts, with dead carcases and bones of dogs, and I know not what.
The vse of the loadstone for Navigation is vnknowenvnto them.
Sidenote: An vnknowen channell into the Northeast discouered by the Busse of Bridgewater.
The Letters patents of King Henry the seuenth granted vnto Iohn Cabot and his three sonnes, Lewis, Sebastian, and Sancius for the discouerie of new and vnknowen lands.
Here beginneth the iournall of Frier Odoricus, one of the order of the Minorites, concerning strange things which hee sawe among the Tarters of the East.
One of the numerous names given to the St. Lawrence by early explorers and writers; it thus appears on the map of Jean Allefonsce, given in his Cosmographie (Paris, ed.
For whilest the French thus triumphed in Normandie, three cruell enimies among manie (as by ciuill warre and sedition insuing appeared) sore vrged the vtter ruine of this realme at home.
The duke of Burgognie was there in proper person, accompanied with the duke of Guelders, and the earles of Estampes, Lignie, S.
We entred afterwards into the woods, which we found so great and thicke, that any army were it neuer so great might haue hid it selfe therein, the trees whereof are okes, cipresse trees, and other sortes vnknowen in Europe.
This man was very well seene in the Arte of Nauigation and in Astronomie: whereby hee discouered in his time many lands vnknowen vnto the ancient Geographers.
Wee heard also within the woods the voyces of Stagges, of Beares, of Lusernes, of Leopards, and diuers other sortes of Beastes vnknowen vnto vs.
So tickle be the termes of mortall state, And full of subtile sophismes, which do play 8 With double senses, and with false debate, T'approue the vnknowen purpose of eternall fate.
Whereat he wondred much, and gan enquere, What stately building durst so high extend 8 Her loftie towres vnto the starry sphere, And what vnknowen nation there empeopled were.
We shall keepe our owne coastes and countrey: Hee shall seeke strange and vnknowen kingdomes.
Vpon a daye after dinner, when the Ladie (whose name was Gismonda) was in the garden with all her maidens, he repaired vnknowen or seene of any man into her chamber.
My Lord, I am sory that it is my lotte to declare vnto you a matter hitherto vnknowen and not marked or taken heede of by any, which wyl so much offend you, as any pleasure that euer till this day, did please and content you.
A straunge and vnknowen old woman, repaired to the Romaine kyng Tarquinius Superbus, bearing in her armes nine bookes, which she sayde were deuine Oracles, and offered them to be solde.
Not long after Sextus Tarquinius with one man retourned to Collatia vnknowen to Collatinus, and ignorant to Lucrece and the rest of her houshold, for what purpose he came.
Sidenote: Mosco] The city, of Mosco is supposed to be of great antiquitie, though the first founder be vnknowen to the Russe.
In this place I might see goodly braue women as the Archadian Calisto the daughter of Lycaon, with the vnknowen Diana.
Lancaster killed one of the bignes of a yong colt) the red and fallow Deere, with other great beastsvnknowen vnto vs.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vnknowen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.