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Example sentences for "contrariness"

Lexicographically close words:
contrarie; contraries; contrarieties; contrariety; contrarily; contrario; contrarious; contrarium; contrarius; contrariwise
  1. What contrariness has set you so intense against your own argument?

  2. For contrariness he was more than I have ever had to deal with.

  3. Tis a contrariness of natur for which you're not to be held accountable.

  4. Thar's a contrariness in the rest of 'em that makes 'em tryin' companions to a rational critter like man, with a firm grip on his heart.

  5. XXI The Comedy of Contrariness Probity in love, Marquis?

  6. Anne smiled at the contrariness of men, and Ira smiled at the contrariness of women, and when they reached the vestibule they kissed each other in mutual forgiveness.

  7. I'm a born old grumbler, mavourneen, I know--contrariness in person!

  8. There was nothing unusual in this: he never took advice well; and, was it forced upon him, nine times out of ten a certain inborn contrariness drove him to do just the opposite.

  9. It is also quite evident that few of them ever take a bath; as there is plenty of water about them, this doubtless comes of the pure contrariness of human nature in the absence of social obligations.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "contrariness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.