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Example sentences for "contractors"

Lexicographically close words:
contractility; contracting; contraction; contractions; contractor; contracts; contractual; contracture; contractures; contradict
  1. Even if accepted to-day there will be a great many points, when they come to be arranged in a legal form, which I shall have to battle with the contractors and others, and in doing which your aid will be most invaluable to me.

  2. Contractors for the Cable, also request the honor of =Cyrus W.

  3. It was soon patent that, from all these causes combined, the company were not in a condition to fulfil their contract for supplying the railway contractors with iron rails.

  4. When the railway directors issued their prospectus, inviting all contractors to send in contracts for iron rails, etc.

  5. Though long well known in scientific circles, he first came into public prominence by his exposure of the frauds practiced by contractors in furnishing supplies for the Indians.

  6. It is a sufficient exposure of the mercenary spirit affecting the operations of these contractors of supplies.

  7. These contractors furnished the necessary flour, bread, pork, and beef for the service.

  8. He had worked for him and for other contractors many years; and while they had been making their fortunes, the navvy who had worked for them had fallen so low as to be found dying in a ditch.

  9. You know that many of the contractors and engineers, who have been engaged in the construction of railways, are men who have accumulated immense fortunes: the savings of some of them amount to millions.

  10. A number of other contractors had done like work for the Government and claimed to have demands growing out of the same for extra compensation.

  11. The work was to be of a specified thickness and the contractors were to be paid for the same at certain rates per superficial foot.

  12. This, it seems to me, would enable these contractors to open the whole question of compensation for extra work.

  13. But the bill does not provide that these contractors shall be limited in the Court of Claims to a recovery solely for loss occasioned by increase of the cost of labor and material during the delay caused by the Government.

  14. Thereupon a month's extra pay was allowed to him, and new contractors undertook the service and were paid therefor by the Government for the period covered by the claimant's alleged service.

  15. The different sums as thus adjusted were received by the contractors in settlement of their claims for extra expense, and receipts in full were given by them to the Government.

  16. A considerable number of horse stalls are kept at the Government depôts, and the contractors who work for the Government are bound to be ready to fit up a certain number of transports at short notice.

  17. The contractors at St. Vincent, Las Palmas and Teneriffe were also given special instructions, and a constant stream of colliers was kept going to the Cape.

  18. During this quarrel the contractors had taken possession of the mines, and worked them with great zeal, without troubling themselves about the protest.

  19. The contractors were at the same time reinstated, and Lorenzo de’ Medici entrusted with the final decision.

  20. I had a hunch that they'd been to contractors other than me.

  21. I took a lot of ribbing from contractors in that vicinity once the word got round that I was building Stoddard's house for him.

  22. Contractors who'd been tactless enough to offend them into taking their business elsewhere.

  23. For my part I shall go to the Ministry of Fine Arts, to settle that affair of the Comedie; and besides I've some calls to make, some contractors to see, and a big launching and advertisement affair to settle.

  24. I had a lot of worrying business, some contractors to see, a big advertisement affair to settle, and I feared that I should never be able to come and kiss your hand.

  25. The Department had entered into contracts, in obedience to existing laws, for the service of that fiscal year, and the contractors were fairly entitled to their compensation as it became due.

  26. In the meantime the contractors themselves, under these trying circumstances, have behaved in a manner worthy of all commendation.

  27. These balances embrace all delinquencies of post masters and contractors which have taken place since the organization of the Department.

  28. The efficiency and industry of its officers and the ability and energy of contractors justify an increased confidence in its continued prosperity.

  29. Progress is also being made among contractors engaged in furnishing Government services and requirements.

  30. Contractors and postmasters in general are represented as attending to their duties with most commendable zeal and fidelity.

  31. Greater equality of job opportunity in Federal employment and employment with Federal contractors has been effectively provided through the President's Committees on Government Contracts and Government Employment Practices.

  32. Volunteer associations of women in Chicago did so much in this direction that some of their members finally took the civil service examinations for garbage inspectors or contractors and several received official positions.

  33. Forty years ago, there was nothing known of contracts, except government contracts; and at that period the contractors were confined to making slops for the navy, the army, and the West India slaves.

  34. They get so much a uniform allowed them by government to clothe the men with; and then--then, they let out the jobs to the contractors at less than half what government give them, and pocket the difference.

  35. Contractors agreed to remove snags at so much per snag, within certain lengths and estimated weights, they furnishing the steamboats and machinery necessary for the work.

  36. The contractors who had fattened on their blood were hanging like leeches to every department of the national government, clamoring for more contracts to further inflate their already plethoric bank accounts.

  37. But these abuses, like the story of the bad and rotten boots provided by contractors for the Crimea, do not belong to a chronicle of fashion, but to the scandalous history of commerce.

  38. Profiteering" was rampant in the Crimean War, and Punch is eloquent in his denunciation of the contractors who supplied shoddy equipment and bad guns.

  39. The Virginian contractors failed to fulfil their engagements; of all the immense means of transportation so confidently promised, but fifteen waggons and a hundred draft-horses had arrived, and there was no prospect of more.

  40. He accused the army contractors of want of faith, honor, and honesty; and in his moments of passion, which were many, extended the stigma to the whole country.

  41. The man had made a reputation by taking over jobs other contractors had found too tough to finish.

  42. There were several workmen, an intelligent farmer called Ives, and Mr. Mountain, one of the contractors who had built the dam, all examining the crack.

  43. The firm of contractors who built this railway for the British Government had constructed some three years previously a small railway in Ireland, for which they had never been paid.

  44. It occurred to the contractors that they might utilise this material by building the Crimean Railway to the Irish gauge of 5 ft.

  45. It is possible to conceive that the Bedouin is so enamoured of tent life and nomadic habits, that he shuns a town as he would a man-trap; but surely civil engineers and railway contractors have no such dread of brick and mortar.

  46. One of the sub-contractors was a certain Carlist chief whom the government dared not arrest on account of his great influence.

  47. The contrivances which are resorted to to get hold of one another's prices beforehand by competing contractors are manifold; and, when they attend in person, they commonly put off the filling up of their tender till the last moment.

  48. Railway contractors such as Peto and Brassey at one time employed armies of workmen, more numerous than the contending hosts engaged in many a battle celebrated in history.

  49. It is but fair to state that in one celebrated instance neither engineers nor railway contractors were to blame.

  50. The manufacture was carried on by private individuals; but the whole of the brandy was of necessity disposed of to the administration, which, however, paid such a high price for it that the contractors made large profits.

  51. Its nature and regulations are so well known that they do not require a particular description, the general obligations of the contractors being the same as those in New Spain.

  52. He was one of the largest contractors on that portion of the road.

  53. They say that all military contractors are obliged to submit to it.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "contractors" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.