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Example sentences for "debtors"

Lexicographically close words:
debouchure; debout; debris; debt; debtor; debts; debuit; debut; debutante; debutantes
  1. For the poor debtors and other oppressed persons were very glad to have a new start in life.

  2. Of course many of these poor debtors were really industrious persons whom misfortune or sickness had driven into debt.

  3. It was an insurrection of debtors against usurers, and was in the end put down by the majority of the citizens.

  4. The impolicy of confining debtors was not to be fully realized till three more centuries had passed away.

  5. Debtors of all degrees were condemned to languish for years in prison, often for the most paltry sums.

  6. Debtors were too small fry to be often referred to in the chronicles of the times.

  7. One may as reasonably expect his dog," he says, "when chained to a post should catch a hare, as that poor debtors when in gaol should get wherewithal to pay their debts.

  8. My father, who had just come in from the street in a very black mood, complaining that many of his debtors had been killed, losing him all hope of collecting from them, received the wounded soldiers very badly.

  9. How am I going to claim the amounts without any documents to show, and when almost all my debtors are dead, and lying rotting about the streets!

  10. In fact, we supposed his view was to leave this part of the interest to stand on the general expressions of the treaty, that they might avail themselves, in individual cases, of the favorable dispositions of debtors or of juries.

  11. Fashion and folly are plunging them deeper and deeper into distress: and the legislators of the country becoming debtors also, there seems no hope of applying the only possible remedy, that of an immediate judgment and execution.

  12. How Pantagruel altogether abhorreth the debtors and borrowers.

  13. To judge of the perfection of debtors by the numerosity of their creditors is the readiest way for entering into the mysteries of practical arithmetic.

  14. On the contrary, be pleased to represent unto your fancy another world, wherein everyone lendeth and everyone oweth, all are debtors and all creditors.

  15. How Panurge praiseth the debtors and borrowers.

  16. Many times they delay making the final account of the debtors to the royal treasury, and fail to collect the balance of their debts, on account of private considerations.

  17. In order to accommodate individual debtors to the treasury, orders and notes are often received on account for the payment, and then they try to realize on them.

  18. The century or sanctuary was the place where debtors took refuge.

  19. Even though it was a universal custom to allow debtors and criminals to take refuge for a time in churches, they were not allowed to lodge there, but were maintained in a precinct outside.

  20. There we were to mix with the debtors and their mob of friends, and to await his joining us, which in that crowd he could do without much suspicion.

  21. In fact, in many cases poor debtors had to stay there all their lives.

  22. This was a famous prison where debtors were kept.

  23. Inside the walls of the Marshalsea the wives and children of unfortunate prisoners were allowed to come to live with them just as in a boarding-house or hotel, but the debtors themselves could never pass out of the gate.

  24. The next step will be to pass a law regulating descents, as it is called, under the provisions of which the debtors of the deceased can meet his obligations with a coin technically called "puppies.

  25. Those who had been debtors so long were reluctant to pay.

  26. Let my debtors have conscionable satisfaction.

  27. Such money paid into the United States treasury by unknown debtors is called the Conscience fund.

  28. In 1930 creditors and debtors adjusted themselves in better harmony, at least they kept in closer electrical touch with one another.

  29. In 1999, through the medium of electricity, the relations existing between creditors and debtors became closer and more binding.

  30. Imprisoned debtors who had less than five pounds and less that five pounds worth of trade tools and clothing and bedding for his family were ordered released in 1649.

  31. Exempted were those debtors for whom there was an objection by one of their creditors who paid for the maintenance of that debtor in prison.

  32. Also, gaol fever, a virulent form of typhus, was so prevalent in the large prisons for criminals and debtors that it frequently spread through the adjacent towns.

  33. In 1772, prison keepers were indemnified from creditors for any escapes of debtors due to conspiracy and break out with weapons and firearms rather than due to negligence of the prison keeper, as had been occurring.

  34. Georgia was chartered in 1733 on request of James Oglethorpe, who became its first governor, as a refuge for debtors and the poor and needy.

  35. Citizens of Great Britain may sue colonial debtors by oath before British magistrates and a debtor's colonial lands and houses and negroes may be used to satisfy his debts.

  36. The inconveniences of such a receptacle for debtors and malefactors in the neighborhood of the southern States, are obvious and great, and I wish the remedy were as certain and short as the latter seems to suppose.

  37. Almayer lived now alone, having even ceased to visit his debtors who would not pay, sure of Lakamba's protection.

  38. A man will forgive himself of grave sins when these are debtors to his love.

  39. We expected not an individual, but a syndicate, to accept our securities, to become debtors to the various banks on the continent.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "debtors" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.