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Example sentences for "confessedly"

Lexicographically close words:
confervoid; confes; confess; confesse; confessed; confesses; confesseth; confessing; confession; confessional
  1. But if we understand this Hunger in Jesus mystically, and figuratively of his Desires of the Fruits of the Spirit in his Church, it is sublime and noble; and the Emblem confessedly proper and instructive.

  2. The nickname confessedly arose, so far as France was concerned, first in Touraine, and became general at the time of the tumult of Amboise, nearly thirty years after the reformation of Geneva.

  3. Yet, as victims were wanted to appease the anger of the ruling family, two unhappy men expiated by their death a crime of which they were confessedly innocent.

  4. Though Tennyson was confessedly only remodeling the thoughts of the Thirteenth Century, we would not be willing to concede-- "That nothing new was said, or else.

  5. Confessedly this edifice is founded on Thirteenth Century scholasticism.

  6. Take for example the Dies Irae, confessedly the greatest of them, and it will be found that many of the great poets and literary men of the Nineteenth Century have counted it among their favorite poems.

  7. Indeed, whenever we try to do serious work at the present time, we confessedly go back from four to seven centuries for the models that we must follow.

  8. This was said though confessedly the explosion did not occur till about two in the morning.

  9. Here, then, after 500 words confessedly written on her second night, Mary says that this is her first day's work.

  10. However, as analogies are never satisfactory, let us be content to note that the Iliad confessedly differs in character from the Cypria, as the epic differs from the verse-chronicle.

  11. They are confessedly both wearied and demoralised by the success of Hector in breaking down the gate.

  12. Achaeans, not yet leavened with "Pelasgian" blood and beliefs, could not celebrate what they confessedly did not practise.

  13. The Cyclic poets were mere imitators of the Achaean epic: epic tradition of their own, the people of Attica and their Ionian colonists (confessedly mixed with a mongrel multitude) had none.

  14. Do not the wind, the influences of the weather and the seasons, act confessedly upon them?

  15. Whewell that they all began by being assumed, for the purpose of connecting them by deductions with those facts of experience on which, as evidence, they now confessedly rest.

  16. If there be any meaning which confessedly belongs to the term necessity, it is unconditionalness.

  17. That fact, therefore, can form no part of the signification of the word; for otherwise, when the fact confessedly ceased to be true, no one would any longer think of applying the name.

  18. Accordingly we may say, and the expression would be confessedly correct, that the cause of the stone's falling is its being within the sphere of the earth's attraction.

  19. Nor can the argument be evaded by talking of external evidences; for these also are confessedly moral evidences, to be judged of by our moral faculties.

  20. Not surely in the confessedly ill-proved miracle, but in the truth as discernible by the heart without aid of miracle.

  21. Country schoolmasters confessedly had these books on the school desks.

  22. If so, it belongs to the highest human virtues, which confessedly are extremely rare.

  23. There is also the example of Nietzsche, who confessedly required chloral in order to be able to exist.

  24. Mr. Binney says of him that, in the debates on the great constitutional questions, "he was confessedly the first man in the House.

  25. But since Spain was confessedly unequal to the task, why not let France shoulder the responsibility?

  26. The leaders among the Creoles and better class of Americans counted on a speedy escape from this autocratic government, which was confessedly temporary.

  27. To notice only one instance: the late Sir Joseph Banks appointed a gentleman who remained for years in that situation, although he was confessedly ignorant of every subject connected with the pursuits of the Society.

  28. The vast and virgin West, "confessedly but little known," lay waiting for a population.

  29. The country intervening between the most western limits of civilization and the recently settled territories of the Pacific," says the same early historian, "is confessedly little known.

  30. It is, however, generally agreed that the changes confessedly made by Bretonneau were merely formal.

  31. Footnote 585: A paraphrase, confessedly anachronistic, of 'Ne quis ergo venditionem sibi impositam conqueratur, sciat libertatem in crimine non requiri.

  32. This letter, though purporting to be from Gudelina, is confessedly written by Cassiodorus, and published by him at the end of his official career.

  33. Though confessedly fast in friendship, generous in disposition, and blameless in all the relations of life, few sincere Divines can forgive his hostility to their faith.

  34. To him the worship or adoration of what is confessedly unknown is mere superstition; and to him professors of theology are 'artists in words,' who pretend to teach what nobody has any conception of.

  35. Gauden, the reputed author, obtained his bishopric confessedly on the credit of that service.

  36. Yet though claiming to be a God-made interpretation, it is confessedly through human agency, through the human mind and lips of the prophets and of Christ that this revelation has come to us.

  37. Let it suffice to declare, that Remmy Carroll was confessedly the Admirable Crichton of the district.

  38. Surely, it will be said, John Bunyan was dreaming indeed when he kept a truly converted man, a confessedly true and sincere Christian, so long in bonds and in rags.

  39. He stood confessedly at the head of a most attractive and popular department of our literature, in which his extraordinary success had raised him up a fame that became national.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "confessedly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.