Relief will never make thee sensible Of thy disgraces; let thy wants compell thee to it.
But your dancing is voluntary, I can compell you to nothing.
If nature haue that force in her, she would compell all men alike.
Tis above wonder: could I as well rule Her will as her exterior actions, She should not thus reject you; but I cannot Limitt her mind, compell her to affect Against her liking.
Dost thinke her witts so limber to believe I couldcompell it from thee.
So him dismounted low, he did compell 8 On foot with him to matchen equall fight; The truncked beast fast bleeding, did him fowly dight.
I could compell †Both life and soul from thee, and send to hell †Those spoils of nature!
But (say you) it doth but make men hypocrites to compell men to conforme the outward man for feare of punishment.
You thinke to compell all men in matter of worship is to make men sinne (according to Rom.
These fiue and twentie were sworne to see the liberties granted and confirmed by the king to be in euerie point obserued, but if he went against the same, then they should haue authoritie to compell him to the obseruing of euerie of them.
The Pastor (saith he) must give his flock convenient food: Therefore the Pope may, and ought to compell Kings to doe their duty.
Thou wilte saie happelie / if it shoulde be so / their condition sholde be more miserable then the condicion of the Iewes / and Turckes / whom we do not compell to receyue our Religiõ.
That is / that they do compell no man to partake their wicked Idolatries.
And this shal the princes remedie very wel / if that they do not always beare with the corrupt blindnes of the vnbeleauers / but after sufficient teachinge do compell them to embrace true religion.
And strange it is, That Nature must compellvs to lament Our most persisted deeds Mec.
But hee hath forc'd vs to compell this Offer, And it proceedes from Pollicy, not Loue West.
You will compell me then to read the Will: Then make a Ring about the Corpes of Caesar, And let me shew you him that made the Will: Shall I descend?
Good Captaine will you giue me a Copy of the sonnet you writ to Diana in behalfe of the Count Rossillion, and I were not a verie Coward, I'de compellit of you, but far you well.
But] he is out of my power, and being in that Government I cannot compell him to deliver up th.
The Capitane replyed, "That he had power to command and to compell thame to go whare he yead.
May not my Lord compell me to ansuer to his extorte power?
How or when I should have naturally awakened, I cannot tell; but the pressure of my affairs, and the arrival of your last letter, compell me to remember that you are entrusted with the final amputation of the best limb of my property.
As among sundrie other, what wickednesse was it, to compell teachers of children in grammer schooles to sweare neuer to instruct any in their art?
Sidenote: The Norfolk rebelscompell the noblemen & gentlemen to be sworne to them.
I wolde nat that any of you shulde thynke that I am now come amonge you nat remembrynge my condicion and state / but the como[n] ieopardy that we be all now in / wyll compell euery man to open and [D.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "compell" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.