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Example sentences for "communicatio"

Lexicographically close words:
communicate; communicated; communicates; communicateth; communicating; communication; communications; communicative; communicativeness; communicator
  1. Cyril as impius, impugnator Christi, novus haereticus, with a denial of the communicatio idiomatum, which left little if any doubt as to his own position.

  2. It led to the formulating of the Christological doctrine in such a form as prepared the way for the later Lutheran theories of the Communicatio idiomatum and the Ubiquitas corporis Christi (ยง 141, 9).

  3. In Origen's case we may speak of a communicatio idiomatum (see Bigg, p.

  4. This passage has been used in scientific theology as the basis of a principle or theory called the "Communicatio Idiomatum," a theory which finds an illustration in two other notable passages of Scripture, St. John iii.

  5. The monophysite confounds the natures, and so he has no right to appeal to the communicatio idiomatum.

  6. Both these phrases have scriptural authority, and they are justified by the communicatio idiomatum.

  7. This is an instance of the communicatio idiomatum.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "communicatio" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    communication trench; communication trenches