Digni and idonei are here used in a bad sense, for digni et idonei qui poena afficiantur, deserving and fit objects for punishment.
A sad blunder has been made by Stanley in his transcription of La pouldre dherbe qui mangent whose Patagonian equivalent is capac.
He adds a detail too characteristic of the time to be omitted--'Sed eucharistiae viaticum, ipsius instinctu quieum percusserat, non percepit.
Robert de Borron, and it is further stated that he translated from Latin into French--Et ensi le temoigne me sires robiers de borron qui a translatee de latin en franchois cheste estoire (ii.
And of this opinion was Juno in those words, tua, qui potes, orsa reflectas.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "qui" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.