I quote from my diary: "The tension on the men was great.
To show my reading of the situation at the time I quote from a letter of mine to Joseph B.
It will not be necessary to quote from a recent guide-book that "no intelligent person probably believes that such a character ever really existed or had such an experience.
As this account is apparently authentic, and as the statements made have never been contradicted, I do not hesitate to quote from it.
If you would the better understand the real task that these women faced, permit me to quote from a letter written by one of them: "The most entertaining part of my work is writing letters home for the wounded boys.
Let me quote from Toot Sweet--the little fortnightly newspaper which our American Red Cross printed for the boys convalescing there at Savenay.
And while I am quoting, perhaps I can do no better than to quote from a report of Major Perkins, himself, in which he summed up the work of the American Red Cross after its first year in France.
Let me quote from one of these letters of a Red Cross searcher.
X And lastly, in order to bring us back to our main subject, let us quote from a stray leaf of a lost MS.
The historian of our literature is tempted to linger over this "Prologue" and to quote from it passage after passage to show how keenly and yet kindly our first modern poet observed his fellow-men.
Quote from Landor's poems to illustrate his tenderness, his sensitiveness to beauty, his power of awakening emotion, his delicacy of characterization.
Quote from Childe Harold to illustrate your opinion.
Quote from Wordsworth's poems to show his belief that nature is conscious; to show the influence of nature on man; to show his interest in children; his sensitiveness to sounds; to illustrate the chastening influence of sorrow.
Mr. Huxley allows me to quote from a letter an account of the happy chance that threw into his hands the opportunity of writing it.
How disingenuous to quote from my remark to you about my BRIEF letter [published in the 'Linn.
I quote from an old author who has examined the matter more fully than I find it treated elsewhere.
I quote from New Monthly Magazine for 1836, which gave an account of some incidents in the first Sir John Kennaway's life at the time of his death.
The next letter I quote fromis dated from Church Street, Old Eastbourne, August, 1850.
The next entry [Footnote: I quote from a copy I had made from Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, N.
I quote from one of his pamphlets: The propertied classes are like people who go into a public theatre and refuse to let anyone else come in, treating as private property what is meant for social use.
I quote from "The Jungle": Here in this city tonight, ten thousand women are shut up in foul pens, and driven by hunger to sell their bodies to live.
I quote from the Coventry Miracles, better known than either of the other two sets in existence, the Chester Plays and those of Widkirk Abbey.
I do not care, in my limited space, to quote from it.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "quote from" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.