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Example sentences for "classificatory"

Lexicographically close words:
classick; classics; classifiable; classification; classifications; classified; classifier; classifiers; classifies; classify
  1. The most recent comprehensive work on this order, and very important from a classificatory standpoint.

  2. The volumes of the "Zoologische Jahresberichte" since 1887 contain no titles upon systematic and classificatory zoology, but only such as refer to biology.

  3. One division is Vegetable Physiology, which is generally fused with the classificatory science of botany.

  4. The classificatory adjunct sciences are Botany and Zoology.

  5. For "biology" is sometimes given as the name for the two concrete classificatory sciences--botany and zoology.

  6. In the working of that scheme, however, Biology is made to comprehend both the mother science, Physiology, and the two classificatory sciences, Botany and Zoology.

  7. How the different genera are to be arranged within the general scheme indicated depends in the main on the classificatory value attributed to individual characters.

  8. We shall hereafter, I think, clearly see why embryological characters are of such high classificatory importance.

  9. No doubt this view of the classificatory importance of organs which are important is generally, but by no means always, true.

  10. The term group is applied in this book to divisions of the animal kingdom of very different classificatory importance.

  11. The manus of the members of this great order is of very great classificatory and morphological importance.

  12. In dismissing the Onderdonk scheme as having but limited application for classificatory purposes, acknowledgment is made that it serves other purposes very well.

  13. In the classificatory scheme in most common use in America, that of Onderdonk and Price, variation in hardiness is the chief determinant of groups.

  14. By 1818 as many as three classificatory schemes had been proposed, all being modifications of the same general arrangement.

  15. The flowers of peaches are very characteristic, helping to delineate the groups in the several classificatory schemes of various pomologists and being ample to identify not a few varieties.

  16. Professor Price, too, found as he went northward that his classificatory scheme was less dependable.

  17. I rather differ on the rank under the classificatory point of view which you assign to Man: I do not think any character simply in excess ought ever to be used for the higher division.

  18. The classificatory system has many other features which mark it off more or less sharply from our own mode of denoting relationship, but I do not think it would be profitable to attempt a full description at this stage of our enquiry.

  19. All those peoples who use the classificatory system are capable of such exact description of relationship as I have mentioned.

  20. They have failed to see that the classificatory system may be the result neither of promiscuity nor of polyandry, and yet have been determined, both in its general character and in its details, by forms of social organisation.

  21. As I have said, the object of these lectures is to show how the various features of the classificatory system have arisen out of, and can therefore be explained historically by, social facts.

  22. If that task can be accomplished, we shall have firm ground from which to take off in the attempt to refer the general characters of the classificatory and other systems of relationship to forms of social organisation.

  23. I have now tried to show the dependence of special features of the classificatory system of relationship upon special social conditions.

  24. The result of the complete survey has been to justify my use of the classificatory system as the means whereby to demonstrate the dependence of the terminology of relationship upon social conditions.

  25. It is only when forced to do so by exceptional circumstances that the law recognises any of the persons to whom the more classificatory of our terms of relationship apply.

  26. These three stages then, the empirical or practical, the classificatory or comparative, and the evolutionary, are applicable to the development of all the inductive sciences.

  27. Thus from the classificatory or comparative we pass gradually into the third stage, which I have spoken of as the theoretical, but which may perhaps be more clearly defined as the evolutionary.

  28. I presume that it will not be disputed that we here have instances of great variability in organs of the highest physiological importance, and with most plants of the highest classificatory importance.

  29. To show the importance of this modification under a classificatory point of view, I may quote what Prof.

  30. The arrangement of the lamellae and pads differs much in the various genera and is used for classificatory purposes.

  31. In this way minerals radically different were associated on the ground of what is generally a superficial and accidental character, and rarely of any classificatory value.

  32. Morgan, in his interesting memoir of the classificatory system of relationship.

  33. The terms of relationship used in different parts of the world may be divided, according to the author just quoted, into two great classes, the classificatory and descriptive, the latter being employed by us.

  34. It is the classificatory system which so strongly leads to the belief that communal and other extremely loose forms of marriage were originally universal.

  35. It is not my intention here to describe the several so-called races of men; but I am about to enquire what is the value of the differences between them under a classificatory point of view, and how they have originated.

  36. Finally, with a bold disregard of the logician's classificatory rules, these Utopian statesmen who devised the World State, hewed out in theory a class of the Base.

  37. Now one perceives in all these aggregatory ideas and rearrangements of the sympathies one of the chief vices of human thought, due to its obsession by classificatory suggestions.

  38. It would be possible and very desirable to devise and standardize an additional test of this kind, but requiring the giving of an essential resemblance or classificatory similarity.

  39. Why, it may be asked, is the use definition regarded as inferior to the descriptive or the classificatory definition?

  40. But why, it may naturally be asked, why should the discovery of Sanskrit have wrought so complete a change in the classificatory study of languages?

  41. In doing this we enter on the second or classificatory stage of our science; for genealogy, where it is applicable, is the most perfect form of classification.

  42. Many sciences, while passing through this second or classificatory stage, assume the title of comparative.

  43. In this way the second or classificatory leads us naturally to the third or final stage--the theoretical, or metaphysical.

  44. Yet he believes that the Malayan nomenclature, which lies at the basis of Morgan's classificatory system, "had its origin in some early marriage-law.

  45. According to his view the classificatory nomenclatures are merely terms of address, used to denote the sex, relative age, or the "external, or social relationship in which the speaker stands to the person whom he addresses.

  46. More recent and more detailed examination of the classificatory nomenclatures has thrown new light on their meaning; although their origin in promiscuity or "group-marriage" has not been conclusively established.

  47. So far as the Australians are concerned, the theory that the classificatory nomenclatures are merely terms of address is positively rejected.

  48. The views of Morgan and McLennan are examined by Wake in his "Classificatory Systems of Relationship," ibid.

  49. Mucke, as we have already seen, explains the classificatory system as being a survival of the primitive "space-relationships" of the primitive horde.

  50. The classificatory systems of consanguinity, it should be carefully noted, are more tenacious than the forms of marriage, their nomenclatures often surviving long after the actual relationships they denote have ceased to exist.

  51. A strong argument is also derived from the "classificatory system of consanguinity.

  52. Its real foundation is the assumption that the nomenclatures of the classificatory systems of relationship must necessarily denote actual relationships.

  53. The classificatory system, in some cases, appears clearly as a device to assist nature in confining marriage within the same generation.

  54. That Mr. McLennan's hypothesis to account for the origin of the classificatory system of relationship does not account for its origin.

  55. It is the simplest, and therefore the oldest form, of the classificatory system, and reveals the primitive form on which the Turanian and Ganowanian were afterwards engrafted.

  56. Having collected the facts which established the existence of the classificatory system of consanguinity, I ventured to submit, with the Tables, an hypothesis explanatory of its origin.

  57. In attempting to explain the origin of the classificatory system, Mr. Morgan made two radical mistakes.

  58. That Mr. McLennan's hypothesis to account for the origin of the classificatory system does not account for its origin.

  59. He starts, then, without any material from Nair or Tibetan sources, and with forms of marriage-law that never existed among the tribes and nations possessing the classificatory system of relationship.

  60. He employs them in his attempted explanation of the origin of the classificatory system of relationship.

  61. This is one of the characteristics of the classificatory system.

  62. It will be noticed that the two radical forms--the classificatory and the descriptive--yield nearly the exact line of demarkation between the barbarous and civilized nations.

  63. While the descriptive system is the same in the Aryan, Semitic, and Uralian families, the classificatory has two distinct forms.

  64. Finally, Mr. McLennan plants himself upon two alleged mistakes which vitiate, in his opinion, my explanation of the origin of the classificatory system.

  65. Morgan, in his interesting memoir on the classificatory system of relationship ('Proc.

  66. In the determination of birds by the use of a classificatory "key" (see p.

  67. Indeed some teachers may find these two branches to offer quite sufficient work in classificatory and ecological lines.

  68. A second inroad into the classificatory scheme was made by the provision that children under seven might be placed in any female ward, whether that of the sick women, that of the aged and infirm women, or even that of the able-bodied women.

  69. There is no provision for infants at the breast, who, by the classificatory scheme, were ordered to be separated from their mothers.

  70. The seven classes insisted on by the classificatory scheme of the Central Authority were (i.

  71. In 1847, still without amendment of the classificatory scheme, the guardians were allowed to permit a mother and her infant children to occupy the same bed.

  72. Meanwhile, however, the Central Authority was breaking down by inconsistent provisions the classificatory scheme which it left still figuring in the forefront of its Consolidated Orders.

  73. Service But it was in its rules as to the services to be rendered by the workhouse inmates that the Central Authority most effectually undermined its own classificatory scheme, and practically destroyed any real segregation.

  74. The modern student is struck at once by the omissions in this compulsory classificatory scheme.

  75. We have first a rigid and logical classificatory scheme, imposed with the force of law.

  76. But even then there was no order made on the subject; no alteration of the classificatory scheme; and no general recommendation to all boards of guardians.

  77. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "classificatory" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    analytic; analytical; binomial; categorical; characteristic; defining; differential; distinctive; divisional; ordinal; particular; peculiar; special; specific; typical