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Example sentences for "destroied"

Lexicographically close words:
desto; destos; destre; destrier; destroie; destroieng; destroy; destroye; destroyed; destroyer
  1. So likewise of Carthage, destroied by the Romaines.

  2. King Arthur at his returne into Britaine, found that Mordred had [Sidenote: Rather Cerdicke as Leland thinketh.

  3. Mauricius, and thirtéenth of Chilperike king of France.

  4. But other write, that it did begin about the 30 yéere after the first comming of Hengist, which should be two yéeres sooner.

  5. Penda the sonne of Wilba succéeded in the gouernement of the kingdome of Mercia after Ciarlus, and began his reigne in the yéere of our Lord 636.

  6. The next daie Richard Marshall hauing thus got the victorie, destroied certeine houses and lordships there in the marshes which belonged to the said Iohn of Monmouth.

  7. Sidenote: A naughtie wretch meant to haue destroied the K.

  8. They tooke and destroied the lands and possessions which were great and large, of Griffin Brunet, being fled for safegard of his life vnto the king of England.

  9. About the same time, Leolin prince of Wales destroied the lands of prince Edward in Cheshire, and the marshes thereabouts.

  10. None of them destroied their countries more than he did: neither did anie prince make more of the Britains tributaries, or inhabited more of their countries with English people than he.

  11. This Gurmundus tooke Cirencester or Chichester, and destroied it in most cruell maner.

  12. King Lothaire durst not appéere in the field to giue him battell, so that Edilred went thorough the countrie, destroied the citie of Rochester, and with great riches gotten by the spoile he returned home.

  13. He also set vpon the Ile of Wight, and well-néere destroied all the inhabitants, meaning to inhabit it with his owne people.

  14. Rome, and by the waie destroied all that stood before them.

  15. Rees hauing alreadie put armour vpon his backe, would not now incline to any peace, but to reuenge his cause, assembled a great multitude of Welshmen, with whose helpe he burnt & destroied manie townes in Wales so that the K.

  16. King Henrie wanting monie in the feast of saint Faith the virgine, assembled at Couentrie his high court of parlement, in the which, the lord Stephan Scroope of Masham, and the lord Henrie Fitz Hugh obteined first to haue places of barons.

  17. Also a great part of Cheshire was destroied by pirats of Norway.

  18. So that the matter is come now to this passe, that we haue not cause onlie to feare the losse of our gouernement, but least the name of the whole English nation be destroied for euer.

  19. About the same time was Bambrough destroied by the Danes, which arriued after in Humber, and wasted the countrie of Lindsey and Yorkeshire, on either side that riuer.

  20. Then turning through the west countrie, with fire & sword they wasted and destroied a great part thereof, & namelie Wiltshire, with other parties.

  21. Kent, and spoiled the Ile of Tenet, the towne of Southampton, and in the yeere following they destroied S.

  22. The Englishmen were brought into some distresse in this iornie, by reason of their vittels in maner spent, and no hope to get more: for the enimies had destroied all the corne before they came.

  23. Also they caused all the corne and vittels to be conueied awaie, or destroied in all places, where it was coniectured that the Englishmen would passe.

  24. Sidenote: Corne & vittels destroied where the Englishmen should passe.

  25. For in the third yeere of his reigne, Edred in the reuenge of such disloiall dealings in the Northumbers, destroied the countrie with fire & swoord, sleaing the most part of the inhabitants.

  26. Some also he destroied which séemed to serue the enimies turne for harborough, as a castell at Temnesford, which the Danes builded and fortified.

  27. The same monasterie was after destroied by Danes.

  28. But this Aulafe in the yeare following, after he had destroied the church of saint Balter, and burned Tinningham, departed this life.

  29. But manie mo followed king Henrie, in hope to get by the spoile: for his armie spoiled and burned townes, and destroied fields whersoeuer he came.

  30. Also whereas Hugh de Mortimer had fensed his castels against king Henrie, he besieged the same, and taking the castell of Cleberie, he destroied it.

  31. Beauuoisin, burned manie villages in the same, and destroied the strong castell of Gerberie, except one turret, which his souldiers could not take, by reason of the fire and smoke which staied and kept them from it.

  32. Moreouer, king Henrie, to auoid further slander, placed for bishop in the see of Lincolne a bastard son which he had named Geffrey, after he had kept that bishoprike in his hands so long till he had almost cleerelie destroied it.

  33. The lord Roger Damorie entring into the citie of Worcester destroied all that which the K.

  34. In this meane time the Scots now that the truce was ended, entring with a strong power into England, destroied all the countrie to Newcastell vpon Tine with fire and sword.

  35. They tooke, spoiled and destroied so much in value of his goods as amounted vnto two thousand pounds.

  36. Herewith the said sir Gilbert being aduanced in pride, proclaimed himselfe duke of Northumberland, and ioining in freendship with Robert Bruce the Scotish king, cruellie destroied the countie of Richmond.

  37. His brother Tostie that was earle of Northumberland, met him by [Sidenote: Wales destroied and harried by the Englishmen.

  38. I find in like sort mention of a noble citie called Alcluid ouer and beside these afore mentioned, sometime builded by Ebracus of Britaine, as the fame goeth, and finallie destroied by the Danes, about the yeare of Grace 870.

  39. And they haue rid before Agen, and burnt and destroied all their milles, and haue burnt and broken downe all their bridges that lie ouer Garon, and haue taken a castell without the same towne, and haue fortified it.

  40. Afterward, he entered into the countie of Lisle, and tooke the most part of the fensed townes therin, causing diuerse of them to be burnt and destroied as he passed.

  41. This doone, he went into the countie d'Astrike, wherin he tooke manie townes, wasted and destroied all the countrie.

  42. After this, he entred into the countie of Cominge, and tooke manie townes there, which he caused to be destroied & burnt, togither with all the countrie abroad.

  43. And please it you to vnderstand, that my lord hath ridden through the countrie of Arminac, and hath taken many fensed townes and burnt and destroied them, except certeine which he hath fortified.

  44. So then we marched through the seigniorie of Tholouse, & tooke manie good townes inclosed, and burnt and destroied them, and all the countrie about.

  45. They destroied the countries as they went, and marched not past three leages a day.

  46. In this foure and thirtith yeare of king Edward, men and cattell were destroied in diuerse places of this realme, by lightening and tempest; also houses were set on fire and burnt, and manie strange and woonderfull sights seene.

  47. In this duchie were an hundred strong townes and fortresses, able to be kept and holden, beside them which were destroied by the warres; and in the same is one archbishoprike, and six bishopriks.

  48. An other armie, vnder the leading of sir Ambrose de Lore, wasted and destroied all the countrie about Caen.

  49. This lustie and most valiant capteine entered into Maine, where he slue men, destroied castels, burnt townes, and in conclusion suddenlie tooke the towne of Lauall.

  50. Miserable was the state of the English at that time, one being consumed of another so vnnaturallie, manie of them destroied by the Scots so cruellie, and the residue kept vnder by the king so tyrannicallie.

  51. Wherevpon Gospatrike being latelie reconciled to the king & made earle of Northumberland, was sent against him, who sacked and destroied that part of Cumberland which the said Malcolme by violence had brought vnder his subiection.

  52. Cunedag, he burned and destroied the countrie before him in miserable maner.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "destroied" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.