He tossed his cigarette hastily out of the open window.
He finished his cigaretteand a glass of kümmel, at the same time scanning the evening newspaper.
He had grave dark eyes with a little glint in them, and slim yellow hands with brown tips to some of the fingers, and was just then twisting a cigarette between them.
He was also Chefe, Commandant and Administrator, which he never forgot, and he sat on the veranda smoking cigarette after cigarette while Dom Luiz toiled for once very strenuously half the night.
Ah," he said, with a wave of his unlighted cigarette which was vaguely expressive of resignation, "it is the Englishman Ormsgill or the American missionary.
Dom Clemente smoked out his cigarette before he answered, and then he waved one of his hands.
Dom Clemente lighted a cigarette before he turned to his guest with a little dry smile.
Carlo puffed the smoke of a cigarette rapidly, and Agostino replied for him:-- "From the quarter where the best donkeys are to be had.
Luigi confessed (owing to a singular recovery of his memory) the gift of the cigarette as coming from the Signorina Vittoria.
Tobacco smoke diluted with sea breeze is delicious," she said, as the wind whirled the aromatic smoke of his cigarette up into her face.
Time enough after you marry," she said deliberately, and lighted a cigarette from a candle, recreating her knees the other way.
He drew another Sirdar from his case and sat staring at the rain-smeared night, twisting the frail fragrant cigarette to bits between his fingers.
She seldom smoked, but seeing on the table a stray cigarette of the sort she kept for any intimates who might desire them, she stretched out her arm, scratched a match, and lighted it with a dainty grimace.
But I don't, except to make floating rings and cabalistic signs out ofcigarette smoke.
She had grown pink and restless under his gaze, using her cigarette frequently, and continually flicking the ashes to the floor, until the little finger of her glove was blackened.
He scratched a cigarette on the sole of his shoe and inhaled hugely.
But one thing was clear to Walker, and he pondered it deeply as he sucked on the last quarter-inch of his cigarette and poured himself another cup of cold black coffee.
Walker scraped a cigarette out of the half-empty pack in his pocket.
She watched him with puzzled eyes till the cigarette was alight and he smiled at her through the smoke, his swarthy face full of mocking humour.
His mouth twitched mockingly as he put the cigarette between his lips.
Finally, he dropped the end of his cigarette into a tray and spoke.
There is nothing to keep me here," he said, and absently accepted a cigarette from the case that Saltash proffered.
Bunny, with a cigarette between his lips, turned and laughed at him without a hint of discomfiture.
The cigarette fell from his lips into the dark water and there came a faint sound like the hiss of a serpent in the stillness.
His cigarettefell to the ground and he stooped for it, but Jake, still holding his shoulder, stooped also, picked it up and flung it straight out of the window.
He regarded her steadily for several seconds before, very deliberately, he transferred his attention to Saltash, who nonchalantly awaited his turn, tapping the cigarette on the lid of his case with supreme indifference.
He snapped his fingers and laughed as he had laughed a little earlier when his cigarette had fallen into the water with a sound like the hiss of a serpent.
Saltash puffed at his cigarette for a few seconds.
He looked down at Toby for some seconds in silence, idly tapping the cigarette he held against the case.
Her behaviour was a model of decorum throughout, but returning she begged Jake for a cigarette as a reward of virtue.
When he returned some minutes later with a half-smoked cigarette between his lips, she was sitting demurely awaiting him, the picnic ready spread.
Maseden was rolling a cigarettein true Spanish style.
Maseden smiled grimly behind a cloud of cigarettesmoke because of the absurd shock which the words administered.
Maseden conserved the cigarette for another volume of smoke, and pulled down the chin-strap determinedly.
Vincenza leaped to his feet, and the cigarette he had lighted dropped from his fingers.
There was a moment's silence, broken only by a muttered oath from Vincenza as he threw the unfinished cigarette to the ground, and began to roll another, this time with better success.
After putting the money in a brief-case he carried, he took out a cigarette and asked me to light it for him, still covering me, of course.
Both men say the room smelled of cigarette smoke, so the burglars must have just left.
Fordney, picking up from the ground an unsmoked cigarette of English manufacture.
And again in the third reel came the order: "Cut out all scenes of girl's smoking cigarette at table.
Here the Board of Censors curtly ordered: "First Reel--Cut out girl smoking cigarette which she takes from man.
She leaned over and put her cigarette on the back of my celluloid mirror, and then suddenly she threw back her head and laughed.
She reached down into the pocket of her dressing-gown and brought up a cigarette and a match.
The fingers with which Billy Wingo then proceeded to make a cigarette were steady and sure in every movement.
Billy Wingo rolled and lit a placid cigarette before he spoke.
When Rafe said his last word, Jack Murray laid his unlighted cigarette across the end of his left index finger and teetered it slowly.
The cigarette slipped into the fork of two fingers.
When hiscigarette was going well he lazed over on his side, supporting his head on a crooked arm, and gazed abroad between half-shut lids.
Looks like Jack Murray's sorrel," he mused, holding the cigarettein the corner of his mouth and rocking it up and down.
The flames of the new fire were regarded with reverence; no one was allowed to light a cigarette from it or otherwise profane it.
I have often seen a little girl take a cigarette from between her father's lips, give it a few puffs, and return it, he all the while either indifferent to or unconscious of the act.
Donner searched in his pockets and pulled out a cigarette pack.
Looking back at it, I agree with you," said Donner, taking out a cigarette and lighting it.
He fidgeted nervously with a cigarette as he spoke.
Receiving her reply, he lit a cigarette and went out, assuring himself that so far she promised well.
Eva threw away the cigarette she held and sat upright.
At least I am," affirmed Anthony, dropping the end of his cigaretteinto an ash-tray.
Mitrofan took a cigarette from the porter's fingers with thanks, and recalled sadly his own Japanese cigarette case, his study, his dear blue copy books.
He lit a cigarette and felt that it was too much for him--the smoke was so bitter and unpleasant.
Bargamot, as he made a cigarette and began reluctantly to suck at it.
I kept my temper till the trainer handed me the cigarette and a match, and the first puff I realized that they had filled the cigarette with snuff, and after blowing out the smoke I began to sneeze, and the audience fairly went wild.
The crazy boys who bring up in the asylum are only the few wretched examples of the cigarette mania.
Moreover, the cigarette smoker uses a very considerable amount of tobacco during the course of a day.
If a boy becomes an inveterate cigarette smoker, the chances are greatly against any reformation.
The connection between cigarette smoking, mental imbecility, idiocy, and crime has recently attracted more than usual attention.
No boy or young man can smoke a cigarette without being harmed thereby.
But if any better record is to be made for him, the boy and the cigarette must have a prompt and final separation.
Every boy who smokes a cigarette has started to go to the bad.
There was an empty cigarette box, the usual collection of circulars, a dozen torn business letters, and so on.
He almost swallows his cigarette from the jar he gets, being spoken to by a common cloakroom checker.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cigarette" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: butt; fag; stub