For sich a certeyn man Syker wold I trosten, That he wolde telle me the trewthe, And turne to non other.
I prey the," quath Peres, "Put that out of thy mynde; Certeyn for soule hele I say the this wordes.
Ich highed to her house, To herken of more; And when I came to that court, I gaped aboute, 310 Swich a bild bold Y-buld upon erthe heighte Say I nought in certeyn Syththe a long tyme.
The summa of your standardis for certeyn reconyd the Mondaye and the Tewsdaye whill I was at Sporle wyth in .
I putte yow in certeyn that I wull nevyr pay him peny of that duty that ys owyng to hym, thow he sue me for yt, not of myn owyn pursse; for I wul nat be compellyd to pay yowyr dettes azens my well, and thow I wuld, I may nat.
For if ye be thus disposid ye shall make them and all othere certeyn of that that befor this tyme thei haue ben in dought, and cause them to purpose the more cruelly agayn you.
Do your devoir now, and lete me send you no mor massangers for this maters; but send me be the berer her of more certeyn comfort than ye have do be all other that I have sent be for.
At the reverence of God, gete you a licens of my Lord of Caunterbery in dyschargyng of my conscyens and yowris, to mynystre a certeyn summe of iij.
Barker sclaundred me yn certeynmaters of gode to the some of v^c.
Kyng certeyn lettres and juste tytyngs that sege is comyng to Caleys.
And therupon my Lorde of Warwik hath comaunded certeyn gentilmen to entre in the same place, and your maistership hadde be moved ther in or this, but for cause that ye love wel Lumpnour,[8.
And the seid John Russe prayd me to remembir that I had grauntyd hym the maner of Akthorp in Leystoft, at a certeyn prise, as it apperyd by writyng undir my seall, and desired me that I wold take the seid somme in party of payment.
Sir John edified at Caster be the see in Norfolk, and certeyn livelode to be immortesid[53.
Also in this yere on the firste day of March Maistr' William Taillor prest, was disgraded of his ordre of presthood; and in the morwe after he was brent in Smythefeld for certeyn poyntes of heresye.
John Oldcastell, arested and put into the Tour of London, for certeyn poyntes of heresye whiche he held ayens the beleve of holy chirche: and after he brak prison and wente away.
In this yere John Northampton, John More and Richard Norbury were dampned into the tour of London, to be drawe and honged for certeyn congregacion mad ayeyns the pees in the citee of London.
The saide Stephen had obteyned the kinges warrant for the same, oneles his highnes had now sent hym into Germany for thexpedicion of certeyn his affayres there.
The kynges highnes also intendeth to practise certeyn thynges in the said parties of Germany, concernyng the Auctoryte of the Bisshop of Rome.
A Mynute of certeyn letteres responsyve to on at Rome A mynute of a Lettere to intymate to the Pope the Kinges desyre to haue him condiscend to the dyvorce & to allowe the second maryage.
And for Asmoche As I haue seene the Deed made ‹to› John Crede for certeyn Landes in my mannour of Rompney called the Splottes And other Londes there.
Please you to wete that the pryour and convent of Norwych have wyth holden certeyn rent for londes that they holden of me wythynne my maner of Harlyston, and the ij.
And because Spordauns had no certeyn tydyngs, we thought ye schuld take them a worthe tyl more certayn.
And on the morwe the Kyng and the seyde Duke, with other certeyn Lordes, come in to the Bysshops of London, and there kept resydens with joye and solempnyte, concludyng to holde the parlement at London, the ix.
My brother promytted me a certeyn somme when I maryed, and I shall hafe it of my sister yff I may.
Han certeyndoon hit for bountee And for no maner other thing.
I[~t]m the xviij daye paied to golde for certeyn doubelets and hosen made for the king[s] boyes As it dothe appere by his bille.
The defence of John Hales agenstcerteyn sclaundres and false reaportes made of hym.
Tragedie is to seyn a certeyn storie, As olde bokes maken us memorie, Of him that stood in greet prosperitee 3165 And is y-fallen out of heigh degree Into miserie, and endeth wrecchedly.
But what that god forwoot mot nedes be, After the opinioun of certeyn clerkis.
What seye we eek of putours that liven by the horrible sinne of putrie, and constreyne wommen to yelden to hem a certeyn rente of hir bodily puterie, ye, somtyme of his owene wyf or his child; as doon this baudes?
This Nicholas answerde, 'fecche me drinke; And after wol I speke in privetee Of certeyn thing that toucheth me and thee; I wol telle it non other man, certeyn.
For to non other creature certeyn Of this matere he dorste no word seyn.
By processe and by lengthe of certeynyeres Al stinted is the moorning and the teres (2110) Of Grekes, by oon general assent.
Our orpiment and sublymed Mercurie, Our grounden litarge eek on the porphurie, 775 Of ech of thise of ounces a certeyn Nought helpeth us, our labour is in veyn.
I am certeyn that þe kinges highnesse will yeove you a grete Laude & speciall thankinges & alle the land hath cause to do þe same.
And therfore that that I have devised zou of certeyn contrees, that I have spoken of before, I beseche zoure worthi and excellent noblesse, that it suffise to zou at this tyme.
And than the prelate of the religiouse men seythe before him certeyn orisouns, and zevethe him a blessynge with the cros: and he enclynethe to the blessynge fulle devoutly.
This Emperour Prestre John hathe evere more 7 kynges with him, to serve him: and thei departen hire service be certeyn monethes.
And ther ben certeyn men in every town, that serven of non other thing; and thei clepen hem Cadeberiz, that is to seyne, the foles of Wanhope.
And thanne wolde he maken hem to drynken of certeyn drynk, where of anon thei scholden be dronken.
But certeyn is, er Troilus him leyde, Deiphebus had him prayed, over night, To been a freend and helping to Criseyde.
But certeyn is, som maner Ialousye 1030 Is excusable more than som, y-wis.
Thus am I lost, for ought that I can see; For certeyn is, sin that I am hir knight, I moste hir honour levere han than me 570 In every cas, as lovere oughte of right.
I was wroght, And for certeyn effectes hider broght 165 By him that lordeth ech intelligence, I yaf my trewe servise and my thoght, For evermore--how dere I have hit boght!
And when that I, by lengthe of certeyn yeres, Had ever in oon a tyme sought to speke, To Pite ran I, al bespreynt with teres, 10 To preyen hir on Crueltee me awreke.
Than tolde he him, in certeyn yeres space, That every sterre shulde come into his place Ther hit was first; and al shulde out of minde That in this worlde is don of al mankinde.
Whan she me blamed, with al hir might, To medle of love, that hath me shent; 4545 But certeyn now I wol repent.
That wel unnethe it seen was in his chere; But at the yate ther she sholde oute ryde With certeyn folk, he hoved hir tabyde, So wo bigoon, al wolde he nought him pleyne, That on his hors unnethe he sat for peyne.
Han certeyn doon hit for bountee, And for no maner other thing.
Grisild is deed, and eek hir pacience, also And bothe at oones buried in Itayle; once For whiche I crye in open audience No weddid man so hardy be to assayle His wyves pacience, in hope to fynde Grisildes, for in certeyn he schal fayle.
And alle at oo certeyn day They come þyder in gode aray, 136 And kept þeire Cesone at Carlyon, At þe Castelle Cayrlyone.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "certeyn" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.