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Example sentences for "certein"

Lexicographically close words:
certatim; certayn; certayne; certaynly; certe; certeine; certeinelie; certeinlie; certeinly; certen
  1. Or, if necessité of thynge comynge Be cause certein of the purveyinge.

  2. John, Duke of Alencon, taken prisoner at the battle of Verneuil in 1424.

  3. It is no grete maistre to gader up that mony, if it wer wele labord.

  4. Berthelmew Elysse hathe ben with my Lorde, and made a relesse to my Lord; and Sir Will Chamberleine was ther ij.

  5. I sende myn Maistres Crane a lettre fro hir brother, but I have the credence, whiche I can not say but if she appose me for certein materes of hir brotheres.

  6. And also my Lorde of Canturebury and Maister John Stookes, his juge, had geve autorite to ministre to a certein somme till the testament were proved.

  7. Upon this forseide plate ben compassed certein cercles that highten Almicanteras, of which som of hem semen perfit cercles, and somme semen inperfit.

  8. I sey nat this but for ensample; for wel I wot the latitude of Oxenforde is certein minutes lasse, as I mighte prove.

  9. I seye a certein of conclusiouns, 10 for three causes.

  10. I find by these Lettres that Cramwel kept certein scholers in Cambrige, for he entreats the Card^{l}.

  11. Certein Doctors of both the Vniversityes are here for the suppression of the Lutheran opinions.

  12. King Henrie whilest these things were a dooing, lay certein daies at Argenton, so much displeased in his mind, that he would suffer no man once to speake to him about any maner of businesse.

  13. For-why this like Fortune hath departed and uncovered to thee bothe the certein visages and eek the doutous visages of thy felawes.

  14. Or the Ballads may refer to the unmasking of false friends: 'Fortune hath departed and uncovered to thee bothe the certein visages and eek the doutous visages of thy felawes'; id.

  15. Soiourned han thise marchants in that toun (50) A certein tyme, as fel to hir plesance.

  16. For which resoun this noble wyf Prudence suffred hir housbond for to wepe and crye as for a certein space; / and whan she saugh hir tyme, she seyde him in this wyse.

  17. No wedded man so hardy be tassaille 1180 His wyves pacience, in hope to finde Grisildes, for in certein he shall faille!

  18. I kepe nat of hise tokenes never a deel; He took me certein gold, that woot I weel!

  19. Upon your bench; she woot it wel, certeyn, By certein tokenes that I can hir telle.

  20. A certein tresor that she thider ladde, And, sooth to sayn, vitaille gret plentee They han hir yeven, and clothes eek she hadde, And forth she sayleth in the salte see.

  21. Is this the librarie whiche that thou haddest chosen for a right 10 certein sete to thee in myn hous, ther-as thou desputedest ofte with me of the sciences of thinges touchinge divinitee and touchinge mankinde?

  22. For 55 thou arguest and seyst thus: that yif it ne seme nat to men that some thinges han certein and necessarie bitydinges, they ne mowen nat ben wist biforn certeinly to bityden.

  23. This timber is al redy up to frame; 530 Us lakketh nought but that we witen wolde A certein houre, in whiche she comen sholde.

  24. But yif so be that non uncertein thing ne may ben in him that is right certein welle 100 of alle thinges, thanne is the bitydinge certein of thilke thinges whiche he hath wist biforn fermely to comen.

  25. It is certein and establisshed by lawe perdurable, that no-thing that is engendred nis stedefast ne stable.

  26. Wherfore, yif any thing be so to comen, that the bitydinge of hit ne be nat certein ne necessarie, who may weten biforn that thilke 75 thing is to comen?

  27. And forthy he that forleteth certein ordinaunce of doinge by over-throwinge 15 wey, he ne hath no glade issue or ende of his werkes.

  28. The other which come but by tymes and onely in certein partes, or broken, be not sufficient nor good, but very euill, of whose insufficiency, ij.

  29. For after certein yeres beyng at cambrige, I of the age of XX.

  30. I coulde do, but chefely for certein of my very frendes, dyd translate out of Latine into Englishe certein workes, hauyng nothynge els so good to gratifie theim w^t.

  31. But certein priests baptised the residue of the people, either then or in the time following.

  32. The resoun of my wit it overpasseth, Of that Nature techeth me the weie To love, and yit no certein sche compasseth Hou I schal spede, and thus betwen the tweie I stonde, and not if I schal live or deie.

  33. For er thei wente thanne atwo, A knave child betwen hem two Thei gete, which was after hote Paphus, of whom yit hath the note A certein yle, which Paphos Men clepe, and of his name it ros.

  34. Bot natheles for certein skile I mot algate and nedes wile Noght only make my spekynges Of love, bot of othre thinges, 240 That touchen to the cause of vice.

  35. Ovide wrot of manye thinges, Among the whiche in his wrytinges He tolde a tale in Poesie, Which toucheth unto Jelousie, Upon a certein cas of love.

  36. He tawhte hir til sche was certein Of Harpe, of Citole and of Rote, With many a tun and many a note 830 Upon Musique, upon mesure, And of hire Harpe the temprure He tawhte hire ek, as he wel couthe.

  37. To that statut and to that red Acorden alle it schal be so, For certein cause which was tho: Nou lest what fell therafter sone.

  38. In this yere the duke of Orliaunce went over the see to Caleis with certein lordes of this land, and so was delyvered by composicion made.

  39. Certein newe silver booles are to be bought for those pˀcell gilt booles w{ch} were the guifte of M{r} Vaughan.

  40. Hytherto be referred the fautes of euil pronouncing certein letters, & of to much gapyng, or contrarye of speakyng in the mouth.

  41. For nature hath in all beastes printed a certein marke of dominion in the male, and a certeine subiection in the female, whiclie they kepe inuiolate.

  42. I except such as God by singular priuiledge, and for certein causes knowen onlie to him selfe, hath exempted from the common ranke of women[2], and do speake of women as nature and experience do this day declare them.

  43. For els howe coulde they so haue reioysed at their owne confusion and certein destruction?

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "certein" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.