In the only instance of Martini-Henry fracture of the spine that came under my notice, the centrum was severely comminuted and deformity was obvious.
In one instance the bullet passed in a coronal direction so close to the back of the centrum as to leave a septum of only the thickness of stout paper between the track and the spinal canal.
On opening the spinal canal the tunnel was found to be separated only by the compact tissue of the centrum from the cavity, while a thin extra-dural hæmorrhage separated the dura from the bones anteriorly.
At the post-mortem a Mauser bullet was found embedded in the centrum of the twelfth dorsal vertebra.
The result was to make the Centrum masters of the political field and place the Conservative-Liberal "bloc" at its mercy.
The centrum in Ptilogonys shows great width, and the spine is in a large expanded tip as in Bombycilla.
The centrum in Phainopepla is similar to that in Dulus, but has a small expansion at the base of the spine, the entire centrum being wider in proportion to its over-all size than in any of the other species mentioned previously.
The centrum is widest in Ptilogonys caudatus, and is progressively narrower in P.
The centrum of Dulus in posterior aspect presents the appearance of a simple shield; little of the indentation seen in Bombycilla is present.
In Ptilogonys there is a tall dorsal spine, coupled with a wide and heavy centrum and flattened lateral areas, for support of the long rectrices.
In Bombycilla the bone is small with knobs on the centrum that have been developed for muscle attachment.
Non tamen ideo affirmandum, impossibile esse, ut centrum gravitatis corporis cujusvis successive existat in singulis punctis peripheriae circularis, nulla ratione habita directionis ullius rectilineae, sive in tangente sive in radio.
The ventral part of each side of the neural arch connecting with the centrum of a vertebra.
Defn: Concave behind; -- applied especially to vertebræ in which the anterior end of the centrum is convex and the posterior concave.
Defn: Between the neural arch and the centrum of a vertebra; as, the neurocentral suture.
Concave behind; -- applied especially to vertebr\'91 in which the anterior end of the centrum is convex and the posterior concave.
For some years a movement has been going on in the Centrum party looking to this end.
In the centre, and holding the balance of power, sit the members of the Centrumor Catholic body.
The important question is then whether the Roman Catholic party or Centrum will voluntarily dissolve and its members cease to seek election merely as representatives of the Roman Catholic Church.
Ever since the Kulturkampf the Centrum has held the balance of power in Germany, acting sometimes with the Conservatives and sometimes with the Social Democrats.
The same eminent physicist thought that an earthquake centrum probably never exceeded a depth of thirty geographical miles.
Mallet was of opinion that the centrum of the Neapolitan earthquake of 1857 was probably five and one-half miles from the surface.
Chevron bones occur below the caudal vertebrae in Lacertilia, Chelonia, Ichthyosauria, many Dinosauria, and Sphenodon, articulating with quite the posterior part of the centrum which bears them.
The superficial portion of the centrum is ossified, while the articular surfaces are cartilaginous.
The anterior ribs have two articulating surfaces, and each articulates by its tuberculum with the transverse process, and by its capitulum with the centrum as in mammals.
The centra are longer, the neural spines short and not directed backwards, the articular facets for the heads of the ribs are confined to the anterior end of the centrum of each vertebra, not overlapping on to the preceding vertebra.
In the first and second thoracic vertebrae the capitulum of the rib articulates, not with a facet on the transverse process, but with a little elevation borne at the line of junction of the centrum and neural arch.
It bears in front two oval concave surfaces for articulation with the condyles of the skull, while the centrum is terminated behind by a prominent convex surface.
They cause the notochord to become constricted and to atrophy to a varying extent, though a remnant of it persists, either permanently or for a long period, within each centrum or between successive centra.
The atlas is small and ring-like, and its centrum is fused with the axis forming the odontoid process.
The neural arches are usually firmly ankylosed to the centra, but in the Crocodilia and some Chelonia, Sauropterygia, and Dinosauria, the suture between the centrum and neural arch persists at any rate till late in life.
The vertebral centra have no epiphyses, and the odontoid process remains for a long time free from the centrum of the second vertebra.
The centrum in early stages of development is partially cartilaginous, but the neural arches and spines in the trunk at any rate, pass directly from the membranous to the osseous condition.
In the tail region of other forms each vertebra consists of an anterior centrum bearing the neural arch, and a posterior intercentrum[61] bearing chevron bones.
A bi-cameral system might have done so, but this the Coalition Government could never have imposed on its Centrum and middle-class supporters.
They were particularly dear to the Centrum supporters of the Government as the temporal entrenchments of the Clerical position.
These concessions were in principle very considerable, and much more than could ever have been imposed in practical application on the Centrum supporters of the Government.
Accordingly the Democratic parliamentary party having declared unanimously against signature, the Centrum and Majority Socialists followed suit with large majorities--only five in the latter party voting for signature.
And further the whole tradition of the Majority-Socialist and of the Centrum rank and file suggested that they would in this follow the lead of the Government and give it a parliamentary majority.
The Government had been forced to use the political jealousies of the German States and the clerical prejudices of the Centrum as weapons against the social revolution.
This article is a much-contested compromise in which the Socialists have secured in the end a striking success over the Roman Catholic Centrum and Right.
Concave behind; -- applied especially to vertebræ in which the anterior end of the centrum is convex and the posterior concave.
The composition of the groups of arcualia which give rise to the individual centrum is different in different groups.
The wall of each segment becomes much thickened in the middle so that the notochord becomes constricted within each centrum and the space occupied by it is shaped like the cavity of a dice-box.
A secondary modification of the centrum consists in the calcification of certain zones of the cartilaginous matrix.
When free from notochord and surrounding tissues such a cartilaginous centrum presents a deep conical cavity at each end (amphicoelous).
The end result is an amphicoelous or biconcavecentrum in general appearance much like that of the Selachian.
In development the centrum of the axis ossifies from one centre, and the odontoid, peg from another, which at that time occupies the position of centrum of the atlas.
Draw diagrams of a dog-fish vertebra, and compare the centrum with that of a rabbit.
The basisphenoid appears in the basilar plate, but in front of the notochord, nor does it arise in exactly the same way as the centrum of a vertebra.
Similarly he pointed to the diversities of development of the vertebral centrum in the different vertebrate classes as proof that development could not always be relied upon in deciding homologies (p.
The odontoid process of the axis vertebra is the centrum of the atlas (p.
And in his criticism of the vertebral theory of the skull he advanced as an argument against the basisphenoid being a vertebral centrum the fact (established by Kerkring, 1670), that it develops from two centres.
In the Frog the centrum is also convex anteriorly and on the posterior surface there are two convex facets for the articulation of the urostyle.
The centrum is procœlous in the Frog and there are no ribs.
Remove and examine the 8th vertebra and note that the centrum is opisthocœlous.
Remove and examine the 9th vertebra or sacrum, and note that the centrum is slightly convex on the anterior surface.
This mode of formation of both the arch and the greater part or whole of the so-called centrum from the same cartilage explains why there is never a neuro-central suture in these batrachians.
As a matter of fact, these vertebrae have no centra proper, that part which should correspond with the centrum being formed, as a study of the development has shown (H.
Metapophyses close to centrum and to each other, semihexagonal in outline.
No facet on superior margin of centrum either anteriorly or posteriorly.
Centrum (exclusive of chevron processes) nearly as deep as long.
A foramen in side of centrum much above the middle and a similar one below.
The fifth thoracic vertebra has no facet on the centrum for the head of the sixth rib, but the latter articulates with a small facet on the side of the centrum of the sixth thoracic vertebra.
Anterior face of centrum receding superiorly and the ridge opposite it on side of centrum shorter than in Barnegat skeleton.
The only cloud in the serene blue sky of Junker hopes is the fact that annexations in Poland would add to the number of Roman Catholics and, therefore, to the power of the Centrum or Roman Catholic party.
According to the Vorwaerts reports, when Liebknecht began to speak the Free Conservatives, most of the National Liberals and the Centrum left the chamber in a demonstrative manner.
The Centrum appeals to its "clear and unmovable" position on the suffrage question, which no one knows (Assemblyman Stroebel, Soc.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "centrum" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.