This will lead me to inquire whether it is proper for us, after the resolution we passed at the last session, after the resolution we have just now passed, to scale the public debt anew?
We beg to inquire whether there is not a material defect in the latter clause of this translation?
I stop not to inquire whether or not this may have been the same with that which stood in the midst of the temple of Belus, afterwards built around it by Nebuchadnezzar.
He next sent, enjoining his ambassadors to inquire whether he should undertake a war against the Persians?
It is too late to inquire whether it was just in the United States to include them and their territory within the bounds of new States, whose limits they could control.
The strong impressions made in sleep led him to inquire whether all he saw and felt might not be in a dream.
But as he had before tried to doubt even of these, on the hypothesis that he might be deceived by a superior intelligent power, he resolved to inquire whether such a power existed, and if it did, whether it could be a deceiver.
Matter can only be diverted from its obedience to unvarying laws by the control of mind; but we have to inquire whether mind is equally the passive instrument of any law.
Mill accordingly proceeds to inquire whether there is anything really grovelling in the doctrine--whether, on the contrary, we may not include under pleasure, feelings and motives which are in the highest degree noble and elevating.
In another paper I propose to inquire whether, in the conception of the inspired writers, the Deluge really was universal, in the sense customarily supposed.
Now, Sir, it is not necessary to inquire whether Mr Hume's doctrine be sound or unsound.
It is not necessary now to inquire whether, with universal education, we could safely have universal suffrage.
Of course, as soon as our Ministers ostentatiously announced to all the world that our fiscal system was framed on a new and sublime moral principle, everybody began to inquire whether we consistently adhered to that principle.
It became, therefore, the House to inquire whetherhe had done what he ought to have done; which, if he had omitted to do, it devolved on them to see effected.
It remains to inquire whether, in exercising this power, and in performing the duty it enjoins, the President has committed an unauthorized and dangerous interference with judicial decisions.
It might be pertinent to inquire whether there is any justice in any kind of tariff.
Taking it, therefore, for granted that the law plainly impairs the obligation of such contracts, I proceed toinquire whether it is for that reason, subject to any constitutional objection.
We may now proceed to inquire whether or not faith, which we have found so prevalent even among those who repudiate it, is a thing to be ashamed of; or if it be a sufficiently certain and reliable basis for human life and conduct.
It is important to inquire whether it is not in the very nature of a force which is incontestably dominant to commit abuses.
It is not our business in this place to inquire whether protection to national industry is reasonable.
In the afternoon I went to Date to inquire whether he had any news from Kioto about the invitation of the ministers.
Some of us went ashore to the honjin to inquire whether we could obtain a supply of bullocks for the ship.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inquire whether" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.