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Example sentences for "caseous"

Lexicographically close words:
casemate; casemated; casemates; casement; casements; cases; cash; cashbox; cashed; cashes
  1. V Vegetarian Sandwich Roll your own of alternate leaves of lettuce, slices of store cheese, avocados, cream cheese sprinkled heavily with chopped chives, and anything else in the Vegetable or Caseous Kingdoms that suits your fancy.

  2. Indeed, in such vinous-caseous places cheese is on the house at all wine sales for prospective customers to snack upon and thus bring out the full flavor of the cellared vintages.

  3. The original recipe came from the super-caseous province of Savoy under the explicit title, La Fondue au Fromage.

  4. The caseous material of canker is also present, as is a disposition to hypertrophy of the exposed sensitive structures.

  5. Portions of this loose horn removed reveal beneath it a caseous foetid matter, easily removed by scraping (the perverted secretion of the keratogenous membrane).

  6. Its most abundant principles are cream, caseous matter or curd, and whey.

  7. A vegetable milk becomes nourishing when it is destitute of acrid and narcotic principles; and abounds less in caoutchouc than in caseous matter.

  8. On comparing the milky juices of the papaw, the cow-tree, and the hevea, there appears a striking analogy between the juices which abound in caseous matter, and those in which caoutchouc prevails.

  9. The milk of the cow-tree contains, on the contrary, a caseous matter, like the milk of mammiferous animals.

  10. Their edges also show caseous patches similar to those in the mouth.

  11. This destruction of the surface epithelium seems to be the essential factor in the production of the caseous patch, often called the false membrane.

  12. In the advanced forms, caseous foci may be seen in the lung and in the liver and necrotic patches observed on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

  13. When the caseous process involves the larynx and trachea there result cough, wheezing, and dyspnea, together with a yellowish mucopurulent expectoration.

  14. One species of small roundworm (Cooperia punctata) burrows in the wall of the small intestine and causes caseous nodules in the mucous lining.

  15. Frequently this caseous inflammation results in the formation of one or more ulcers with thickened, slightly reddened borders, surmounted by several layers of this necrosed tissue.

  16. As exposure to oxygen kills the bacilli, one need have no fear about disturbing or tearing off the caseous patches or necrotic tissue during irrigation.

  17. When life is prolonged three or four weeks, caseous foci may be established in the lung, giving rise to all the signs of a bronchopneumonia.

  18. In the soft or caseous cataract, displacement is not easily effected; and the surgeon must rest satisfied with exposing a part or the whole of it to the action of the aqueous humour.

  19. The disease generally commences in the cancellated texture of the bones: these are soft and light, and contain in their cells a quantity of caseous or tubercular matter.

  20. The consistence also of lenticular cataract varies, being sometimes fluid, occasionally extremely dense and almost osseous, but most frequently of caseous consistence.

  21. If such an area opens spontaneously, or is opened by incision, the contents are seen to be composed of a yellow, rather gelatinous material, quite like the caseous material from a tuberculous abscess.

  22. Oftentimes the skin is perforated at one or more points by sinuses lined with tuberculous granulations, through which caseous pus is discharged.

  23. The centres of these tubercules become caseous, and, by fusion of adjacent caseous areas, also cause softening in the bone marrow.

  24. The X-rays show the deformity of the head and clear areas in the interior of the upper epiphysis corresponding to the islands of cartilage; these clear areas resemble those due to caseous foci in tuberculous coxitis.

  25. Caseating foci are comparatively rare, but they sometimes attain a considerable size--especially in the head of the tibia, where they may take the form of a caseous abscess.

  26. Rachitis will affect the glands; the caseous and suppurative degeneration of the glands will lead to metastatic processes, to acute tuberculosis, and so on.

  27. Nor are the cases of miliary tuberculosis, resulting from caseous degeneration of rachitical glands, very exceptional.

  28. Spooning out the caseous matter will perhaps leave no extensive cicatrix, but we can never be sure that by this operation we have removed all the caseous matter, and it must certainly be more painful than the knife.

  29. But the more common result of the caseous process in the glands of the neck is softening.

  30. Some pathologists deny its occurrence, and believe that the cases recorded as such are merely instances of caseous degeneration of the neighboring glands.

  31. Since the appearance of Niemeyer's Handbook of Clinical Medicine the proper treatment of scrofulous glands that have undergone the caseous degeneration has been a moot question.

  32. If the whole gland has passed into the caseous condition, it appears upon a section as a fresh potato, only not quite so moist, but just as homogenously yellowish-white.

  33. The caseous depot melts from within outward into a whitish-yellow, whey-like fluid, which holds a fatty granular detritus suspended in smaller or larger fragments.

  34. If any surgical interference is deemed necessary, we are decidedly in favor of removing the caseous gland entire by the knife.

  35. At b and d the fasciculi of fibres of the fibrous zone penetrate into the central caseous part.

  36. Far more frequently, however, softening and suppuration follow swiftly upon the caseous degeneration, and the whole process occupies a period of only a few months.

  37. In the mesenteric and bronchial glands almost always the caseous mass is attacked by calcareous infiltration, and finally dries into a solid chalky concretion.

  38. This caseous material is surrounded by the thickened capsule which, as a result of peri-adenitis, tends to become adherent to and fused with surrounding structures, and particularly with layers of fascia and with the walls of veins.

  39. Caseous foci in the interior of the bones may become encapsulated, and a cure be thus effected, or they may be the cause of a relapse of the disease at a later date.

  40. Spontaneous healing finally takes place after the caseous tubercle has been extruded; the resulting scars are extremely unsightly, being puckered or bridled, or hypertrophied like keloid.

  41. At a later stage, the gland tissue is studded with minute yellow foci which tend to enlarge and in time to become confluent, so that the whole gland is ultimately converted into a caseous mass.

  42. If the cannula becomes blocked with caseous material, it may be cleared with a probe, or a small quantity of saline solution is forced in by the syringe.

  43. We leave less than one part of the albuminous and caseous matter, which is the most valuable, and only one-third of one part of fat.

  44. The point here is that calcification of caseous glands or necrotic areas does not presuppose an excess of lime salts in the blood.

  45. Lime salts are deposited in the caseous gland or tubercle not because they are in excess in the blood but because lime salts are attracted to all caseous material from normal blood.

  46. I often compared these deposits of urates in the joints with the deposits of lime salts so often found at autopsies in caseous glands or small necrotic areas.

  47. If we add to a solution of pure sugar an albuminous substance, a caseous or fleshy matter, the development of yeast becomes manifest, and an additional quantity of it is found at the end of the operation.

  48. Butyric acid imparts to cheese its characteristic caseous odour, and the differences in its pungency or aromatic flavour depend upon the proportion of free butyric, capric, and caproic acids present.

  49. This substance is butter, held suspended in the milk by means of the caseous matter and whey, with which it is intimately blended.

  50. Caseous matter precipitated by the coagulation of the milk of the butter 3.

  51. The dun colouring matters are precipitated by the coagulation of the caseous substance.

  52. If it is more extensive, the whole of the glands may break down into this puriform liquid, which, when the patient recovers, undergoes caseous and finally calcareous degeneration.

  53. These embryonic cells even invaded the lumen of the vessel and partly blocked it, so that the remnant of the tube remained as the centre of a disintegrating mass, or later a caseous or purulent focus.

  54. Granular meningitis or general miliary tuberculosis also frequently follows in the wake of measles, connected in many cases with foci of caseous degeneration in the involved lymphatic glands or unabsorbed pneumonic exudation.

  55. The fibrinous and cellular portion of such an exudation frequently becomes converted into a caseous mass, from a partial fatty degeneration and inspissation.

  56. In the more restricted sense these caseous appearances are regarded as indicative of a cheesy metamorphosis which arises by the former of these methods.

  57. Frequently the caseous clots are not to be seen, and the stool has a clammy look reminding one of glazier's putty, while the color varies from dirty white to pale grayish yellow.

  58. The walls of the ducts are thickened and infiltrated, the lumen frequently dilated by masses of yellow caseous material.

  59. The tubercles and portions of the caseous glands should be crushed between two slides, dried, and stained for tubercle bacilli.

  60. The bacilli are difficult to find in the caseous material.

  61. Caseous particles containing immense numbers of the bacilli are common.

  62. The cream skimmed, and by proper agitation in a churn or other vessel separated from the whey and caseous parts, becomes our usual butter.

  63. It is probable that the Scythians may have hastened the separation of the caseous part from the whey by warming the milk, or by the addition of some substance proper for that purpose.

  64. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "caseous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.