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Example sentences for "casemates"

Lexicographically close words:
cased; casein; caseine; casemate; casemated; casement; casements; caseous; cases; cash
  1. The Spanish authorities were reinstated, and many of the principal citizens of that far-off city were tried by court-martial and banished to Peru, there to languish in the stifling casemates of Callao.

  2. It was in the casemates of the Arad fortress, many of which had not been opened from the days of Maria Theresa, that thousands of poor Bosniak civilians were interned.

  3. A few improvements were made in the casemates towards the end of 1917, as a Spanish commission was expected.

  4. The casemates were provided with less than three centimetres of straw, which was not removed for months.

  5. As I was no longer a musician I was assigned to quarters in the upper casemates of Castle Williams, along with a number of raw recruits.

  6. My company was quartered in one of the damp and gloomy casemates which had but a single window, or porthole, overlooking the bay.

  7. As a work of defense it has long outlived its usefulness, but in 1854 there were still guns mounted in the first tier of casemates which were considered formidable, and others were mounted en barbette on the parapet.

  8. The guard-room and prison were in casemates on the east side of the fort, on each side of a sallyport.

  9. Other troops on the island were the recruits, generally several hundred of them, who were quartered in the garrison and in the upper casemates of Castle Williams.

  10. Just inside these casemates are two 15-inch smoothbore Rodman guns.

  11. Union guns destroyed the arched brick casemates of the left face during the Civil War.

  12. Its brick masonry walls were shattered and undermined; a breach 8 by 10 feet yawned in the upper casemates of the left face; at points, the sloped debris of the walls already provided a practicable route for assault.

  13. Thirty-eight more guns were mounted in the first tier of casemates and along the parapet, including heavier "42 pounders" and Columbiads.

  14. These guns, rusted and worn, were buried with the casemates just before Battery Huger was constructed.

  15. In casemates of the left flank another three-gun battery was created.

  16. After Fort Sumter was silenced in August 1863, the Confederate garrison mounted three guns in the first-tier casemates just above the right shoulder angle.

  17. The ramparts and arches of its upper casemates were cut down and the interior barracks demolished.

  18. The casemates on the right flank ("sea front") were filled with sand, and the rooms on the gorge were filled with damp cotton bales laid in sand.

  19. The casemates (gunrooms) of the lower tier on the left flank were surmounted by a second tier identical in appearance.

  20. In the casemates of Magdeburg sits a poor prisoner, whose last words directed to me were these: 'Say to her whom you know that I am a prisoner, and hope only in her.

  21. The Prussian commander doubled the guard before the casemates in which three thousand Russian prisoners were confined, and arrested the Russian officers.

  22. The disposable paddle steamers can find good positions between the line-of-battle ships for directing their fire with steady aim at the embrasures of the casemates or at any position where the enemy maintains his fire, or off the N.

  23. We arrived just in time to prevent the latter work from assuming most troublesome dimensions, for the casemates were ready for nine guns more, and the platforms indicated they would be of large calibre.

  24. Mr. Pennant had been able to see that there were no guns in the casemates of the fort, and this was really all he wanted to know.

  25. The Bronx had hardly stopped her screw before the soldiers were to be seen on the barbette; but the shell with which the midship gun had been charged sent them all to the casemates in an instant.

  26. The dead bodies that filled the casemates were added to the mass, and fire was set to the whole.

  27. More than three hundred of them had been killed and wounded; small-pox was raging in the fort; the place was a focus of infection, and the casemates were crowded with the sick.

  28. About 200 Chilians and Argentines, who had languished for years in the casemates of Callao, thus recovered their liberty.

  29. Taken prisoner, he was sent to Peru, and remained in the casemates of Callao till set at liberty by the Cortes of Cadiz in 1812.

  30. The revolutionary movements of the year 1809 found an echo in Lima, and a young lawyer named Mateo Silva fell a victim to his patriotic ardour, dying in the casemates of Callao, after six years of imprisonment.

  31. An Argentine from Salta named Villar, who had been a prisoner in the casemates of Callao, was the commander of these guerillas.

  32. In 1794, Reveroni devised a system in which the casemates of Montalembert were employed, but his guns were so arranged as to be employed in barbette while the besiegers were at a distance, and afterwards to be used for casemated fire.

  33. They are usually casemates of masonry, not masked by earthen works.

  34. For all its oriental system of fortification, its towers and its hourds, its machicolations and its loopholes, its casemates and its crenellations, this wall is perhaps no other than the wall which surrounded the legionary camp.

  35. Reuther casemates because they were connected with the chemin de ronde and probably played some part in the defence of the palace.

  36. In the casemates of the forts one saw everywhere faces black with starvation, exhaustion and nerve strain.

  37. The Russians sat in the casemates firing no more than one shot to the Japanese 200.

  38. The two plateaus to the north, called the Casemates and Californie positions, are three-cornered in shape, projecting toward the north and joined by a narrow saddle.

  39. The French artillery fire broke up the attack between Hurtebise and the Casemates Plateau before it could develop.

  40. An energetic counterattack made between the Californie and Casemates Plateaus enabled the French to regain a trench line which the Germans had penetrated and held since the previous day.

  41. The casemates for the artillery are absolutely bomb-proof, the walls of such thickness as to resist the impact of shots weighing hundreds of pounds, while the mighty arches overhead are constructed to defy the explosion of the heaviest shells.

  42. The casemates here are all blinded, and the hospital is situate in the bomb-proofs inside.

  43. Fort M'Rae seems to have sunk at the foundations; the crowns of many of the casemates are cracked, and the water-face is poor looking.

  44. The open parade and the unprotected gorges of the casemates would render the work extremely unpleasant under a shell fire, and the buildings and barracks inside are at present open to the influences of heat.

  45. The sharp angle of the bastion on this face is so weak that men are now engaged in throwing up an extempore glacis to cover the base of the wall and the casemates from fire.

  46. They live in the bastions with the soldiers in the casemates and eat beet soup with the soldiers--how about them?

  47. On reaching the top of this rampart, they find in front of them the mouths of the casemates wide open, and, further forward, the court in an extraordinary state of disorder.

  48. They then discovered the side casemates and, seeing no one, they slithered along the poles in the moats and then climbed up the wall of the scarp on a bank of snow.

  49. The Germans who had gained a footing in the ruins of the superstructure, were only able to drive the French out of the casemates by lowering baskets of grenades with time fuses and by spurting liquid fire and asphyxiating gas.

  50. The lower structure of the fort, corridors, casemates and rooms are almost intact.

  51. The commandant of the fort made me visit his domain, the casemates of Bourges, the observing stations, of which one is still fit for use, the cupola deprived of its 75-mm.

  52. The casemates which they occupied were assiduously peppered, at first with gas projectiles, somewhat later by heavy shells.

  53. The lower casemates were soon after filled with sand-bags, the guns having been removed.

  54. What we have are brick and stone casemates and earthworks.

  55. Armor-clad casemates are beginning to take the place of masonry.

  56. In the casemates were fourteen of the latter caliber.

  57. Not every one who entered the casemates of Callao came out alive.

  58. Have you ever seen the casemates at Callao, major?

  59. Of the casemates on the right sea front, No.

  60. But it was in the casemates below that the fire of the ships inflicted the greatest injury.

  61. The loss of life in the casemates must have been out of all proportion to the effect produced by the feeble guns (six 5-inch S.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "casemates" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.