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Example sentences for "marring"

Lexicographically close words:
married; marries; marriet; marrieth; marriners; marrit; marron; marrons; marrow; marrows
  1. Clusters of shapeless leaves represent clouds marring the effect of an otherwise fortunate cup.

  2. But as the sausages and snail are not far distant, there is likely to be a marring of the pleasant conditions, caused by an act of unfaithfulness on the part of someone with whom the consultant is closely connected.

  3. It is this Puritanism, to which your critic has given expression, that is always marring the artistic instinct of the English.

  4. This was the woman Allan Gerard had chosen, Flavia thought in bitter wonder; this self-centred, hysterical girl whose love could not survive the marring of her lover's outward beauty.

  5. He knew that no marring of her beauty would have had effect upon his steadfast love for her, and he rated her far above himself in all good things.

  6. She was painfully aware once or twice of a slight hesitation marring a more than usually well-worded sentence, and could see it was at once perceived.

  7. For one swift instant a consciousness of the truth of her words struck home to him with a keen sense of pain, marring the pleasant harmony of his dream; but when, he looked at her again it was gone.

  8. And the marring on the molding of the window is the point of the screen and the window through which the bullet came?

  9. And have you had occasion to notice whether or not any repair whatsoever has been made or was made with respect to the marring of the molding?

  10. There is a great moderation to be had in such things, as matters of so great moment to the making or marring of a child.

  11. And when it worketh well, Tun it into some well seasoned vessel, where neither Ale nor Beer hath been, for marring the colour of it.

  12. For Wolf, unskilled in practical warfare, at first hindered Rex almost as much as he helped him, again and again getting in the bigger dog's way and marring a rush.

  13. In less than two seconds the uniform was off the line, with three huge rents marring its stiff surface.

  14. But to-night, as he raised his eyes, he felt a queer sensation marring the ecstatic perfection of his mood.

  15. But she said nothing to her hostess, for fear of marring an otherwise happy occasion.

  16. And the many blunders and vacillations marring the conduct of the War emphasised the lack of these invaluable masculine qualities in the concurrent House of Commons.

  17. And being acquired, when it is not the form of their own social order, it appears only too frequently as a counterfeit; engendering insincerity and snobbishness, and marring individuality.

  18. As the torn sleeve fell hack it revealed a trickle of blood where the nail's sharp point had scored the skin, and above that, marring the whiteness of the upper arm, an ugly, discoloured scar.

  19. Not content with thus marring the beauty of one of the finest series of islands and cascades in the country, the company have covered the bridge, so as to shut out from the eyes of passengers the surrounding attractions.

  20. Touching them with our warm love, the sleeping splendor that is in them, hidden mayhap under sin's marring and ruin, will yet shine out, the beginning of glory for them.

  21. In one of the battles of the Crimea, a cannon-ball struck inside a fort, gashing the earth and sadly marring the garden beauty of the place.

  22. This ideal we must keep free from all marring or stain.

  23. Then we shall do them all well, slurring nothing, marring nothing.

  24. It is strange that those living near Cashel did not prevent, if they could have done so, the marring of one of the most striking, beautiful and soul-inspiring ruins not only in Ireland but in Europe.

  25. The inscribed stones are, very properly, stowed away in a vault under lock and key where they are safe from the mischief of so many who would delight in marring and effacing any thing they could not understand.

  26. It can lead us away from surroundings whose beauty is dimmed to us by the mist of familiarity, or whose ignoble ugliness and sordid claims are marring the perfection of our development.

  27. But the greatest wonder about him is, how the Poet could so run his own intellectuality into such a windbag, without marring his windbag perfection.

  28. And the wonder is, how he could do this in so large a measure as he often does, without marring or displacing or anywise obstructing their proper individuality.

  29. Millicent's handkerchief in the possession of that ruffianly fellow, the dark crimson stain of blood marring its whiteness?

  30. With a face bright with that beauty of the soul which knows not the marring of time, she presided over the gay festivity.

  31. But poetical phrases have crept in, [54] marring its even fabric; and other indications of too rich a colouring betray the near advent of the Silver Age.

  32. Such are the human sacrifices, the ferocious taunts at fallen enemies, and other instances of boasting or cruelty which will occur to every reader, greatly marring the artistic as well as the moral effect of the hero.

  33. Nat Lee, who was accounted mad, had at least sense enough to refrain from marring Shakspeare.

  34. In 1868, he established the Louisville Medical College, with which he remained during the several years of his professional life, his increasing deafness greatly marring his social and professional enjoyments.

  35. Indeed it had begun to be believed by some that these teachings were marring the prosperity of that old college.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "marring" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.