Mamikunian and Moore have recently advanced the similar explanation that carbonaceous chondrites or asteroidal matter may induce the observed phenomenon if they are abundant on the planet's surface.
However, studies of the carbon in the carbonaceous chondrites have failed to detect any of these forms.
One inference from this finding is that the organized elements in carbonaceous chondrites were never alive but, rather, should be considered as natural experiments in molecular evolution.
Several of these microstructures from different carbonaceous chondrites are illustrated in a paper by Mamikunian and Briggs ([ref.
Some carbonates are present in a minority of the carbonaceous group, but account for only a small percentage of the total carbon (perhaps about 10 percent of the total C in type I only).
The carbonaceous chondrites are the only extraterrestrial materials known to contain organic carbon.
Some Microstructures of Complex Morphology Observed in Preparations of Carbonaceous Choridrites Made Under Sterile Conditions.
Microbiological investigations of samples of the carbonaceous chondrites have yielded only inconclusive evidence on the problem of "organized elements.
Interpretation of the Microstructures of Carbonaceous Chondrites.
The Utica shale is the lowest of these great sheets of carbonaceous matter, and that supplies the hydro-carbon gases and liquids which issue from the earth at Collingwood, Canada, and in the valley of the Cumberland.
Science, March, 1857), is completely macerated vegetable tissue which was deposited as carbonaceous mud at the bottom of lagoons in the coal-marshes.
Near the surface, they are thicker and darker; below, and near the carbonaceousmass from which they have been generated, they are of lighter gravity and color.
We can only account for the persistence of this flow by supposing that it is maintained by the gradual distillation of the carbonaceous masses with which such evolutions of gas or of liquid hydro-carbons are always connected.
Petroleum is scarcely less constant in its connection with these carbonaceous rocks than carbureted hydrogen, and it only escapes notice from the little space it occupies.
Marsh gas and carbonic acid are seen escaping from the surface of pools where recent vegetable matter is submerged, and they are also eliminated in the further decomposition of peat, lignite, coal, and carbonaceous shale.
The next carbonaceous sheet is formed by the great bituminous shale beds of the upper Devonian, which underlie and supply the oil wells in western Pennsylvania.
In all cases where sandstones contain petroleum in quantity, I think it will be found that there are sheets of carbonaceous matter below, from which carbureted hydrogen and petroleum are constantly issuing.
Jet is a carbonaceous solid which in most cases is a true lignite, and generally retains more or less of the structure of wood.
In some places the shale is several hundred feet in thickness, and contains more carbonaceous matter than all the overlying coal strata.
The vegetable kingdom supplies us largely with the carbonaceous or muscle-forming food, whereas the animal kingdom is rich in proteid, or tissue-forming food.
Bilious people, for example, may have accustomed their appetite to desire morecarbonaceous and fatty foods than necessary.
Green vegetables and fruits should be largely used in addition to the carbonaceous foods, as their FOOD SALTS (see) are necessary to keep the blood in a condition to allow of proper assimilation.
The fattening foods are those which contain either fat or carbonaceous substances.
Carbonaceous substances are found in bread, sugar, arrowroot, puddings in general, pastry, potatoes.
As the relative amount of proteid, carbonaceous matter, water, and salts, may vary considerably in different articles, we rightly have combinations of food at our meals.
If a healthy man refrain from carbonaceous foods for a day or so, he feels a great longing for them, a sign that the body really needs them.
Fat, like carbonaceous food, also goes to feed the muscles, but both are required in a healthy diet.
Pastry, sweets and carbonaceous foods in general should not be taken alone at the same meal, they should always accompany some form of proteid food.
Some Experiments on the Combustion of the Diamond, and other Carbonaceous Substances.
One distinction supposed to exist between the diamond and commoncarbonaceous substance, the researches of Davy have certainly removed, viz.
The St. John and the Venus, in the tribune of the Gallery at Florence, offer striking examples of pictures in which all the deeper tints are evidently produced by red and yellow ochres, and carbonaceous substances.
The blacks and browns were mixtures of carbonaceous matter, with the ores of iron or manganese.
Here the current of oxygen meets with the carbonaceous substances of the transformed tissues, and converts their carbon into carbonic acid, their hydrogen into water.
Fuses and gives off water having an acid reaction, naphtha and a tarry fluid, which chiefly condense in the neck of the bulb, and leave a light, pulverulent carbonaceous residue.
Fuses with ease affording an empyreumatic oil having an alkaline reaction, and combustible gasses, and leaves a carbonaceous residue, which is entirely consumed under the blowpipe flame, except a little ash.
When much silica is diffused through the rock, we have a siliceous limestone; the presence of clay and of carbonaceous matter gives us argillaceous and carbonaceous limestones.
By grinding the carbonaceous matter resulting from the charring of bones, in iron retorts, the pigment bone black is prepared.
The walls of the perithecia, rather more carbonaceousthan membranaceous, are reticulated, reminding one of the conceptacles of Erysiphe, to which the perithecia bear considerable resemblance.
A large quantity of carburetted hidrogen, and other uninflammable gases, make their appearance, and the fixed base of the coal remains behind in the distillatory apparatus in the form of a carbonaceous substance, called coke.
Like all other bituminous substances, it is composed of a fixed carbonaceous base or bitumen, united to more or less earthy and saline matter constituting the ashes left behind when this substance is burnt.
The substance called coke, which constitutes the skeleton of the coal, or its carbonaceous base, is left behind in the retort, after all the evaporable products have been expelled from the coal by heat.
A supply of carbonaceous food, at all events, was absolutely wanting in the bulk of the liquid.
The energy obtained from flesh costs much more than the same amount of energy obtained from carbonaceous foods.
Under our present conditions of living, we generally partake of too much carbonaceous and nitrogenous food, and get too little of the salts, except sodium chloride, which is taken in too great quantity.
The carbonaceous substances are needed in greater quantity than any other, but if they are taken pure, they cause starvation more quickly than if no food were eaten.
Large portions of its margin consist of the brittle carbonaceous slate.
The water is transparent when dipped up and viewed by the light, but from the falling of leaves and other carbonaceous fibre to the bottom, it reflects a sombre hue.
The pure mineral is white; but it is usually colored by impurities, the principal of which are iron oxides and carbonaceous matter.
As a mineral, siderite is often light colored; but as a rock it is always dark, and usually black, from admixture chiefly of carbonaceous matter.
In all other cases we get merely more or less carbonaceous sand or clay.
A perfect food must contain carbonaceous, nitrogenous, and mineral matter in definite quantities; there must be from four to six parts of carbonaceous or heat and force-forming matter to one of nitrogen, and from two to four per cent.
In its most general sense the term "coal" includes all varieties of carbonaceous minerals used as fuel, but it is now usual in England to restrict it to the particular varieties of such minerals occurring in the older Carboniferous formations.
These very thick seams are, however, rarely constant in character for any great distance, being found commonly to degenerate into carbonaceous shales, or to split up into thinner beds by the intercalation of shale bands or partings.
By the term "ash" is understood the mineral matter remaining unconsumed after the complete combustion of the carbonaceous portion of a coal.
Coal then meant the carbonaceous residue obtained in the destructive distillation of wood, or what is known as charcoal, and the name collier was applied indifferently to both coal-miners and charcoal-burners.
The ash is drawn from special furnaces, put aside, and allowed to char quietly, so that the carbonaceous matter is more or less completely burnt away.
If a piece of paper is crumpled up, placed in a small crucible, and then ignited until all the carbonaceous matter has been burnt off, a residue is left in the crucible which may be white or coloured.
The chickens fed on nitrogenous food just about doubled in weight, while those fed carbonaceous food only added about one-third to their weight.
The Effect on Fowls of Nitrogenous and Carbonaceous Rations.
On examination of the ovaries after slaughtering, it was found that in the case of one of the carbonaceous fed hens the ovules were in a more advanced stage, but on the whole the nitrogenous fed hens were much nearer the laying period.
At the end of the first period the nitrogenous fed hens had laid forty-three eggs and the carbonaceous fed hens had laid twenty.
The hens and chickens fed a carbonaceous ration were given daily all they would eat of a ration of cracked maize and maize dough, and will be designated Lot II.
During the first week the carbonaceous fed hens laid three eggs while the others laid two.
With this single exception, the clusters of ovules in the carbonaceous fed hens were uniformly small.
The flesh of nitrogenous fed fowls contains more albuminoids and less fat than those fed on a carbonaceous ration, and is darker colored, juicier and tenderer.
The lower beds sometimes alternate with shales and coal: at Wolgan I found in carbonaceous shale leaves of the Glossopteris Brownii, a fern which so frequently accompanies the coal of Australia.
In calcareous sand at the Cape of Good Hope, I found the casts, described by Abel, quite similar to these at Bald Head; but their centres are often filled with black carbonaceous matter not yet removed.
The seams are dark, as if from the carbonaceous matter--portions of this bed have the appearance of old mortar; but contain obscure madrepores.
Some carbonaceous matter is interspersed through the stone, and it contains small fragments of bituminous shale.
Pieces of lignite occur imbedded in it, and it is traversed by fibrous ramifications of carbonaceous matter.
It is only in the vallies, and occasional plains, that a richer and morecarbonaceous soil has accumulated.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "carbonaceous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.