Luckily for Santiago, a Spanish caravel had arrived a few days before, under command of Captain Diego Perez, and this gallant sailor offered to go out and defend the town.
Diniz Diaz, the eldest of that family which gave to Portugal some of her greatest men and makers, now begged a caravel from the Prince with the promise of "doing more with it than any had done before.
On descending the Gambra, the caravel tried to coast along the unexplored land, but was driven by a storm into the open sea.
At last the negroes were tired of waiting and watching, and one of their canoes came up closer, in which were five strong warriors, and at once our boat rowed round the caravel and cut them off.
One caravel I sent straight home, but with the others I sailed to Cape Verde.
So he armed a caravel and began sail, not stopping anywhere that he might come straight to the Black Man's land.
So I made them come into the caravel and gave them to eat and drink with a double share of presents, and making as if I did not know him to be the chief, I said 'Is this the land of Bezeghichi?
Out they went in their little boat, all made from one hollow tree, but when they saw that there were men on board the caravel they fled to the shore and "the wind falling our men could not overtake.
After much debate, carried on by yelling from boat to boat, one of the negroes came on board the caravel and was loaded with presents, to make him more communicative.
Canaries, where a Caravel overtook him, with private Intelligence, that his Captains went with a Design not to Obey him particularly John Cartagena, who had the same Commission as Magellan.
The 9th April our caravel came again on board with water for our return voyage, and this day we lost our shallop or small boat.
The 14th in the morning was very foggy, but the fog cleared away about noon, when we espied a caravel of 60 tons fishing, and sent our skiff on board with five men unarmed.
The third was a Portuguese caravel of about 60 tons, bought from some Portuguese at Newport in Wales, and freighted for the voyage.
The great ship and one caravel came to us and fought us all day.
This day we took in the last of our water for sea store, and on the 26th we victualled our caravel to accompany us.
The same day our caravel chaced a Spanish caravel on shore, which carried letters by which we learnt that the caraks had departed from the island of Tercera eight days before.
While returning towards the coast next night we agreed to proceed to Cormantin; and next morning, the 28th, we found ourselves very near the large ship and the two gallies, the caravel being close in-shore.
And they came a good way out towards where the caravel was pursuing its course; and those in her could not restrain themselves from appearing on deck.
Quickly one caravel made ready to go and see who it could be; and making sail toward him it was not able to go as far in as it wished, because the wind was off the land.
How the caravel of Gonçalo Pacheco and two other ships went to the isle of Ergim.
And the Infant was very glad of this and at once commanded his banners to be made, with the Cross of the Order of Jesus Christ, one of which each caravel was to hoist.
But on the second night the Moor took greater care to escape than they to guard him; and made his way out of the caravel so softly that he was never perceived by our people; and in truth they had pretty well forgotten all about him.
But when the negroes saw that those in the ship were men, they made haste to flee as best they could; and though the caravel followed after them, the want of a sufficient wind prevented their capture.
The Infant thanked him for his good will, and had a caravel armed and got ready for the aforesaid Dinis Diaz to go and accomplish his purpose.
The rapture with which Don Amador de Leste exchanged the confined decks of the caravel for the boundless sands of Ulua, and these again for the back of his impatient steed, was fully as great as he had promised himself.
Of a surety," said Don Amador, "I begin to think the captain Gomez of the caravel was somewhat mistaken as to the courage of these barbarians.
On the 14th, the sailors of the caravel "Nina" saw two tropical birds, which they said were never wont to be seen at more than fifteen or twenty leagues from shore.
He wished, it appears, to return to Spain, as Father Buil and Margarite had done; and urged that a certain caravel which the Governor Don Bartholomew Columbus had built, might be launched for that purpose.
Eight months had passed away without any tidings of Mendez, when, one evening there hove in sight a small caravel which stood in towards the harbour of Santa Gloria, and anchored just outside.
He represented himself as having refused to depart with D'Escobar, because the caravel was too small to carry them all away, and he was determined to share their lot, confident in Ovando's assurance of speedy succour.
Making his way first to Porto Bello, where he was obliged to leave another caravel as no longer seaworthy, on the 31st of May he quitted the coast at a point on the west of the Gulf of Darien, and steered northward towards Cuba.
Such is the account of Ferdinand Columbus, who maintains that the said caravel could not be lunched for want of tackle.
But he was all the more anxious to return to Spain; and, within a month from his arrival at St. Domingo, he started homeward in the caravel which had brought him from Jamaica.
Upon beholding some planks of that caravel half buried in the sand, the envoys bewailed the death of Valdivia and his companions.
The tempest ceased; the caravel which had been driven off by the fury of the elements returned with eighty of the crew, while the other ship, which held to her anchorage, was saved.
On the third day of the ides of January, Anno Domini 1511, Valdivia set sail on the little caravel with which he had just returned.
With the more solid timbers and with beams cut from the trees, which in that neighbourhood sometimes attain an extraordinary height and size, the Spaniards built a new caravel to provide for unforeseen wants.
This caravel was, in fact, a caravel in name only, and because of its form, but not in its capacity.
The boat turned out to be a barque belonging to the caravel of Nicuesa, which could only carry five persons; but as a matter of fact there were only three men on board.
I have already related how he had overstepped the limits of the jurisdiction of his partner and friend Hojeda, and had sailed with one caravel and two brigantines for Veragua.
Hardly had he landed before he and his companions were massacred by the Cubans, the caravel broken to pieces and left upon the shore.
He had hardly cleared the island before the first gale came down upon him and dismasted his ship, so that he was obliged to transfer himself and his son to Bartholomew's caravel and send the disabled vessel back to Espanola.
He himself, in accordance with Columbus's instructions, had gone to Spain in another caravel of the fleet out of which he had purchased the relieving ship; and as he passes out of our narrative we may now take our farewell of him.
The caravel which broke her mast in starting from Santo Domingo has arrived in the Algarves.
The letter was handed over to Escobar, who rowed back with it to his caravel and immediately sailed away with it into the night.
This was the point at which matters had arrived, in March 1504, when as the twilight was falling one evening a cry was raised that there was a ship in sight; and presently a small caravel was seen standing in towards the shore.
The ship he had come in from Jamaica had been refitted and placed under the command of Bartholomew, and he had bought another small caravel in which he and his son were to sail.
The caravel came on with the evening breeze; but while it was yet a long way off the shore it was seen to be lying to; a boat was lowered and rowed towards the harbour.
His little caravel was promptly recognized by the people, and as her story flew from mouth to mouth all the business of the town was at an end for that day.
But with favourable weather a Portuguese caravel in 1488 ought to have run from Lisbon to Bristol in fourteen days or less, so that in four months there would be time enough for quite a chapter of accidents.
Don Diego has sent the caravel to prevent the escape of poor men like me who would redeem themselves in a far country.
The bachelor was now in high feather, for he had, as he thought, completely outwitted the scheming debtors of the island, who intended boarding his vessel, and had dismissed the armed caravel with a message to Don Diego to this effect.
He was, however, better equipped for a voyage than his lamented predecessor, and in the caravel which conveyed him to Santo Domingo and Spain went also the alcalde Zamudio.
There, on the 14th of June, his caravel well-nigh foundered, and his two smaller vessels undoubtedly perished.
This caravel was returning from an unsuccessful cruise among the Bahamas for Caribs,—the object of the expedition being to capture Indians in order to sell them as slaves.
Having secured the necessary license, he despatched a caravel under the command of Francisco Gordillo, with directions to sail northward through the Bahamas, and thence strike the shore of the continent.
More prudent than Narvaez, Soto twice despatched Juan de Añasco, in a caravel with two pinnaces, to seek a suitable harbor for the fleet, before trusting all the vessels on the coast.
After discovering Bahama he is said to have despatched one caravel from Guanima under John Perez de Ortubia, with Anton de Alaminos, to search for Bimini, while he himself returned to Porto Rico, which he reached September 21.
Men perished of cold on thecaravel “Catalina,” and on one of the other vessels a man’s legs were frozen so that the flesh fell off.
Gomez fitted out a caravel at Corunna, in northern Spain, apparently in the autumn of 1524, and sailed across.
He abandoned one worm-eaten caravel at Porto Bello, and, reaching Jamaica, beached two others.
In a few days the caravel sailed again at nightfall; but it carried with it two unexpected passengers; the archbishop lost his architect, and the proposed convent lost its unwilling abbess.
A Spanish caravel was seen one day, making towards the port and showing signals of distress.
Soon after midnight he was awakened by a glare of a great light upon his tent's thin walls, and hastily springing up, he saw their largest caravelon fire.
The Admiral sent a light caravel to coast along and find harbor.
And I set sail at once to go to the other large island which I saw at the west, and commanded the other almadia to be set adrift, which the caravel Nina was towing astern.
The next day the Admiral sent out a caravel to seek for a suitable place for a town, and he himself went out to look for one in a different direction.
Heavier sea than they had known, pardelas and a green branch near thecaravel of the Admiral.
On his return, he found the caravel he had sent out.
The caravel which had been left for the colony could not be taken from the river.
And the almadia, which they had left, we took to the caravel Nina, to which from another headland there was coming another little almadia, with a man who came to barter a skein of cotton.
Columbus sent one caravel to investigate the river.
The flag was a small caravel of one hundred tons burden.
In spite of his seamanship, the caravel was wrecked on the island of Cuba.
Some of the mariners, roused to a sense of their danger, got down into their boat, and in the confusion rowed off to the caravel Nina, which took them all on board.
The caravel that was with them was too much damaged to be of farther use, and they were obliged to leave it behind.
By the life of your Excellency I speak truth;" said he; and they went indeed on board the caravel which was to convey them to Spain.
On the 18th of September the captain of the swift-sailing caravel Pinta told the Admiral that he had seen a number of large birds flying towards the north, and that he thought there was land in that direction.
It was Christmas Eve; the ocean was calm and smooth, and about an hour before midnight the caravel Santa Maria was only a league from the cacique's dwelling.
She may have been a so-called caravela redonda, that is a caravel which carried square sails on the main and fore-masts and triangular ones on the mizzen-mast and the bowsprit.
Vasco da Gama himself reached Lisbon in a caravel on August 29th, two years and nearly two months after he had left that port.
Gabriel, to Lisbon, whilst he himself chartered a swift caravel which conveyed himself and his dying brother to the Azores; or we must assume that Joao de Sa, having refitted the S.
The King instructs Fernao Lourenco, factor of the Guinea and India trade, to pay henceforth the annuity of 1,000 cruzados to Vasco da Gama; each caravel coming from the city of S.
Gabriel, and chartered a caravel in which he conveyed his dying brother Paulo to the island of Terceira.
Coelho's caravelat once crossed the bar to take soundings, and the two ships followed on the next day.
A resident of Terceira, one Arthur Rodriguez, at once started in a caravel to carry the news of Vasco da Gama's arrival to Lisbon.
Gabriel, the command of which had been entrusted by Vasco da Gama to his clerk, Joao de Sa, when he himself left Sao Thiago in a caravel for Terceira.
Bat, although he steered his caravel for these golden realms, and even pushed his discoveries some twenty leagues south of the Gulf of St. Michael, the adventure was not reserved for him.
With the assistance of Luque, he at length succeeded in equipping a small caravel and embarking a body of between sixty and seventy adventurers, mostly of the lowest order of the colonists.
Columbus left Pinzon on the Grand Canary with orders to try to obtain a caravel there, while he sailed on to Gomera, which he reached on Sunday night, with a similar purpose.
On the next day the jury-rigged rudder carried away again, and was again repaired, but it was decided to try and make the island of Lanzarote in the Canaries, and to get another caravel to replace the Pinta.
The third ship was a caravel of forty tons and called the Nina; she belonged to Juan Nino of Palos.
Here the persons on the caravel Nina said they had seen a jay and a ringtail, and these birds never come more than twenty-five leagues from land at most.
Here was a man, of whom he knew nothing but that his conduct of a caravel had been well spoken of in the recent expedition to Guinea, actually proposing to sail out west into the Atlantic and to cross the unknown part of the world.
They insisted on embarking in the caravel and following Columbus.
The sovereigns therefore issued further orders, directing the magistrates to press into the service any caravel they might select, and to compel the masters and crews to sail with Columbus in whatever direction he should be sent.
Still believing the peninsula of Paria to be an island, he sailed on westward until compelled, by finding the water more shallow as he advanced, to anchor, when he sent a caravel to explore.
The caravel continued her voyage, sorely buffeted by storms, during which one of her masts was sprung, he all the time lying prostrated by sickness in his cabin.
This was actually done, until the caravel meeting with stormy weather, and an interminable waste of wild tumbling waves, the pilots lost courage and returned.
While lingering here, the most remarkable thing happened; for another European caravel led by another explorer entered!
And it was repeated every single day till November 7, when the crippled little caravel put into the harbor of San Lucar near Cadiz.
He had slunk from his storm-battered caravel and into his house without saying a word to any one.
And so, on January 4, when Columbus gave the pilot orders to set the rudder for home, there was left only the smallest caravel of all, the Nina.
It was much used in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries for the herring fisheries which took men far from the coast; and when the Portuguese tried to find far-off India, they too used the caravel form of vessel.
When the caravelwas under way, Villejo offered to remove the Admiral's shackles.
A caravel was a small, roundish, stubby sort of craft, galley-rigged, with a double tower at the stern and a single one in the bow.
Could you but see into the unknown future as clearly as you saw into the unknown west, you would hurry away from lovely "little Spain" as fast as your rickety caravel would take you!
They were apprised of anothercaravel laden with greater wealth and a more valuable merchandise, and they followed eagerly after this prey.
He proposed to ransom himself at an enormous price; and, with this object, they stood towards the mouth of the harbor in which the caravel had taken shelter.
Here they found an empty caravel which they preferred to their brigantine; and after a frolic among the people of Baracou, which lasted five days, they made a second transfer of their persons and material to the caravel.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "caravel" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: cruiser; freighter; galleon; junk; ship; tanker; vessel; yacht