The brood consists of from five to seven eggs, resembling those of their congeners, but somewhat smaller; the parents sit alternately, the period of incubation lasting about thirteen or fourteen days.
If our antiseptic precautions have been thorough, the dressings and bandages so adjusted may be allowed to remain without disturbance for from eight to fourteen days.
Section of Foot with Laminitis of Fourteen Days' Duration.
At the end of fourteen days no trace of the condition remained, and the patient was shortly after sent home.
This wound, from the first considered hopeless, became septic during the four days' travelling in an ambulance wagon that was necessary, and the man died at the end of fourteen days.
Kottah, to which place he was to bring me in fourteen days; for every day over that time I had the right to deduct three rupees (6s.
In this way I entered upon a fourteen days' journey through deserts and steppes, a journey full of difficulties and dangers, without any convenience, shelter, or protection.
The distance from Baghdad to Mosul is 300 miles, which occupy in travelling from twelve to fourteen days.
But when, after a period of thirteen or fourteen days, the young are able to quit the nest, he abates his care in a measure, and teaches them to help themselves.
The French Yellow Fever Commission working in Rio de Janeiro claim that the first generation of offspring from such an infected mosquito is capable of causing the disease after they are fourteen days in the adult condition.
The virus must undergo an incubation period of twelve to fourteen days in the mosquito before she is capable of transmitting the disease.
In suitable places in warm weather the eggs will hatch in from eight to twelve hours and the larvæ will become fully developed in from eight to fourteen days.
The stones expand and come quite close together when annealing; an operation which takes from eight to fourteen days at most.
If no colour appeared, he then moistened the lichen with water containing one twentieth of sal ammoniac, and one tenth of quicklime, and set the mixture aside in a cool place from eight to fourteen days.
Fourteen days may be reckoned the usual duration of the germinating stage of the malting operations in England; but in Scotland, where the temperature of the couch is lower, eighteen days or even twenty-one, are sometimes required.
The normal chrysalis period is from eleven to fourteen days, in case the butterfly emerges the same season, but very rarely an individual will emerge several weeks after pupation.
Murchison believed that it was most commonly about two weeks, and William Budd arrived at the conclusion, from the observation of a large number of cases, that it varied from ten to fourteen days.
Of the 23 fatal cases, in 20 death took place during the first fourteen days.
In many cases it appears in seven days, in some cases in fourteen days, and in some cases twenty-one days; the average period is about nine days.
The time that elapses between the exposure and development of the symptoms in the urethra is variable, extending from a few hours to twelve or fourteen days.
Incubation lasts from ten to fourteen days, and is usually without symptoms.
Everything, composition, writing on stone and printing, was finished in fourteen days.
Another pigeon died from a similar dose in fourteen days, and cadmium, on analysis, was separated from the liver.
There was no sexual excitement whatever; the urine was ammoniacal, and contained blood and pus; the symptoms gradually subsided, but recovery was not complete for fourteen days.
After the calf has got the cud, and is fourteen days old, it may be allowed to suck at pleasure.
If a grazier has a number of fields and many cattle, to carry out the treatment of his cattle properly, shifting and fresh grass once in ten orfourteen days should, if possible, be adopted.
I therefore send my confidential clerk with four bills, each of five hundred pounds, drawn at fourteen days' date, across which I will get you to write your name.
Fourteen days is neither here nor there," said Mr Scruby.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fourteen days" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.