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Example sentences for "canne"

Lexicographically close words:
cankerworm; canna; cannabis; cannae; cannas; canned; cannel; canner; canneries; canners
  1. I have sent to Hary Halman of Sporylle to helpe to gete as ze desyerd me, and he canne not gette passyd v.

  2. Etre ---- canne is said of a convict under the surveillance of the police who has broken bounds.

  3. Certis thie wordes maie, thou motest have sayne Of mee, and meynte of moe, who eke canne fyghte, Who haveth trodden downe the adventayle, And tore the heaulmes from heades of myckle myghte.

  4. Botte thos to leave thee, Birtha, dothe asswaie Moe torturynge peynes yanne canne be sedde bie tyngue, Yette rouze thie honoure uppe, and wayte the daie, Whan rounde aboute mee songe of warre heie synge.

  5. Who canne unplyte the wurchys heaven can doe, Or who untweste the role of shappe yn twayne?

  6. Softe as the sommer flowreets, Birtha, looke, Fulle ylle I canne thie frownes & harde dyspleasaunce brooke.

  7. Swote hys tyngue as the throstles note, Quycke ynn daunce as thoughte canne bee, Defte hys taboure, codgelle stote, 860 O!

  8. And the priest said unto the knight, 'There is hereby in a forest an holy ermyte that canne telle us what this avision menithe.

  9. Syr,' saide the squier, 'I canne not medille me of such thinge, it is not my craft nor science.

  10. For els as non other thing, so not healthe canne be longe durable.

  11. But sithe no manne hath yet attempted the like, as far as I canne learne, I truste all suche as bee not exercised in the studie of Geometrye, shall finde greate ease and furtheraunce by this simple, plaine, and easie forme of writinge.

  12. D, in any of these cases you see, that the line that is drawen from the one pricke to the other dothe euermore run within the edge of the circle, els canne it be no right line.

  13. No circle canne cut an other circle in more pointes then two.

  14. For as it was before rehersed, there canne no right line be drawen to the angle, betwene the circumference and the right line E.

  15. For the sentence canne not be knowen, onles the uery meaning of the wordes be firste vnderstand.

  16. Of the three stories which adorn this part of the book, Le Cachet Rouge is the loveliest, La Canne au Jonc the noblest.

  17. Because they canne flatter and lye, Makynge beleve the cowe is wode.

  18. Wherof I delyvered hym a bylle of every parcell, wherto al the world knoweth he canne make no title.

  19. She canne reede and wryte her [own tongue but of] Frenche Latyn or other langaige she [knows no]ne, nor yet she canne not synge nor pleye .

  20. And therfor, cousyn, I praye yow that ye wol not fayle for to be here, and what I canne do for yow, ye shall fynde it redy with Godes grace, Who have yow in His most blessed and assured kepyng.

  21. I have purchased moche of my saide fe symple landes, which also canne geve best enformacion how all suche landes as I have purchased stonden, and what consciens is there in, and howe every thyng shalbe ordred.

  22. Neyther do any torment chyldren more cruelly, thẽ they that canne not teache them.

  23. So myghtely disposed they be and pulled to these studies, that by no meanes they canne be discoraged from them, or so greatly they abhor them, that they wyl sooner go into the fyre, then apply their mynde to a science that they hate.

  24. What canne bee thoughte more folyshe then thys kynde of fathers?

  25. These be all the verses w{hi}che I knowe or yet canne fynde, in whiche Gower in that booke mentioneth Chaucer, where he nether nameth hym worthye poet, nor after a sorte submyttethe his workes to his iudgmente.

  26. And as I here say, it symyth by hym that in any thyng that he canne doo tochyng the savacyon of the dedys gode,[156.

  27. I canne not have no knowlych that Haydon mellyth in the mater of Drayton; yf he do oght therin, he doyth it closely, as he ys wont to doo, and wayshyth hys hondys ther of as Pylate dyde.

  28. As for Rysyng, but yf [unless] ye purvey for hym he canne no helpe have at home.

  29. I wolde fayn doo well yf I cowde, and as I canne I wol doo to youre pleasure and profet; and in such thyngs as I cannot skyle of, I wyll take a vyse of such as I know that be youre frendes and doo as well as I canne.

  30. What confort that thay have I canne not have no knowlych as yet, but I suppose and all your felshyp were gode, thay shold not have so grete confort as they have, or ells they wold not be so besy as thay have be.

  31. And yet all thys while they, perswade them selues, that they liue as well as hearte canne thinke, or, as the day is broad and longe to.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "canne" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    canned fruit; canned goods; canned tomatoes; cannel coal