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Example sentences for "camphorated"

Lexicographically close words:
campfires; campground; campgrounds; camphire; camphor; camphoric; campi; camping; campions; campis
  1. The addition of a few cloves, or drops of the oil of cloves, or strong acetic acid, or a little camphor, or camphorated spirit of wine, will preserve this substance for years in close vessels.

  2. Camphorated chalk is much esteemed as a dentifrice; especially by smokers, and those troubled with foul teeth, or offensive breath.

  3. Friction on the spine, with volatile liniment and laudanum, and the subsequent administration of draughts containing musk, opium, and camphorated emulsion, have been strongly recommended.

  4. The skin should be rubbed from the very commencement of the rash until complete desquamation, with camphorated oil, or oil with a little weak carbolic acid.

  5. There are men and women among the indigent poor who give themselves bumps and contusions simply that they may be able to obtain camphorated spirits of wine at the local relief-house.

  6. Camphorated spirits of wine shares with quinine its disastrous popularity.

  7. It swims upon the surface of water, diffuses a faint smell of camphor, commonly mixed with that of oil of turpentine, and has rather an aromatic than a camphorated taste.

  8. This oil, especially when distilled, forms with muriatic acid similar camphorated compounds with oil of turpentine, absorbing no less than 280 volumes of the acid gas.

  9. Welch, pathologist of the Lying-in Hospital, found that rabbits infected with lethal doses of pneumococcus cultures intravenously were saved by large doses of camphorated oil; fragmentary protocols are given.

  10. Seibert’s paper, unless camphorated oil were given before the pneumococci, and even then, he felt that the results were too irregular to be of great significance.

  11. Some persons use vinegar as a preventive; its efficacy might be increased, by the addition to the vinegar of one-fourth of its quantity of camphorated spirit.

  12. One ounce of camphorated spirit of wine, half an ounce of liquid subacetate of lead; mix, and apply in the usual way three or four times a day.

  13. Half an ounce of strongest camphorated spirit, one ounce spirits of turpentine, one raw egg, half pint best vinegar.

  14. If she has not taken calomel to such an extent as to affect the system, it may now be given for that purpose; and when the pain has ceased, the part may be covered with a plaster of camphorated mercurial ointment.

  15. We have occasionally covered the abdomen with camphorated mercurial ointment without previous blistering, and with good effect.

  16. Renew the emery and camphorated turpentine frequently during the earlier part of the grinding; when the stopper almost fits, avoid using fresh emery, but continue to remove the stopper frequently at all stages of the operation.

  17. To avoid all risk of this, the tail may simply be cut off, and its edges filed smooth with a file moistened freely with camphorated turpentine.

  18. Ill-fitting stoppers, which are very common, can be very easily re-ground with emery and camphorated turpentine.

  19. The two men then, dipping the wool in camphorated brandy, began to rub the bruises.

  20. Get the camphorated brandy and some wool, and don't forget to tell your mother to cook the game.

  21. The best remedy is to rub the abdomen, every night and morning, with warm camphorated oil, and to wear a belt during the day and a broad flannel bandage at night, both of which should be put on moderately but comfortably tight.

  22. When the milk accumulates or "cakes" in the breast in hard patches, they should be rubbed very gently, from the base upwards, with warm camphorated oil.

  23. Syrup of squills four ounces, syrup of tolu four ounces, tincture of bloodroot one and one-half ounces, camphorated tincture of opium four ounces.

  24. If the child be young, or if the skin be tender, the camphorated oil may be used without the turpentine.

  25. Camphorated oil is an excellent lotion for sore throat, sore chest, aching limbs, etc.

  26. Fomentation with hot water and the application of camphorated soap liniment or camphorated oil may produce a revulsive action and prevent suppuration.

  27. When active inflammation is present, fomentation with warm water may be kept up for an hour and followed by the application of the camphorated oil, to which has been added some carbonate of soda and extract of belladonna.

  28. Afterwards the leg may be dried with a woolen cloth and bathed with camphorated soap liniment.

  29. No other treatment was used in these 223 cases, except camphorated oil to the throat and chest in some cases.

  30. The large rubber bags now in common use, filled with hot water and from time to time applied to the lumbar region, may be employed with good effect simultaneously with iced, spirituous, or camphorated applications to the head.

  31. I think it advisable to keep the chest well smeared with camphorated oil, over which should be worn an oil-silk jacket.

  32. In mild cases it is not necessary to treat the throat by topical measures, the above prescription producing sufficient local effect, but camphorated oil may be used externally.

  33. Camphorated oil and carbolized oil are both in common use.

  34. Examination shows, however, that Camphenol is but a modification of the well-known camphorated phenol (the liquid produced when solid camphor and phenol are triturated together).

  35. For all practical purposes it is essentially a camphorated talcum powder.

  36. In Camphenol a part of the phenol, in the camphorated phenol, has been replaced by cresol, and this liquid has been diluted and emulsified with gelatin or some similar substance and perfumed.

  37. After using the mustard water be careful to wipe the turkey's legs dry and then rub well with camphorated oil the backs of the legs leading into the body.

  38. Another good remedy is camphorated spirits of barley meal, three to six grains for each bird according to age, or ten to twenty drops of the same may be put in a pint of the drink.

  39. Well, it do hold one of them camphorated corps, sir," said Mrs. Bolton with another curtsey.

  40. Not but what the Perfesser's been a kind gentleman to Sid in taking him from going round with the laundry cart, and eddicating him to watch camphorated corpses: not as what I'd like to keep an eye on them things myself.

  41. If we wish to preserve the intestinal tube, we must open it throughout its whole length, wash it well in water and compress it; wash it a second time in camphorated vinegar, and finally with camphorated alcohol.

  42. After lending the Foxface a hand to bandage up Lottery Paul, I pretended to forget the camphorated spirits, as you instructed me.

  43. Sometimes a Flannel rubbed with camphorated Oil, or the linimentum volatile, and applied round the Neck, was of Service.

  44. Dissolve these salts in the water prior to mixing with the camphorated spirit; then shake the whole well together.

  45. Applied as a liniment, in combination with ammonia and oil, or with camphorated spirit, it relieves muscular pain.

  46. Camphorated chalk dentrifice is improved as a tooth powder by the addition of a little powdered borax.

  47. A saponaceous, camphorated liniment; a solution of soap in alcohol, with the addition of camphor and essential oils; soap liniment.

  48. They were in the nursery at Letty's bedtime, and Mammy Riah was heating a cup of camphorated oil over the fire.

  49. But, in spite of the camphorated oil and the wide-open windows, Letty was much worse in the morning.

  50. His throat appeared slightly inflamed when she held the candle close to it, and after tucking him beneath the bed-clothes, she poured a little camphorated oil into a cup and heated it on the small alcohol lamp she kept in the nursery.

  51. I had to put camphorated oil on his throat and chest, and lie beside him until morning.

  52. Camphorated oil has a tendency to dry up the secretion of the gland and is used advisedly.

  53. The condition is best treated by massaging the udder every day with camphorated oil.

  54. Apply camphorated oil externally and inject into the affected udder some hydrogen dioxide (peroxide of hydrogen.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "camphorated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.