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Example sentences for "broccoli"

Lexicographically close words:
broake; broaken; brocade; brocaded; brocades; broch; broche; brochs; brocht; brochure
  1. Broccoli is at its best when the bud clusters are dark green or sage green, or even green with a decidedly purplish cast.

  2. Serve with Rick Rack Carrot Sticks and Broccoli Trees (raw cut-up pieces of carrot and broccoli).

  3. Once when I didn't have enough broccoli on hand, I rounded it out with green peas and it was great.

  4. Filling: When choosing the broccoli for the filling, look for firm, compact clusters of small flower buds with none opened enough to show the bright yellow flower.

  5. Quickly remove carrots with a slotted spoon and arrange on a serving platter, then continue in the same manner cooking the broccoli and green beans, each for 2 minutes and the celery and snowpeas each for 1 minute.

  6. Bake, uncovered for 20-30 minutes or until broccoli is just tender.

  7. Spread with part of the broccoli filling.

  8. If you can see any yellow in the buds, the broccoli is overmature.

  9. Broccoli was the favorite vegetable food of Drusus.

  10. Walcheren broccoli is less tender than the Cape, and there are several varieties which will stand much severer cold than the Walcheren.

  11. In the broccoli and cauliflower the greater number of the flowers are incapable of expansion, and include rudimentary organs.

  12. Cauliflowers or broccoli may be done in the same manner.

  13. Broccoli may be fried in the same manner.

  14. The cauliflower and broccoli afford familiar illustrations of hypertrophy of the flower-stalk, accompanied by a corresponding defective development of the flowers.

  15. The deviation in question might in some instances be turned to good account, as in the Triticum before mentioned or as in the broccoli shown at fig.

  16. Broccoli:-The broccoli makes a flower head as does the cauliflower.

  17. Broccoli is prepared by stripping off all the side shoots, leaving the top; peel off the skin of the stalk with a knife; cut it close off at the bottom, and put it into the pan of cold water.

  18. If some of the heads of broccoli are much bigger than the others, put them on to boil first, so that they may get all done together.

  19. Broccoli is simply a variety of cauliflower that is more commonly grown for fall use, as it is rather more hardy than the true cauliflower.

  20. Lee's Sprouting Broccoli is a branching sort that is esteemed in some places.

  21. The Broccoli will stand a temperature as low as 25 without much injury to the plant.

  22. The special merit of Broccoli is its adaptability for late summer planting and its rapid growth in the late fall.

  23. It is said that a large proportion of Broccoli is used in the manufacture of pickles.

  24. A pair of fowls, 1 pint of Béchamel, a few bunches of boiled broccoli or cauliflower.

  25. Lay buttered toast in the bottom of a hot dish, and on this the largest head of broccoli whole, as a centre-piece.

  26. Boil two or three heads of broccoli until tender.

  27. The recipes given are applicable to both broccoli and cauliflower.

  28. The color of broccoli will depend upon the variety, but the head should be firm, with no discolorations.

  29. If broccoli be too rank or tall to withstand the winter, lift and lay nearly up to the neck in the earth, the heads sloping towards the north.

  30. Sow broccoli and kidney-beans both in the second and in the last week, and lettuces and small salads twice or thrice during the month; sow all herbs, if not done last month.

  31. Protect broccoli as it becomes fit for use, or remove to a dry shed or cellar; lettuces and endive, which are best planted in frames; and parsley in frames so as to be accessible.

  32. Plant out kales and broccoli for late crops; plant celery (earthing up the advancing crops as required), endive for succession, and a few coleworts.

  33. The edible flower head of certain brassicaceous plants, as the broccoli and cauliflower.

  34. Divide one or two heads of the broccoli into tufts or sprigs.

  35. Take several heads of broccoli and cut the stalks short, paring off from the stalks the tough outside skin.

  36. Broccoli may be thus stewed with sweetbreads.

  37. Broccoli is done in the same manner, but should be previously greened by boiling it with vine leaves.

  38. Sturtevant finds no mention of the cauliflower or broccoli in ancient authors, the only indication of the kind being the use of the word cyma by Pliny for a form of the cabbage tribe, which he thinks may have been the broccoli.

  39. The number of varieties of broccoli in cultivation is probably somewhat less than those of the cauliflower, but the differences between the varieties themselves are greater.

  40. Burr, in 1866, records it as synonymous with both Early Leyden, and Legge's Walcheren broccoli or cauliflower.

  41. Serve with toast dipped in the broccoli water, laying the stalks over it, and eat with vinegar and melted butter.

  42. The omission is only explainable on the supposition that it was confounded with the cauliflower, just as Linnæus brought the cauliflower and the broccoli into one botanical variety.

  43. An account of the culture and varieties of broccoli, with remarks on its improvement, and on the liability of broccoli and cauliflower to mix with cabbage.

  44. Lay the broccoli in the center of a large dish, pour the egg around it, and, having fried the broccoli blossoms, arrange them in a circle near the edge of the dish.

  45. The time may come when, as in England, we may expect to have cauliflower and broccoli the year round, but it has not come yet.

  46. It is probable that bees, which travel long distances, had somewhere found some sprouting in Broccoli flower and had brought pollen from those to the Colewort plant in question.

  47. Nearly all our present varieties of broccoli originated in England from a few sorts introduced from Italy.

  48. Broccoli is cooked in nearly all cases precisely as cauliflower.

  49. Fifteen varieties of broccoli and three of cauliflower are described.

  50. Another sowing of Broccoli may be made in May, but the early sowings, if a little nursed in the first instance, will pay best, because early heads are scarce, whereas late Broccoli are plentiful.

  51. Watering may save the crop, but the finest pieces of Broccoli are those that are secured without any watering whatever.

  52. All the details of Broccoli culture require a liberal spirit and careful attention, and the value of a well-grown crop justifies first-class treatment.

  53. Various plans are adopted for the protection of Broccoli during winter.

  54. In cold districts, and on wet soils where Broccoli do not winter well, heeling over may be adopted.

  55. In particularly late districts, and, perhaps, pretty generally in the North, the late Broccoli should be sown now, but in the Midlands and the South there is time to spare for sowing.

  56. Where there is a constant demand for Broccoli in the early months of the year, two or three small sowings will be better than one large sowing.

  57. The Cornish growers owe their success in great part to their climate, which carries their crops through the winter unhurt; but they grow Broccoli only on rich soil, and keep it in good heart by means of seaweed and other fertilisers.

  58. A good crop of Broccoli is worth any amount of trouble, although trouble ought to be an unknown word in the dictionary of a gardener.

  59. Sow the Spring Broccoli in April and May, the April sowing being the more important.

  60. However, it is proper to remark, that if any rank manure is in the way, or if the ground is poor and wants it, the Broccoli will take to it kindly, and all the rankness will be gone long before they produce their creamy heads.

  61. As a rule, Broccoli should be planted in fresh ground, and, in mild districts, if the soil is in some degree rank with green manure the crop will be none the worse for it.

  62. To grow Autumn Broccoli profitably, sow in February, March, and April, the early sowings in a frame to insure vigorous growth, and the later sowings in the open ground.

  63. The chief distinction between the two is in hardiness, the broccoli being much the hardier.

  64. It is of course possible that there may have been directly intermediate forms, for the broccoli may have long since descended from a common red cabbage, and this from the wild cabbage.

  65. It is still better when cauliflowers or broccoli are substituted for cabbage; adding a few blades of mace, or some grated nutmeg.

  66. Between these vegetables the marks of distinction are so obscurely defined, that some of the white varieties of Broccoli appear to be identical with the Cauliflower.

  67. When fully grown or in flower, it is about four feet in height, and in character and general appearance is similar to the Cabbage or Broccoli at a like stage of growth.

  68. In its structure and general habit, the Broccoli resembles the Cauliflower.

  69. Broccoli is said to be grown in great perfection.

  70. These are very numerous, and, like those of the Broccoli Lettuce, not only greatly confused, but often based on trifling and unimportant distinctions.

  71. When the heads of White Broccoli are exposed to light, and especially to the direct influence of the sun, the color is soon changed to a dingy or yellowish hue.

  72. The difficulties attending the growing of Broccoli in this country arise mainly from the extreme heat and dryness of the summer and the intense cold of the winter.

  73. This has been cultivated as a Broccoli for more than ten years; though originally introduced by the London Horticultural Society, under the name of Early Leyden Cauliflower.

  74. The Cauliflower also originated in the south of Europe, and the Broccoli in the north of Europe, either in Germany or Britain.

  75. The seeds of Broccoli are not distinguishable from those of the Cauliflower.

  76. This new and excellent Broccoli is apparently a seedling from the Green Cape.

  77. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "broccoli" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.