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Example sentences for "borate"

Lexicographically close words:
boozing; boozy; bor; boracic; borage; borates; borax; bord; bordars; borde
  1. As a remedy for this it has been proposed to add sufficient alkali to convert the borax into neutral mono-borate of soda which is then added to the soap.

  2. Boric acid possesses the defects of borax in a greater degree, and would, of course, simply form sodium borate with liberation of fatty acids, so should never be added to a neutral soap.

  3. The sources of these materials are perhaps deposits of the type mentioned in the last paragraph, or, in California, certain Tertiary borate deposits described below.

  4. This is the only important case known of borate deposits of marine origin.

  5. The solution gives tests for sodium, borate, and salicylate and therefore probably contains sodium borate and sodium salicylate.

  6. The product responded to tests for sodium, potassium, chlorate, borate and nitrate.

  7. The former must be distinguished from the white pulverulent precipitate of borate of silver, which is thrown down from pure borax.

  8. At a red heat the litharge and borate of lead are fused, and cause the adhesion of the platinum to the softened glass.

  9. To the oil so charged the author adds litharge and borate of lead, and paints a thin coat of this mixture over the surface of the glass, which is then carried to a proper furnace.

  10. The quantity of the borate taken should contain not more than 0.

  11. It is not easy to reduce the whole of a reducible oxide (say oxide of copper or of iron) from a slag in which it exists as a borate or silicate; there should be at least enough soda present to liberate it.

  12. The borate of soda is of a dirty hue, but the salt, which lies above the level of the entire deposit, in some places to a depth of seven feet, is white as snow.

  13. It consists of the borate and titanate of magnesia and iron.

  14. A borate of iron and magnesia, occurring in fibrous masses of a blackish green color.

  15. The borate is not so violent a flux as the oxide, but it requires a higher temperature to make it quite liquid; and if not very hot, the bubbles of oxygen cling to the positive electrode, and retard the transfer of electricity.

  16. In one experiment of this kind I used borate of lead (408.

  17. A small quantity of perfectly dry acetate of lead or borate of manganese in impalpable powder will hasten the drying of the ink.

  18. A good dryer for printers' use is made by taking a small quantity of perfectly dry acetate of lead or borate of manganese in impalpable powder will hasten the drying of the ink.

  19. Dissolve one ounce of alum, half an ounce of sub-borate of soda and half an ounce of cherry tree gum, in half a pint of vinegar.

  20. When a concentrated solution of borax acts on silver nitrate a borate of silver is formed.

  21. The powder does not contain either borate of sodium or alum, and the presence of glycerin could not be established.

  22. The acid solution of the wafers responded to qualitative tests which indicated the presence of potassium, sodium, aluminum sulphate, borate and a mere trace of a fatty material.

  23. Sore Eyes, Borate of Soda and Camphor Water Relieves.

  24. Borate of Soda 2 grains Camphor Water (not spirits) 1 ounce Mix, drop one or two drops in the eye four times a day.

  25. From the condensation of two molecules of ethyl borate with one molecule of zinc ethyl the compound B2.

  26. By the action of one molecule of ethyl borate on two molecules of zinc ethyl, the compound B(C2H5)2.

  27. For this purpose only boric acid or its potassium salt must be present; and to ensure this, the borate can be distilled with sulphuric acid and methyl alcohol and the volatile ester absorbed in potash.

  28. Heated with sulphuric acid and with nitric acid it is oxidized to boric acid, whilst on fusion with alkaline carbonates and hydroxides it gives a borate of the alkali metal.

  29. In borax, we have the action of free boracic acid, as well as borate of soda, and for that reason it is an excellent reagent for blowpipe analysis.

  30. This color, though characteristic of all the potassa compounds, is scarcely visible with the phosphate or borate salts of that alkali.

  31. The salts of potash, with the exception of the borate and the phosphate, color the flame of a rich violet hue.

  32. Borates thus made, melt generally by themselves; but admixed with borate of soda, they fuse much more readily, give a clear bead.

  33. If the borate or phosphate of lime be used, the green color of the acids predominates over the red of the lime.

  34. The reason is an incomplete fusion, while from the basic borate compound a part of the base is separated.

  35. Some few (such as the borate of magnesia) give a clear bead with soda, though it becomes slightly turbid by cooling when saturated with magnesia, and crystallizes in large facets.

  36. Phosphate and borate of lime produce a green flame which is only characteristic of their acids.

  37. This boiling, however, is seldom needed, as the borate is soluble in HCl.

  38. It is the principal species in the borate deposits in the Atacama region of South America.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "borate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acidify; alcohol; carbonate; chemical; ferment; hydrate; nitrate; oxidize; reduce; work