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Example sentences for "boracic"

Lexicographically close words:
booze; boozed; boozing; boozy; bor; borage; borate; borates; borax; bord
  1. Paint the joints with a flux made of boracic acid.

  2. Mix one part boiling water with one part borax and two parts boracic acid.

  3. The boracic acid lake may, by the gradual influx of soda, be gradually converted into borax, which, from its great insolubility, will be deposited as it is formed.

  4. Sponge eyes several times daily with a weak boracic acid lotion (30 grains to 6 ounces of water), using a sponge or piece of linen previously dipped in boiling water.

  5. Give a bath of sulphurated potash (2 ounces of sulphate of potash to 6 gallons of water) weekly, dry thoroughly and then dress the parts with sulphur ointment, or boracic acid ointment.

  6. Smear the part with a little Singleton's Golden Eye Ointment, or with a little vaseline, cold cream, or boracic acid ointment.

  7. A little powdered boracic acid powder can be dusted upon the sore places.

  8. Milder cases can be cured by dusting boracic acid powder into ear night and morning, and for parasitic canker, use in the same way a little white precipitate (ammoniated chloride of mercury).

  9. A little compound tincture of myrrh is an excellent remedy for painting superficial wounds, so is boracic acid as a dusting powder.

  10. Wash your feet and hands every night in warm boracic acid solution (two teaspoonfuls of boracic acid to the quart of water).

  11. These are the hard materials to be vitrified by the fluxes, which are carbonate or oxide of lead, boracic acid or borax, potash or soda, carbonate of lime or barytes.

  12. The use of very soft fluxes is attended with this inconvenience, that the boracic acid contained in them is generally acted upon by moisture and becomes hydrated, and in this condition often causes the painting to peel away.

  13. Boracic acid, from the lakes of Cherchaio, ii, 349.

  14. Vulcano, boracic acid in the waters of, ii, 349.

  15. There remain then only two that have been called mineral acids, the fluoric and boracic acids, the first of which, as conqueress of the earths is the earth acid, the last being thus the acid of the salts.

  16. Borax and boracic acid are feeble but useful antiseptics.

  17. In medicine boracic acid is used in solution to relieve itching, but its chief use is as a mild antiseptic to impregnate lint or cotton-wool.

  18. Dissolve boracic acid and nitrate of baryta in spirits of wine, and supply the Bude lamp with this solution.

  19. Once, or even twice, a day a sponge damped with boracic lotion can be used, but very sparingly.

  20. The boracic powder to be added to the water first, and the Goulard after, and the whole on no account to be used otherwise than nicely warm, or it will cause pain.

  21. A boracic and poppy-head lotion is the quickest cure for cold in the eyes, and is also useful in the ophthalmic condition.

  22. The "tear-channels" which led to this digression can be helped not to exist by using a boracic acid lotion to the eye; but the stains are often ineffaceable.

  23. Then cover the broken surface thickly with powdered boracic acid, and put on a bandage.

  24. Wash the place gently in diluted carbolic acid lotion (1 in 80), or warm solution of boracic acid.

  25. The treatment consists of rest in bed, warm medicated baths several times a day or fomentations of boracic acid.

  26. The only treatment required is rest, with vaginal douches of warm unirritating lotions such as boracic acid or subacetate of lead.

  27. He hoped the addition of the glycerine would increase the power and prevent some drawbacks which would otherwise stand in the way of boracic acid alone as a preservative of raw or cooked meat.

  28. It might not be known to the meeting that boracic acid had been used for a great many years for preserving food, and in fact many of them in summer time had their milk well dosed with it.

  29. Fahrenheit for about two hours, which causes the boracic acid to dissolve and blend with the glycerine.

  30. The boracic acid, subnitrate of bismuth, thymol, and pimento is placed in a mortar and reduced to a fine powder.

  31. My invention consists in a new mode of producing a new preservative compound from boracic acid and glycerine, as hereinafter described.

  32. He knew there were medical opinions in favor of boracic acid, and one physician he was acquainted with used it as a medicine.

  33. The result is boro-phosphate of soda, containing more or less free boracic acid, according to the excess thereof used above the proportions given.

  34. As boracic acid is but slightly soluble in water and other common solvents this combination with glycerine--which is also a useful agent in arresting the growth of germs--is peculiarly valuable.

  35. Of all the anti-septic agents used for the purposes mentioned boracic acid is the favorite, and salicylic acid next in choice.

  36. This dissolves in water, but when boiled in large quantities of the same it is decomposed into glycerine and boracic acid.

  37. I take preferably not less than 5 parts by weight of pure boracic acid in crystals, and add thereto 1 part of pure phosphate of soda.

  38. The moisture yielded by the chemical reaction is evaporated at the ordinary temperature by exposure to the air without loss of boracic acid, and the dry amorphous salt thus produced is readily ground.

  39. In this last mineral, he demonstrated the presence of boracic acid.

  40. They examined the properties of boron in detail, but did not succeed in determining with exactness the proportions of the constituents of boracic acid.

  41. Davy's method with boracic acid is exceptionable, on account of the difficulty of separating the boracic acid completely again.

  42. Sprinkle over with boracic acid powder and wrap up.

  43. The boracic acid is very healing and a good antiseptic, which is one of the important things to be attended to in a bad cut or wound.

  44. The grease helps to lessen the smarting, while the boracic acid is a good antiseptic and keeps the air out.

  45. If baby is bitten by mosquitoes wash the spot off with a little camphor water, soda water, or a wet compress of witch-hazel should be kept on the bite or boracic acid or soda solution.

  46. Rinse the mouth with a solution of boracic acid and put some of the dry powder on the canker," This is a very good remedy as the boracic acid is a good antiseptic and is especially good for children and mild cases of canker sore mouth.

  47. Take a cup of water that has been boiled and cooled and dissolve in it one teaspoonful boracic acid powder.

  48. One teaspoonful of boracic acid in a pint of boiling water.

  49. A green flame may also be produced by using chloride of copper instead of boracic acid.

  50. Obtain some boracic acid, mix it well with a small quantity of spirits of wine, or alcohol, place the alcohol in a saucer upon a dish, and then ignite it with a match.

  51. The pain seemed similar to that which he had felt in his leg, which had been relieved by the application of the boracic fomentation.

  52. Prior to his admission he had been bitten on the calf of one leg by a dog, and complaining of pain from this wound, we dressed it with a simple boracic fomentation.

  53. But then he gives no account of boracic acid, nor does he seem to have attended to its qualities.

  54. He was undoubtedly the first discoverer of boracic acid, though the credit of the discovery has usually been given to Homberg.

  55. Calcareous clay has a colorless boracic glaze, as in the case of the English china of Minton, Copeland, and Worcester.

  56. It has a hard, semi-translucent body, and clear, smooth boracic glaze.

  57. The boracic acid was found to be too volatile to allow the alumina to crystallize, but the use of borax made the necessary difference.

  58. Ebelmen produced the white sapphire and rose-coloured spinel by fusing the constituents at a high temperature in boracic acid.

  59. TABLE of the Combinations of Boracic Acid, with the Salifiable Bases, in the Order of Affinity.

  60. The boracic radical is hitherto unknown; no experiments having as yet been able to decompose the acid; We conclude, from analogy with the other acids, that oxygen exists in its composition as the acidifying principle.

  61. Observations upon the Muriatic, Fluoric, and Boracic Radicals, and their Combinations.

  62. We only know that these radicals are susceptible of oxygenation, and of forming the muriatic, fluoric, and boracic acids, and that in the acid state they enter into a number of combinations, to be afterwards detailed.

  63. By chemical analysis we learn that borax is a neutral salt with excess of base, consisting of soda, partly saturated with a peculiar acid long called Homberg's sedative salt, now the boracic acid.

  64. The boracic acid was formerly called sedative salt, and its compounds borax, with base of fixed vegetable alkali, &c.

  65. Boracic }The bases of these two are hitherto 31.

  66. A little boracic acid might be sprinkled over the cut surface as an additional precaution, but this is unnecessary if ordinary cleanliness is observed.

  67. After the wound is closed some boracic acid powder may be dusted over the wound, and the goat allowed his freedom.

  68. A little talcum powder, French chalk, or powdered boracic acid dusted on the table makes the stock handle easier.

  69. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "boracic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.