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Example sentences for "boil five"

  • Season with salt and cayenne and boil five minutes.

  • Add to the first mixture; boil five minutes.

  • Let it boil five minutes, then turn it into cups.

  • Let it boil five or six minutes--take it from the fire.

  • Stir in cold water till it will pour easily; then stir it into a pot of boiling water, and let it boil five or six minutes, stirring it frequently.

  • Remove your fillets, strain the liquid, put it back on the fire with your fillets, add a tablespoonful of vinegar, boil five minutes, and serve.

  • Take half a pint of Spanish sauce, boil it a few minutes, with a pinch of sugar and nutmeg, add your vegetables, boil five minutes, and serve.

  • After skimming the grease from your sauce, add these ingredients, boil five minutes, and serve.

  • Cover with boiling water and heat to boiling point; boil five minutes.

  • Try out the fat, brown the meat in it, and when well browned, cover with boiling water, boil five minutes, then cook in lower temperature until the meat is done.

  • One teaspoonful cornstarch with one-half cup sugar; one cup of the fruit juice at boiling point, add sugar with cornstarch and let boil five minutes.

  • Boil one quart of vinegar, two cups brown sugar, add sliced beets, a little salt and pepper, boil five or ten minutes, place in cans and close tightly.

  • Now allow juice to drip through a jelly bag or through two thicknesses of cheese-cloth, boil twenty minutes and add equal quantity of sugar, boil five minutes, skim and turn in glasses.

  • Boil five or ten minutes, season with butter, pepper, and salt, and serve at once with cream.

  • Cover with boiling water, boil five minutes, drain, and rinse in fresh boiling water.

  • Cut, but do not peel, boil five minutes, then change the water and cook slowly with plenty of sugar till done.

  • Put into a frying-pan with boiling water to cover, boil five minutes, drain, add a lump of butter, and return to the fire.

  • Boil five minutes, take from the fire; when cool, add the currant juice.

  • Boil five minutes, press as much as possible through a sieve, and freeze.

  • Boil five minutes; put the cucumbers into a stone jar, and pour the vinegar over them scalding hot.

  • Chop the raw oysters, and stir in when you do the butter; boil five minutes, and pour into the tureen.

  • Put the liquor back on the fire with about four ounces of toasted bread, boil five minutes, and mash through a colander.

  • Boil five minutes; strain through muslin and put back into the saucepan.

  • Boil five minutes, take from the fire and put with the milk which has been heated in another vessel.

  • Boil five minutes; strain, and return the gravy to the saucepan.

  • Stir all well together, let it boil five minutes, strain it through a bag, and put it into cups.

  • Stir all together, and let it boil five minutes: strain through a bag, and put into cups.

  • Add heated sugar, boil five minutes, testing to see whether it has jellied.

  • Boil five minutes, stirring all the while; then pour into an earthen dish and add a teaspoonful of vanilla and set on ice.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "boil five" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    boil again; boil fifteen; boil gently; boil them; boil together; boiled beef; boiled eggs; boiled fish; boiled potatoes; boiled rice; boiled water; boiling cream; boiling lard; boiling salted; boiling salted water until; brought before; cold alcohol; each stage; first meeting; front door; grass land; indicative mood; public charity; route from; used always; when all