And no small skill ought he to haue, that should make true report, or nere the truth, of the numbers and Summes, of footemen or horsemen, in the Enemyes ordring.
These boates being thus manned and well appointed, our Generall entered into his Skiffe, and with the rest rowed to the shoare where were threescore horsemen or more, and two hundreth footemen readie to receiue them.
The Indians incontinent left the fielde, and fled into the thicke wooddes, the footemen followed them, and slue aboue thrée hundred Indians, besides many other that were hurt.
The footemen procéeded on, and passed many marishe groundes, vntill they came to the tilled land.
The horsemen carried their Maiz on their horses, and the footemen at their sides; because the Indians that were for seruice, with their miserable life that they lead that winter, being naked and in chaines, died for the most part.
As hee was talking with him, there went from the campe certaine footemen to the towne to seeke some Maiz, and not contented with it, they ransacked and searched the houses, and tooke what they found.
The Gouernour sent Francisco Maldonado a captaine of footemen with 50 men to discouer the coast Westward, and to seeke some Port, because he had determined to goe by land, and discouer that part.
In the waies and places conuenient, they had their Centinelles offootemen by two and two in euery stand, which did watch by turnes, and the horsemen did visit them, and were readie to assist them, if there were any alarme.
By this time, all the horsemen and footemen which were behind, were come to Mauilla.
The next day, the Gouernour sent three Captaines euerie one his way with horsemen and footemen to seeke prouision to passe the desert.
He passed by a little towne called Acela, and came to another called Tocaste: and from thence he went before with 30 horsemen, and 50 footemen toward Cale.
From thence he sent thirtie horse men, and fiftie footemen to the Prouince of Caluça, to see if from thence hee might trauel to Chisca, where the Indians said, there was a worke of gold and copper.
Francisco Maldonado departed, and in his place for captaine of the footemen remained Iohn de Guzman.
The Romanes did garnish (besides the armours) the footemen with feathers; the whiche thinges makes the fight of an armie to the friendes goodly, to the enemies terrible.
He that trusteth more in horsemen then in footemen, more in footemen then in horsemen, must accommodate him selfe with the situacion.
Sidenote: An ensample whiche proveth that horsemen with staves, cannot prevaile against footemen with Pikes, and what great advauntage the armed have, againste the unarmed.
For it must ever be closely remembered, as will be pointed out again, that throughout the book the Prince is what would now be called the Government.
And for that these battailes ordeined thus, marche all one waie, but faight not all one waie, in puttyng them together, those sides ought to be ordained to faight, whiche are not defended of thother battailes.
But meanwhile, and perhaps in consequence, editions and translations of The Prince multiplied apace.
Legion, so that the Romain horse, in every Consulles armie, passed not the nomber of vi.
Enough has been said of its breadth of scope and originality of method.
These things yet staied not Cesar, who appointing his horssemen to passe on before, commanded the footemen to follow.
But about noone, when Cesar had sent foorth thrée legions of footemenand all his horssemen vnder the [Sidenote: Caius Trebonius.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "footemen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.