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Example sentences for "blueberry"

Lexicographically close words:
bludy; blue; blueback; bluebells; blueberries; bluebird; bluebirds; bluebottle; bluecoat; bluecoats
  1. I have forgiven her for the way she snapped me up for, of course, you couldn't beg your father to beat you when he was bringing you blueberry pie.

  2. Mr. Robinson came softly out of the side door in the orchard and looking everywheres around he stepped to the wire closet and took out a saucer of cold beans with a pickled beet on top, and a big piece of blueberry pie.

  3. From the juniper thicket Red Fox led down through a thick blueberry scrub, and thence through every kind of brushy bush he saw, till there was not a bee left in the fur of any member of the family.

  4. He had recaptured the scent on the log in the blueberry patch.

  5. Mrs. Brown came over with her blueberry pie as Burt was summoned to luncheon.

  6. Intermixed with these were blueberry and raspberry bushes.

  7. So surely as we stepped out of the canoe and stretched our legs we found ourselves in a blueberry and raspberry garden, each side of our rocky trail being lined with one or both.

  8. I suppose blueberry wine wouldn't do in its place?

  9. Peter did not think blueberry wine would be any good.

  10. After that they spent a summer on Blueberry Island, and there were gypsies on the island.

  11. This isn't like Blueberry Island, sitting still on a porch!

  12. At the present time, however, only a beginning has been made in blueberry culture.

  13. Blueberry culture, therefore, offers possibilities of profit to individual land-owners in districts in which the general conditions are especially hard and unpromising.

  14. This plantation was started in 1889 in a natural blueberry bog, which was first drained and then set with wild blueberry bushes transplanted without selection for individual productiveness or size of berries.

  15. At the present stage of the blueberry industry it is best to begin by transplanting the most promising wild bushes, selecting them for the size, flavor, color and earliness of the berry as well as for the vigor and productiveness of the bush.

  16. Another important factor to be considered in selecting a location for a blueberry patch is the possibility of late spring freezes.

  17. The best prices are obtained about the beginning of the wild blueberry season.

  18. Freezing seldom injures the blueberry plant itself, but the fruit crop is often destroyed in this way.

  19. We have never come across anything satisfactory on the cultivation of the blueberry except in Le Bon Jardiniere, which says: "The successful cultivation of the whole tribe of Vacciniums is very difficult.

  20. Some parties, we think, offer blueberry plants for sale, but we do not recollect who they are.

  21. While we were drinking tea a special messenger arrived from the village, bringing two frozen blueberry pies as a parting token of regard from the Major, and a last souvenir of civilisation.

  22. Mrs. Downs, wishing to do them honor, was making blueberry flapjacks for tea.

  23. So tired and spent was she, that for some minutes she lay under the blueberry clump before she could gather strength to pull herself up and go on.

  24. Did any of you ever eat blueberry flapjacks?

  25. Besides these trips the four children made a voyage on a houseboat, visited a great city, camped on Blueberry Island, went to Washington, and made a trip at sea.

  26. Once we camped on Blueberry Island, didn't we, Freddie?

  27. Singletary discourse as we strolled over Blueberry Hill, or drove along the narrow willow-shaded road which follows the windings of the river.

  28. Our nearest route home lay across the pastures and over Blueberry Hill, just at the foot of which we encountered Elder Staples and Skipper Evans, who had been driving their cows to pasture, and were now leisurely strolling back to the village.

  29. Do you not remember, I told you how he carried the blueberry pie and the milk out there and we ate them?

  30. Locating a comfortable place near a window he ordered a big dinner, with a whole blueberry pie for dessert.

  31. He was carrying a tin plate with half of a blueberry pie on it.

  32. Blueberry and Cocoanut Soup= Steep grated cocoanut in rich blueberry juice in a not too hot place for 20 m.

  33. Serve with strawberry or blueberry sauce or with cream.

  34. Serve with egg sauce, custard or whipped cream, or with blueberry or grape juice.

  35. Raisins cut in quarters may be substituted for currants, with any desired flavor, and nuts and raisins may be used for Fruit and Nut Buns, and dried blueberries for Blueberry Buns.

  36. Blueberry Toast= The blueberry is one of the most suitable fruits for toasts.

  37. Serve with rich blueberry juice, or with cream or custard.

  38. The blueberry so often Mentioned by Champlain (bluëts or bluës) was Vaccinium canadense.

  39. Do you care for blueberry tarts, Mr. Harrison?

  40. He was caught with his wife in a tree down by the blueberry swamp.

  41. We came out upon it where a large slough entered from the blueberry swamp.

  42. They chased us into the blueberry swamp, but we knew the tree-paths across the farther morasses where they could not follow on the ground, and so we escaped.

  43. Most of the survivors fled toward the blueberry swamp and took refuge in the forest in that neighborhood.

  44. We came out on the other side into a narrow strip of forest that separated the blueberry swamp from the great swamp that extended westward.

  45. My mother and the Chatterer had gone away together toward the blueberry swamp.

  46. Lady Blueberry soothed her tenderly, and said that she would do what she could to prevent it, and soon afterwards we rose from the table.

  47. The Lady Cynthia Maxted, younger daughter of the Earl of Blueberry by his marriage with Sarah, daughter of Giles Ploughshare, Esq.

  48. Blueberry House was typical of those in the aristocratic quarters of Culbut.

  49. Lady Blueberry received us most graciously in her charming kitchen, from which we went into the parlour, where the table was spread.

  50. Lord Blueberry was a dignified figure of a man in this picture, and I thought as I looked at it that I should have felt some hesitation in offering him a tip at Christmas time.

  51. We were left for a few minutes in the parlour, while Lady Blueberry took the scones out of the oven and made the tea, and the Ladies Susan and Cynthia, with Mollie's help, brought plates and the teapot to the table.

  52. My Uncle Blueberry says that the old tradition of Upsidonia was not even extreme poverty, but only just so much as to escape the horrible burdens of wealth.

  53. If it was a week day, Norm would appreciatively stuff three or four blueberry muffins down his throat and, grabbing his lunch bucket, stride out the door to his motorcycle.

  54. I went to Norm's house and we made blueberry pancakes for supper.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "blueberry" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.