At certain street crossings throughout the boroughs bluecoats are assigned to guard-duty during the night, where they can keep close watch on the neighboring thoroughfares.
The exquisite lace coverlet was even now drinking up the red stains, and the bluecoats stopped at the doorway, dropping their heads as they instinctively doffed their caps.
Already three bluecoats had entered in time to capture the frantic old woman, while they worked to bring the miserable girl back to consciousness.
Yonder in the far east glimmered Centerville, its hitherward roads, already in the sabbath sunrise, full of brave bluecoats choking with Virginia dust and throwing away their hot blankets as they came.
Our bluecoats are more numerous than you can count; our hunters are like leaves in the forest, or the grains of sand upon the Wabash.
He's got all he can carry, Mr. Durand," one of thebluecoats said soothingly.
He was in bad with the bluecoats and would probably be arrested if he showed up at headquarters.
We are a-gwine to l'arn you that new settlers cayn't run this community an' coolly turn the bluecoats agin us mount'in folks.
A large crowd had gathered to watch the bluecoats and it was plain to be seen that they were in full sympathy with the strikers.
The bluecoats looked curiously at the man in the green ulster whose face was the colour of clay and who lit cigarette from cigarette with a shaky hand.
I found myself being embraced by a French General of Division, and saw the first companies of the cheerfulbluecoats whom I had longed for.
Then came the rattle of guns and sabers, and a line of bluecoats stood before the door.
It would look comfortable, just now, to see that file of bluecoats marching into the telegraph office.
A body of bluecoats were seen about the station, and a small troop was sent over to take them in.
Soon we were sweeping down the pike like an avalanche, and presently we came in sight of the bluecoats forming in a long line covering every approach to the town.
The bluecoatswere scouting through the country almost continuously in search of Mosby's "gang," as they called it.
When the bluecoatswere about things were different.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bluecoats" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.