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Example sentences for "blockhouses"

Lexicographically close words:
blocke; blocked; blockhead; blockheads; blockhouse; blocking; blockish; blocks; blockships; blocky
  1. He wished to begin building blockhouses for defensive purposes, but was afraid to do so, lest the enemy should consider it a preparation for war.

  2. During the night the men in the blockhouses crept into the fort, together with the inhabitants of some neighbouring houses.

  3. At this time a new system of blockhouses was inaugurated for the defence of the railway, which had the effect of releasing for active operations some six thousand of the troops previously required to guard it.

  4. Meanwhile another line of blockhouses from De Aar to Beaufort West was concluded, thus adding materially to the security of the main line.

  5. Of this melancholy journey the correspondent of the Standard wrote:-- "Not the least striking feature was the reception given to the train by the garrisons of the blockhouses as we passed them in succession.

  6. Under the auspices of these troops and of those of General Spens, the Standerton-Ermelo line of blockhouses was constructed, and the constabulary posts to the line Brugspruit Station, Waterful Station, were established.

  7. Colonel Monro's column, after covering the construction of a line of blockhouses from Stormberg to Queenstown, commenced, in conjunction with a force under Colonel Scobell, to hunt the enemy north of Dordrecht.

  8. The dynamite which they seized at Garrakop, eight miles from Ookiep, they are now using to destroy the blockhouses by dropping charges on the roofs from the kopjes above.

  9. The raider, returning to the Cape Colony with an escort of one hundred men, came into contact near Hanover with the blockhouses held by the Grenadier Guards on the Naauwpoort-De Aar line of railway.

  10. A gradually widening line of blockhouses running 200 miles (from Lambert's Bay to Calvinia and Victoria West) threatened shortly to limit the raiders' sphere of operation, but till this was complete the chases continued.

  11. The whole of these blockhouses were constructed of wood and iron.

  12. Down into De Aar we swept at such speed that as we passed the blockhouses the saluting rifles seemed to rise and fall mechanically and without intermission.

  13. The Alabama settlers took alarm and left their log houses and clearings to seek shelter in the nearest blockhouses and stockades.

  14. Harrison had lost almost a thousand men, half his fighting force, and was again shut up within the barricades and blockhouses of Fort Meigs.

  15. The blockhouses themselves might hold their own, but to the little party who had to travel down from one to the other the situation was full of deadly peril.

  16. Here as everywhere there were blockhouses and trenches to be carried in the face of a hot fire from Mauser rifles, and the rifles were well served.

  17. Flatboats were attacked on their way down the Ohio, and the families massacred; blockhouses were assailed, and the smoke of the settlers' burning cabins lit the skies at night.

  18. This was the Powell whom Argall made the Captain of the Governor's Company and Guard, Lieutenant Governor and Commander of Jamestown, the blockhouses and the people.

  19. Fortifications were by "trench and pallizado" with "great timber" blockhouses athwart "passages and for scouring the pallizadoes.

  20. And there, in front of us, flanked by blockhouses with conical caps, was the frowning mass of Fort Sackville.

  21. In November of the same year 10 acres of the fort reserve were enclosed by a heavy oak-log stockade with blockhouses at three corners, and about the same time a larger garrison was stationed at Abercrombie.

  22. The three blockhouses and the palisade have been restored, so that the fort looks much as it must have looked more than 50 years ago when it crowned this bluff, guarding its prominent position on the river.

  23. Bismarck and the blockhouses on the hill at Fort McKeen.

  24. The two brigades of the leading column had already reached the blockhouses by the Anse du Foulon, and formed themselves as the right wing of the French line of battle; but those behind were not yet in position.

  25. Nearer, on the left, he could see two blockhouses built by the English in the last autumn, not far from the brink of the plateau above the Anse du Foulon where Wolfe climbed the heights.

  26. Each had made a chain of blockhouses and wooden forts to cover its frontier, and manned them with disorderly bands, lawless, and almost beyond control.

  27. Blockhouses and a trembling defensive encourage the meanest scoundrels to attack us.

  28. Redoubts were made to protect its front, and blockhouses to guard its left and rear from the bands of Acadians known to be hovering in the woods.

  29. A pale of blockhouses denied them access to the "protected area.

  30. During the past eight or nine months blockhouses had been established in his division, and he had only a narrow space of about twelve miles wide where he could exist.

  31. The enemy had built blockhouses right through the middle of his division.

  32. Ten months ago there was not a single blockhouse in my division; now lines of blockhouses intersect the entire division.

  33. In the forest blockhouses were then being built, and were laid out while each side raided the other across the frontier on the stream and canal.

  34. If the five thousand men in the Spanish blockhouses and rifle-pits had been reinforced July 1 instead of July 3 by the five thousand regulars from Manzanillo, the Santiago campaign might have ended in a great disaster.

  35. Among his early surprises, as he approached the foot of the ridge area, was another of the blockhouses Admiral Oldendorf had reportedly destroyed with pre-D-Day gunfire.

  36. The French carried the blockhouses and the northern slopes beyond the crest, but the enemy still clung to the eastern and western slopes.

  37. In the moats and on the bastions are numerous concrete blockhouses built by the Germans.

  38. On entering, there are several large concrete machine-gun blockhouses on the right.

  39. On the 7th the battle was renewed and raged with greater fury, the Indians again throwing fire upon the blockhouses and shooting flaming arrows into the roofs, but the garrison repulsed every attack.

  40. Soon after fire was thrown upon the blockhouses that stood near the bank of the river, but syringes made from gun barrels were used with such effectiveness that the blaze was confined to little damage.

  41. Blockhouses at Arlington Heights and the battery at Georgetown Heights, guarded the Aqueduct Bridge.

  42. He established for the time being a little independent government, with blockhouses and small wooden towns, in the middle of the unceded hunting grounds, and caused great alarm to the Spaniards.

  43. The savages were taken by surprise and fled without offering opposition; while Wayne halted, on August 8th, and spent a week in building a strong log stockade, with four good blockhouses as bastions; he christened the work Fort Defiance.

  44. The blockhouses were of little consequence in putting a stop to Indian attacks.

  45. Had General Otis forgotten the favours conferred on him by the Filipino Army, giving up to him and his Army the suburbs and blockhouses which at such great sacrifice to themselves the Filipinos had occupied?

  46. Here nearly 70 camouflaged concrete blockhouses protected the approaches to the mountain; another 50 bulged from the slopes within the first hundred feet of elevation.

  47. His was not a complete organizational victory--the Navy insisted on building gun casemates and blockhouses along the obvious landing beaches on Iwo--but in general he prevailed.

  48. Small wonder if troops who have been kicking their heels for eighteen months in remote blockhouses should have little good to say of the pleasures of the life.

  49. The first part of the road is monotonous, for it follows a straight line of blockhouses in a bleak featureless country.

  50. They had taken enough horses from the Union corrals at the blockhouses to mount the men who had tramped patiently along the ruts in just that hope.

  51. Blockhouses fell to dogged attack or surrendered to bluff, the bluff of Forrest's name.

  52. Blockhouses along the railroads and along the Cumberland were taken, with Murfreesboro their goal.

  53. The Black line had been so seriously damaged by the artillery that it did not in itself present a serious obstacle; on the other hand, the concreted farms and blockhouses were almost intact.

  54. To the rear, again, lay further numerous blockhouses and fortified farms.

  55. Meanwhile the 6th Black Watch had, after some stiff fighting, overcome the numerous blockhouses and fortified farms that they encountered, and had captured a number of prisoners.

  56. From the Blue line onwards the enemy was in greater strength, and his system of defences was mainly composed of isolated fortified farms and of reinforced concrete blockhouses with double walls, cellars, and wide machine-gun loopholes.

  57. Spry, however, proposed the erection of Blockhouses in the neighbourhood of the town.

  58. It is probable the old Blockhouses at Fort Needham and Three Mile House, the remains of which are within the recollection of many of our citizens, may have been originally constructed about this time.

  59. More blockhouses and gun positions were put in.

  60. One secretary made the trip around the blockhouses and outposts daily with a couple of packsacks filled with gum, candy and cigarettes, which were distributed as generously as the small capacity of the sacks permitted.

  61. With barbed wire and our surrounding blockhouses we were confident that we could withstand a regiment trying to advance over that long field of snow; but the danger lay along our tenuous line of communication.

  62. Yankee doughboys supported the artillery and stood in reserves and manned blockhouses but not one was wounded.

  63. On the afternoon of October 14, the second and third platoons of Company "B" were occupying the blockhouses when the Bolos made an attack, which was easily repelled.

  64. That part of Company "B" in the village left at midnight, followed by the force in the blockhouses at 3:00 a.

  65. There they constructed for Major Nichols the fine dugouts and the heavy log blockhouses which were to defy the winter's end drive and the spring shelling of the Bolsheviki.

  66. Engineers were skillfully and heartily at work on the blockhouses and gun emplacements and log shelters for this Kodish force, doomed to a desperate winter, armistice or no armistice.

  67. Meanwhile under cover of this attack at the rear a heavy assault was delivered against the forward blockhouses and barricades.

  68. We leave the Americans now on the railroad associated with their French comrades and 310th Engineers building blockhouses for defense and quarters to keep warm.

  69. It was zero weather when they went south just before Thanksgiving to help build blockhouses and hospitals, Y.

  70. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "blockhouses" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.