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Example sentences for "blockheads"

Lexicographically close words:
blockading; blockage; blocke; blocked; blockhead; blockhouse; blockhouses; blocking; blockish; blocks
  1. But the blockheads of Arabs choosing to sleep in the plain, the garrison took advantage of their folly to make a goom: and so cleverly was it managed, that by Allah!

  2. Allah knows there be many greater blockheads in this sublunary world than his servant the Hajji.

  3. Why, to puncture the skin of blockheads and blasphemers like you, and suck the last drop of blood from their veins.

  4. Blockheads who were not troubled with an idea once a fortnight, and who could neither write nor speak their mother English decently, had undertaken to expound things which never happened in dialects which nobody understood.

  5. And because he displays the spirit of an energetic business man, because his capacity for speculating occasionally overwhelms blockheads and dunces, he is decried as a ravenous wolf.

  6. Of what use would blockheads be but to fuss and grope about blindly?

  7. What I thank our fathers for is that there are fewer blockheads among us than among other races.

  8. Very seldom has a distinguished author had for wife a distinguished authoress, or vice versa; indeed, it used to be one of the dear delightful theories of blockheads that such unions, if they could take place, would be miserably unhappy.

  9. There is a secret propensity in nature from generation to generation in the blockheads of one age to admire those of another; and men of the same imperfections are as great admirers of each other, as those of the same abilities.

  10. Are you, my lads, such blockheads as to be ashamed to acknowledge that you say your prayers?

  11. Our precious blockheads at the dockyard had fitted a thirty--two pound carronade on the pivot, and stuck two long sixes, one on each side of the little vessel.

  12. He too would boast for once and rail against the blockheads as St. Paul [!

  13. A lash like mine no honest man shall dread, But all such babbling blockheads in his stead.

  14. The greatest blockheads would appear to understand what at the same time they affect to despise: and nobody yet was ever so vicious, as to have the impudence to declare, in public, that virtue was not a fine thing.

  15. Incorrigible blockheads and clowns of "modern ideas" that they are, I feel much more profoundly at variance with them than with any one of their adversaries.

  16. For the whole body were distinguished from each other, the two blockheads said, not in the existence but simply in the degree of their love for both of the two fainting subjects.

  17. On the ninth morning of April, these Forty Swiss blockheads arrive.

  18. Let speculative blockheads brew metaphysical nectar, make a hash of axioms, problems, corollaries and demonstrations, and feed on ideas and fatten.

  19. To say the truth, I do not believe another brace of such ignorant blockheads have flourished in one parish, since the days of Dogberry and Verges.

  20. That nearly all the blockheads with whom I have at any time had the pleasure of conversing upon the subject of style (and pardon me for saying that men of the most sense are apt, upon two subjects, viz.

  21. What blockheads they were to think that I was going to start to-day!

  22. Such blockheads as you are not fit to have parents.

  23. If by Stage-Fops they a poor Living get, We can grow rich, thanks to our Mother-Wit, By the more natural Blockheads of the Pit.

  24. The ancients, who in these matters were not, perhaps, such blockheads as some may conceive, considered poetical quotation as one of the requisite ornaments of oratory.

  25. These blockheads of Finnish women are always clean where there is no need to be.

  26. The blockheads think that I am like her, an ordinary Cossack.

  27. Fools read and dy'd: for Blockheads then had Shame.

  28. Meanwhile, all other kinds and tribes As fools and blockheads it describes, With other compliments as cheap.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "blockheads" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.