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Example sentences for "being baptized"

  • To find the very apostle of justification by faith saying that a little child becomes a believer by being baptized, is humiliating and disheartening (so Broadus.

  • The obligation to commune is no more binding than the obligation to profess faith by being baptized.

  • He does not merit it, nor procure it, nor earn it, in being baptized; but he appropriates what the mercy of God has provided and offered in the gospel.

  • Further, A desire to submit to John's water baptism, or of being baptized by him in water, did not demonstrate by that single act, the receiving of the whole doctrine of God as you suggest.

  • And it therefore follows," he goes on to say, "that those who have been polluted by being baptized by men opposed to Christ should first be cleansed, and only then baptized.

  • Baptism should be anyone, even not in orders, lest from lack of being baptized, man should suffer loss of his salvation.

  • Thirdly, because by Christ's being baptized at the perfect age, we are given to understand that baptism brings forth perfect men, according to Eph.

  • But Christ did not baptize before being baptized.

  • My sick and weak condition makes me feel that in being baptized, and in receiving the Lord's Supper, I submit myself to God's hand of love, and take from him infinitely more than I give him.

  • There have been instances, within my knowledge, in which one or both of the parents of a child have yielded to some untoward influences, and have withheld the child from being baptized.

  • Now the pleasure of being baptized is nothing compared with having God enter into a covenant in your behalf when you knew nothing about it.

  • He begged for the privilege of being baptized.

  • About the year 300, those desirous of being baptized were (a) admitted to the catechumenate, giving in their names to the bishop.

  • Now before the baptism, let him that is baptizing and him that is being baptized fast, and any others who can; but thou biddest him who is being baptized to fast one or two days before.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "being baptized" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    alliterative verse; being about; being again; being agreeable; being boiled; being borne; being captured; being confined; being engaged; being from; being heard; being introduced; being just; being justified; being modified; being present; being read; being seen; being subject; being suspended; being taken; being thus; being useful; being usually; being watched; being weary