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Example sentences for "being supposed"

  • This they usually perform on the second night, being supposed, on the first, to gratify themselves with sucking the blood only.

  • The young shoots of this, being supposed to have a refreshing and corroborating quality, are rubbed over the body and limbs after violent fatigue.

  • But if cut before Hallowmas, it was called the Maiden; if cut after sunset, it was called the Witch, being supposed to bring bad luck.

  • The vulture was the emblem of maternity as being supposed to care especially for her young.

  • The sufferer is questioned, being supposed to be possessed by the snake, and asked why the bite was inflicted and how the snake can be appeased.

  • I have no fear of being supposed to undervalue its importance in this respect.

  • The change of s into r; the Latin word meliorem being supposed to have been originally meliosem, and the s in nigrius, firmius, &c.

  • At present it labours under a sort of imputation, being supposed to have thrown out a bad offshoot, the Wahhabis.

  • This gives him a sour look, and, being supposed to indicate an ill-temper, is generally considered a great blemish.

  • You are not afraid of being supposed ashamed.

  • And this is the end, you see, of Captain Benwick's being supposed to be an admirer of yours.

  • So named in reference to its composition, it being supposed to contain the radicals of three molecules of cyanic acid.

  • Defn: Capable of being supposed, or imagined to exist; as, that is not a supposable case.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "being supposed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    being affected; being aware; being baptized; being confined; being connected; being equal; being followed; being free; being full; being good; being here; being informed; being joined; being just; being killed; being left; being married; being ordained; being permitted; being questioned; being sick; being willing; beside the; divers colors; other self; taken three