The prospect of retirement, therefore, and of being useful to her sick aunt, had drawn her northwards.
Neither could a man like Falconer long confine his interest to this immediate object, especially after he had, in following it, found opportunity of being useful.
There are many other modes of being useful; but none in which I could undertake to direct you.
But soon sinking into belief that she should never know the ravishing sweets of a mutual passion, she found consolation in the hope of being useful to Agricola.
Drawn up for the purpose of being useful, these biographies are necessarily exact.
And this visit seems to me to be of happy augury; I know not what good presentiment whispers to me, that perhaps I shall have the pleasure of being useful to you in some affair.
But he cannot produce any change on pine and mahogany by his discourses, and the more wood he sees as he looks along his floor and galleries, the less his chance of being useful.
I do not know that I shall ever again have so good an opportunity of being useful as was granted me by the raising of the question which produced this Essay.
Joseph Bellamy Stoker's love of being useful to people of all ages.
Besides encountering the perpetual hostility of all those who were near to him, he would have to give up the service and his position, and sacrifice his hopes of being useful to humanity by his service, now and in the future.
He saw no other way of being useful to humanity than by serving the State.
But, in spite of the most scrupulous and exact discharge of the duties demanded of him, this service gave no satisfaction to his desire of being useful, nor could he awake in himself the consciousness that he was doing "the right thing.
You can do nothing with this woman," said the voice; "you will only tie a stone round your neck, which will help to drown you and hinder you from being useful to others.
Caroline had several conversations with her father on the subject, and was delighted at the idea of being useful to all those little girls, who were so wretched and so ignorant.
Since he had taken charge of a manufactory, and been brought in contact with a large number of workmen, some poor and others corrupt, he had felt an increasing desire of being useful to them, both morally and physically.
I have a feeling that, in some way, you will find means of being useful to her, if necessary.
Louis continued: “I also am desirous of being useful to my fellow-men.
It is by self-sacrifice that we acquire the inappreciable gift of being useful to our fellow-men.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "being useful" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.