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Example sentences for "bating"

Lexicographically close words:
bathrooms; baths; bathtub; bathtubs; bathymetrical; batis; batman; batmen; bato; baton
  1. And I should do so as certainly, bating sickness or death, as that two and two make four.

  2. Half a dozen jests in a day (bating Sundays too), why, it seems nothing!

  3. Bating his new division of accent to subject it sometimes to short quantity, he recognized very fully the dependence of quantity, long or short, whether in syllables or only in vowels, upon the presence or absence of accent or emphasis.

  4. Bating the respect that is due to anomalous usage, there would be more propriety in compounding in quest of, in lieu of, and many similar phrases.

  5. I would give a baioccolo to see--'bating the rest of the same author, and an occasional Edinburgh and Quarterly, as brief chroniclers of the times.

  6. Bating the parents," continued Daly, "I never saw a more prepossessing family.

  7. Bating that shocking custom, there was special good cheer.

  8. It's a very hot day, and bating is warm work.

  9. Yet, bating a little inaccuracy, it is so.

  10. Now (bating the honeymoon), I do not agree with his lordship.

  11. Sure I can guess, bating you don't know already.

  12. It's a big bating ye want, is it, to tache ye manners!

  13. If it was Oireland ye'd hear the bating of the waves upon the shore; but they're too hot and wake in this counthry to do more than give a bit of a lap on the sands.

  14. They transported thim two boys to this baste of a place, and put chains on their legs, for giving a spalpeen like that a big bating wid a shtick?

  15. I am required to believe that "bating the ass," no living beast on the five-acre farm belongs to the tenant.

  16. Bating the fines which he injudiciously levied you have exactly the programme for enforcing which he was shot, as you would probably be if you attempted anything of the kind.

  17. But this is the country of credit; and, so far as I have seen, nobody is in a violent hurry either to pay or to be paid, bating those who have lent money on mortgage.

  18. Devil a bit, Shorsha, do they owe to the thaives, except many a bloody bating and plundering, which they never paid them back.

  19. What need you frighten a poor girl that is no schollard, bating what she learned at the Charity School of Saint Bees?

  20. Odd, his father would brain him if he went to Carloisle, bating to wrestling for the belt, or sic loike.

  21. So Parliament passed it a' ower easy; and Sir Robert, bating that he was held to hunting foxes instead of Covenanters, remained just the man he was.

  22. Larry and Sally made it up, and were as great friends as ever; and Dick was made drunk for the bating he got from his father.

  23. We have had such a spring (bating the last ten days) as would have satisfied even you with warmth.

  24. For "bating on a full crop" is to be particularly avoided at all times.

  25. Sometimes a hawk will keep bating off in a tiresome way.

  26. What good does a hawk get from bating at the block on to the wet grass from 3 or 4 a.

  27. See where thine honest zeal hath landed thee, Bating my wrath, and blunting my desire!

  28. Then in fierce anger all at once I launched All terms of execration at his head, Bating no word, being maddened by the thought That I should lose this heirloom,--and to him!

  29. M301) According to Locke, we must be in an eternal uneasiness so long as we live, bating the time of sleep or trance, &c.

  30. Sir John Cust is Speaker, and bating his nose, the chair seems well filled.

  31. Thus far arms have with success been crowned," bating a few mishaps, which will attend long marches like ours.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bating" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.