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Example sentences for "bathtubs"

Lexicographically close words:
bathrobe; bathroom; bathrooms; baths; bathtub; bathymetrical; bating; batis; batman; batmen
  1. I say, Doc, I want to put it up to you," said Skippy hastily, for he feared any reference to bathtubs or mosquitoes might detract from the respect which was essential in Hippo.

  2. Two million bathtubs and on every tub our royalty!

  3. The old Squire was so pleased with it that he had Glinds make another; and then, discovering how cheaply pine bathtubs could be made, he hit upon a new notion.

  4. You've got all the bathtubs there are cornered up here at your place!

  5. Removing Black Deposit an Bathtubs A good way to remove the black deposit left on bathtubs by the water is to use a strong solution of sulphuric acid.

  6. Apparently English bathtubs are constructed on the principle that every Englishman who bathes is nine feet long and about eighteen inches wide, whereas the approximate contrary is frequently the case.

  7. By now the study of bathing habits had become an obsession with me; I asked him whether he had encountered any bathtubs about the place.

  8. Unless local authorities advise otherwise, fill buckets, bathtubs and other containers with water, for use in emergency fire fighting.

  9. Even if the containers were not covered (such as buckets or bathtubs filled with emergency supplies of water), as long as they were indoors it is highly unlikely that fallout particles would get into them.

  10. Tell the maids to fill the bathtubs while there is any water left in the mains.

  11. As a matter of course modern bathtubs were installed and gas replaced by electricity.

  12. We were supplied, however, with the incontrovertible argument that in our adjacent third square mile there were in 1892 but three bathtubs and that this fact was much complained of by many of the tenement-house dwellers.

  13. Great fear was expressed by the public authorities that the baths would not be used, and the old story of the bathtubs in model tenements which had been turned into coal bins was often quoted to us.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bathtubs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.