As the bathroom was almost over the kitchen, and as the house already had a good cesspool, by some happy miracle, the work was comparatively simple, and the plumber left to get his men and supplies.
The bedrooms may be made more airy, and perhaps a bathroom added.
Also her bedroom, light and attractively furnished, with a bathroom off.
He sat outside the bathroom door and shouted in the news.
If there isn't enough water power, I'll get a gasoline engine big enough to pump water for a bathroom and do the power work around the house, anyway.
His first important step in the farming operations was to provoke his father's wrath by the extravagance of adding a bathroom to the house.
Amory threw off the blankets and moved close to the bathroom door.
Olson walked through the bathroom and took a cursory glance at Alec's still form.
He heard one word from Alec that sounded like "penitentiary," then he and Jill were in the bathroom with the door bolted behind them.
Suddenly a steady, insistent knocking began at Amory's hall door and simultaneously out of the bathroom came Alec, followed by the vermilion-lipped girl.
You know uncle likes to go up to the bathroom before he does anything!
It could not be sufficiently emphasized that to accost him before he had descended from the bathroom was to transgress one of the most solemn rules of his daily life.
Psmith went to the bathroom to wash his hands again, with the feeling that he had done a good day's work.
First floor, four bedrooms and a bathroom and dressing-room.
If this important person has a bathroom conveniently situated, gas fires, a gas ring for heating kettles, irons, etc.
One daughter helped to make beds and did a certain amount of washing of oddments, using the nearest bathroom and keeping a folding table for ironing in her bedroom, where there was a gas ring for the irons.
The bathroom with hot and cold water was next door.
In flats where the bathroom is near the furnace less fuel is needed.
There is but one bathroom and upstairs lavatory; therefore there is a good deal of stair work when doing the rooms.
He'd swear at his razor if it didn't cut right, and Mrs. Clemens used to send me around to the bathroom door sometimes to knock and ask him what was the matter.
We are troubled by chronic digestive disorders (only humans use bathroom tissue; if an animal is healthy its excrement will not stick to its body).
Would you mind if I went into your bathroom to wash my face?
She groped her way into the bathroom and washed her face, and straightened her hair and came forth, a dazed and pallid thing.
Right here, sir," said the boy, and indicated in the bathroom a special faucet marked "Drinking Water.
This bathroomwants refitting anyhow," he said abruptly.
Then she stopped abruptly, as one might discover that the water in the bathroom was running to waste and turn it off.
From the fire-escape and along the window ledge to the bathroom window.
Good night," called Kent, and he accompanied Ferguson as far as the bathroom door, then returned to his inspection of Rochester's table.
Gathering his wits together Kent hurried into the bedroom--it was empty; so also was the bathroomopening from it.
He remembered the Spanish conversation which he had heard through the bathroom door.
There was a knock on the outer door, and Jarvis again disappeared behind the bathroom portal, with instinctive caution.
She had a bath and then discovered a mechanical stylist in a recess beside the bathroom mirror.
Trigger retired to the cabin's bathroom with them and came out a few minutes later, dressed again.
The bathroom mirror showed they'd left her eyes alone.
Ther's a room they calculated makin' into a bathroom back of the house, but some slick Alec figured the boys of Snake's Fall were prejudiced, so cut it out.
He went into the bathroom and tapped gently on the door to Boyd's connecting room.
He let himself into his room, and was taking off his shoes with a grateful sigh when there was a rap on the door of the bathroom that connected his room with Boyd's.
He saw Mullins, the disgusting Mullins, step blithely into the bathroom passage; he saw him pause, shrink back, and raise his arm to protect his face.
He went with extreme caution towards thebathroom door, passing the point of danger so close that his skin turned hot and cold.
It hung there, motionless and threatening, between him and thebathroom door.
If you want to get up and use the bathroom and walk around a little, I'm sure it would be all right.
Jennifer wasn't usually in this early, but she was finishing a rush job for a marble bathroom for a couple on the Upper East Side.
He gave them a cursory look, then came back and followed a hallway to a bathroom in the back.
She threw the clothes into a blue gym bag and headed for the bathroom to fetch some toiletries.
The Walls and Ceiling= of the kitchen and bathroomshould be painted with white lead or white enamel.
The floors of the bathroom and kitchen should be covered with oilcloth.
That portion of =The Rear Wall= enclosing the kitchen and bathroom is hinged to open (see Fig.
A Wash-stand= can be made for the bathroom and each of the bedrooms similar to Fig.
If you fool us this time we'll drag you to thebathroom and duck you.
The track leading to the bathroom was most in evidence, and the two professors quickly discovered the big snowball resting in the bathtub.
At one end was a small bathroom and a clothing closet.
The bathroom has the walls painted in broad stripes of dull blue and taupe, the stripes being quite six inches wide.
Bathroom fixtures are to-day so elaborate in number and quality, that the conveniences one gets are limited only by one's purse.
Equally dainty to look at and offering the same degree of sanitary cleanliness, is a bathroom enamelled in some delicate tone to accord in colour with the bedroom with which it connects.
If your room is small, and the bathroom opens out of it, add to the size of the room by using the same colour scheme in the bathroom, and conceal the plumbing and fixtures by a low screen.
First, one has to decide whether the bathroom is to be finished in conventional white enamel, which cannot be surpassed for dainty appearance and sanitary cleanliness.
Illustration: Venetian Glass, Antique and Modern] Some go so far as to make the bathroom the same colour as the bedroom, even when this is dark.
One small closet in the bathroom is large enough to hang bath robe, pajamas, etc.
A small bathroom completed our suite of apartments, and, after the bare boards of the Cruiser, the Moon seemed to overflow with luxury.
These matters settled, the new aristocrat could yawn and stretch like any aristocrat under the old dispensation, and then as the sound of running water from the bathroom ceased, stick his toes out of bed.
And apparently a bath in a bathroom far down the corridor was prescribed for him in the morning; he hadn't thought of a dressing-gown.
When she has done with it I intend to spread it over the only part of the bathroom floor which is permanently dry.
And, suffering as our bathroom does from that lack of space which the writer on bathrooms so justly laments, the "profound chair" is out of the question.