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Example sentences for "banishes"

Lexicographically close words:
bani; banian; banians; banish; banished; banisheth; banishing; banishment; banishments; banisht
  1. When weariness steals over him, he forgets his toil on her bosom; the light of her countenance swiftly banishes all thought of his travail.

  2. How, O Heaven, can the son of the stranger stand upon the spot whence Thy command banishes him?

  3. Yet Plutarch is as far removed from the Epicureanism which banishes God from the universe as he is from the pantheism of east or west, which interfuses the world and God.

  4. Abolishes the Church of England, and banishes its adherents.

  5. In vain their memory reigns in the heart's core; we lend ourselves to the activity of the living, which banishes the thought of death as painful and unavailing.

  6. It banishes free white labor, it exterminates the mechanic, the artisan, the manufacturer.

  7. Hahnemann tells us that a stronger power banishes a weaker one in a permanent manner, whereas the bright planet he here alludes to will return with the night.

  8. The mathematical world dispels the illusions of our fervent youth, as chilling truth banishes fancy's flattering dreams.

  9. Sorrow hinders the work that makes us sorrowful: but it helps us to do more readily whatever banishes sorrow.

  10. This argument holds in regard to pleasure caused by the real presence of vengeance, which banishes anger altogether.

  11. But "the addition of a greater anger banishes already existing anger," as the Philosopher says (Rhet.

  12. On the other hand, since venial sin is neither contrary to charity, nor banishes it, as a consequence, neither does it expel the other virtues.

  13. VIII Saint-Evremond to Ninon de l'Enclos Love Banishes Old Age Your life, my well beloved, has been too illustrious not to be lived in the same manner until the end.

  14. But the poets Homer and Hesiod he banishes from his state, because he thinks their representations of God unworthy.

  15. It banishes from the National Capital an odious traffic.

  16. But the same anathema which smites and banishes nobility must also smite and banish every form of discrimination founded on birth,-- "Quamvis ille niger, quamvis tu candidus esses.

  17. Switzerland, the liberal republic, banishes the Jesuits, closes the convents, and follows Bismarck’s steps in its dealings with the Catholic clergy.

  18. Friendship immediately banishes envy under all its disguises.

  19. Cheerfulness bears the same friendly regard to the mind as to the body: it banishes all anxious care and discontent, soothes and composes the passions, and keeps the soul in a perpetual calm.

  20. Klingsor then appears, and puts his power to the utmost trial by brandishing his sacred lance, but Parsifal's pure faith banishes the false charm.

  21. One foe he kills, and the insane unborn, He banishes from out the camp in scorn.

  22. The object satisfies the subject, which is nourished by no other, seeks no other, is occupied by no other, and banishes every other thought.

  23. Maria Anna, of Austria, banishes the Jews from the Spanish provinces, 169.

  24. Maria Theresa, of Austria, banishes the Jews from Bohemia and Moravia, 252-3.

  25. The first severe word addressed to your daughter on my account, banishes me forever from Gyllensten.

  26. He who banishes hardship banishes hardihood; and out of the same door with Calamity walk Courage, Fortitude, Triumphant Faith, and Sacrificial Love.

  27. It eradicates wrinkles, banishes care, and by its laughter-compelling mirth and irresistible humor rejuvenates the whole body.

  28. With joyous gales of mirth it dissipates gloom and banishes trouble.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "banishes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.