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Example sentences for "incontinence"

Lexicographically close words:
inconstant; incontestable; incontestably; incontestible; incontestibly; incontinency; incontinent; incontinentlie; incontinently; incontrollable
  1. These are the cases in which a complete laceration of the perineum is apparently completely healed after operation, but the patient finds that she has incontinence both of flatus and fæces.

  2. These sometimes give trouble when operations are performed on elderly or enfeebled patients, especially when they are thin and have incontinence of urine.

  3. In bad cases, in addition to subsultus tendinum, there are carphologia, incontinence or retention of the urine, and paralysis of the sphincter ani.

  4. Enuresis, incontinence of urine, is often very troublesome in children; its diagnosis presents no difficulty.

  5. In one case which came under my observation, and in which this precaution had been neglected, the patient suffered from incontinence of urine for some time after his recovery from the fever.

  6. In many cases, when the prostration is extreme, the urine is passed involuntarily, but in some of these cases the incontinence of the urine is only apparent, and is really the result of over-distension of the bladder.

  7. He warns against the possibility of producing incontinence by the incision of deep fistulae, for this would leave the patient in a worse state than before.

  8. The example of maternal incontinence was copied by the king of Italy; and the three favorite concubines of Hugo were decorated with the classic names of Venus, Juno, and Semele.

  9. Rape is an offence clearly punishable by law; but I would not say that simple incontinence is so.

  10. He warns against the possibility of producing incontinence by the incision of deep fistulæ, for this would leave the patient in a worse state than before.

  11. Twitchings, night or day terrors, sleep walking, and incontinence of urine often trouble them.

  12. That against incontinence is severe, but no more than so monstrous an offence demands: Submit to it, Daughter, without resistance; You will find the benefit of patience and resignation in a better life than this.

  13. Not satisfied with displaying the incontinence of a Prostitute, She professed herself an Atheist: She took every opportunity to scoff at her monastic vows, and loaded with ridicule the most sacred ceremonies of Religion.

  14. Similarly in Humbe, a kingdom of Angola, the incontinence of young people under the age of puberty used to be a capital crime, because it was believed to entail the death of the king within the year.

  15. In general it appears to be supposed that the evil effect of incontinence is not so much that it weakens him, as that, for some reason or other, it offends the animals, who in consequence will not suffer themselves to be caught.

  16. See also Cuts Incontinence of young people supposed to be fatal to the king, 6 India, names of animals tabooed in, 401 sqq.

  17. When he left his residence to visit other places within his jurisdiction, all married people had to observe strict continence the whole time he was out; for it was supposed that any act of incontinence would prove fatal to him.

  18. M120 The practice of continence by fishers and hunters seems to be based on a notion that incontinence offends the fish and the animals.

  19. Aristotle holds incontinence to consist in the immoderate indulgence of propensities which under right guidance are adapted to promote lawful pleasure.

  20. Moll's comparison of nocturnal emissions of semen with nocturnal incontinence of urine suggests an interesting resemblance, and at the same time seeming contrast.

  21. We might, then, Moll remarks, maintain that nocturnal incontinence of urine is satisfactory, since the bladder is thus emptied.

  22. Incontinence of urine during the day and long-continued bed-wetting does not at all affect the health of the child.

  23. Ergot: in paralysis, either of bladder or sphincter, when bladder is so that urine is retained, and incontinence in sphincter.

  24. Strychnine: very useful in the paralysis of the aged, and incontinence of children.

  25. It is noteworthy that nocturnal and diurnal incontinence of urine, as well as "stammering" of the bladder, are all specially liable to begin or to cease at puberty.

  26. Incontinence applies to other things than Pleasure, as anger, honour, and gain (I.

  27. Incontinence is like sleep or drunkenness as opposed to wakeful knowledge.

  28. The incontinence of passion is more curable than that of weakness; what proceeds from habit more than what is natural (X.

  29. In 1325 the Prioress Joan de Barton resigned, having been found guilty of incontinence with the inevitable chaplain.

  30. There is incontinence of urine and fæces from the first.

  31. There is incontinence of urine and fæces.

  32. Retention of urine and retention or incontinence of fæces are constant symptoms.

  33. In severe cases there is incontinence of urine and of fæces, as the patient loses control of the sphincters.

  34. With the pultaceous deposit in the bladder there is incontinence of urine, which dribbles away continually and keeps the hair on the inner side of the thighs matted with soft magma.

  35. Evidences of paralysis or paraplegia develop, retention or incontinence of urine, and oftentimes sexual excitement is present.

  36. The attack may begin with a chill or convulsion; the muscles twitch or become cramped very early in the disease, and the bladder usually is affected at the outset, in which there may be either retention or incontinence of urine.

  37. Suppression and incontinence of urine are common also to obstruction of the urethra by stone or otherwise; hence this source of fallacy should be excluded by manual examination along the whole course of that duct.

  38. This usually affects the neck of the bladder, and is characterized by incontinence of urine; the urine dribbles away as fast as it is secreted.

  39. In the fourth month, when the uterus ascends into the abdominal cavity, these bladder symptoms subside, until the very close of the pregnancy, when by the descent of the now greatly enlarged uterus there may be even incontinence of urine.

  40. Woman aged seventy years; came on account of incontinence of urine, which had been troublesome for two years.

  41. There were two evils which Gregory was resolved to extirpate: lay investitures, and the incontinence of the clergy.

  42. Gregory pardons him; and, in 1074, holds his first council at Rome against simony and the incontinence of the clergy.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "incontinence" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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