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Example sentences for "cupidity"

Lexicographically close words:
cupelling; cupels; cupful; cupfull; cupfuls; cupido; cupids; cupiens; cupio; cupit
  1. No doubt the cupidity of the monarch would have been gratified by so profitable a disposal of privileges, but the favor was not granted by reason of the opposition of the local aristocracy.

  2. The overland coaches offered a great temptation to the cupidity of the Sioux, and they were not slow to avail themselves of any opportunity to attack them.

  3. One moment," she said hoarsely, her eyes glittering with cupidity in their deep orbits, "I shall not eat your gold!

  4. But it would require a heart of stone and an outrageous cupidity to feel no sorrow at the terrible fate which my uncle and his daughter may have met.

  5. And yet he has no thought of punishing such insolent cupidity by destroying his treasure!

  6. F] Ordeals of this character occurred almost daily in the neighboring country, of course destroying numbers of innocent victims of cupidity or malice.

  7. This general feeling again aroused the cupidity of those whose fathers had once claimed to own those Exiles, who fled from Georgia some thirty or forty years previously.

  8. Vexed and mortified at this disappointment, Collins took passage on the first packet bound up the river, determined to secure the victims of Watson's cupidity wherever he should find them.

  9. The two men were minded to despoil the Archbishop of his fine trappings, and imparted their design to Andreuccio, who, cupidity getting the better of caution, approved it; and so they all three set forth.

  10. Thinking at once to gratify his cupidity and to outwit Zima, the knight answered that he was content that it should be even as Zima wished.

  11. The masters of the carracks espied the bark, and found out to whom she belonged: the fame of Landolfo and his vast wealth had already reached them, and had excited their natural cupidity and rapacity.

  12. As to Ferdinand, his cupidity was roused at the idea of being soon put in possession of a more direct and safe route to those countries with which the crown of Portugal was opening so lucrative a trade.

  13. The cupidity of the Spaniards was greatly excited, and they would gladly have remained to barter, but the admiral discouraged all disposition of the kind.

  14. Now Jonah's Captain, shipmates, was one whose discernment detects crime in any, but whose cupidity exposes it only in the penniless.

  15. So intolerable indeed is it regarded by some, that no cupidity could persuade them to moor alongside of it.

  16. In the meantime, the English King and the English nation united might head the European coalition, and might oppose an insuperable barrier to the cupidity of Lewis.

  17. It is not impossible that our descendants, when they read the history of the opposition offered by cupidity and prejudice to the improvements of the nineteenth century, may smile in their turn.

  18. This reservation is very fertile, and, as usual in such cases, has attracted the cupidity of the whites.

  19. We must face the fact that this problem arose principally from the cupidity and carelessness of our ancestors.

  20. Still less can we be surprised that fanatic zeal, arbitrary cruelty, and insatiable cupidity rivalled each other in building up a system unspeakably atrocious.

  21. And with this confusion of frank cupidity and rapacious regard, the miser, with a supreme effort, pushed the stone impatiently toward the Sepoy.

  22. Humboldt seeks to palliate this cupidity by making him the conscious inheritor of the pecuniary chances which every free son of Genoa expected to find within his grasp by commercial enterprise.

  23. It took several to appease the native cupidity where one had formerly done it.

  24. The cupidity of the colonists overcame all obstacles.

  25. And, from a practical point of view, it was preposterous that the cupidity of some Colombian politicians should stand in the way of an improvement in geography.

  26. It is impossible to say just what proportions of fear and cupidity decided the members of the deposed cabinet to take the aliens' side against their country, but both emotions undoubtedly played a part.

  27. She knew that his cupidity and insolence stopped at nothing, but never did she imagine he would have the wild presumption to aspire to Madeleine's hand.

  28. Is it not to your husband that I owe the fortune which excites the cupidity of this wicked Clameran?

  29. No sooner had France made the first move in pursuit of her claims on Naples than their cupidity was aroused, and Western Europe was involved in a series of wars which continued, with but little intermission, until the Peace of Vervins, 1598.

  30. The existence of numerous petty states between their frontiers, which could only hope to survive by dexterous intrigue, excited their cupidity and thickened the thread of treacherous diplomacy which was now to call the foreigner into Italy.

  31. And if anyone shall be led by his cupidity or arrogance to break this truce, by the authority of God and with the sanction of this council he shall be anathematized.

  32. These two, by an instinct quick as lightning, saw the means of gratifying at one blow their cupidity and hate.

  33. Robinson had caught that furtive glance, and a chill came over him that this villain should have seen the prize, a thing to excite cupidity to frenzy.

  34. The dividend over, they returned to Tortuga, amid the general rejoicing of all over whom love or cupidity had any power.

  35. Cupidity inspired the crime, and they easily persuaded themselves that God and man alike demanded the expiation.

  36. They instantly sailed towards her to ascertain her strength, and though they found it to be vastly superior to theirs, partly from despair and partly from cupidity they resolved at once to take it or die in the attempt.

  37. A spirit of cupidity arose, which was stimulated by the heated imaginations of men poor and angry.

  38. Sometimes, hypocritical and cunning, they have called from heaven a lying power, and a sacrilegious yoke; and credulous cupidity has founded religious despotism.

  39. The cupidity of man and his ignorance,--these are the evil genii which have wasted the earth!

  40. In societies formed on such foundations, when time and labor had developed riches, cupidity restrained by the laws, became more artful, but not less active.

  41. What one seizes to-day, another takes to-morrow, and our cupidity reacts upon ourselves.

  42. You thus impose on the impetuous sallies of cupidity a salutary rein!

  43. Then, reflecting on the cupidity inherent in the heart of man, I thought that this people would renounce all ideas of amelioration.

  44. And first, in the savage and barbarous state of the first men, this audacious and fierce cupidity produced rapine, violence, and murder, and retarded for a long time the progress of civilization.

  45. It is you who have made of your ministry an art of cheating and imposture; you have converted religion into a traffic of cupidity and avarice.

  46. Cupidity had nevertheless excited among men a constant and universal conflict, which incessantly prompting individuals and societies to reciprocal invasions, occasioned successive revolutions, and returning agitations.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cupidity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    appetite; avarice; avidity; cupidity; desire; gluttony; grasping; greed; hunger; incontinence; lust; rapacity; voracity