From tubercular leprosy, epithelioma and lupus vulgaris, especially the last-named.
Epithelioma may invade the prepuce, or the whole penis, or any part of it.
Two kinds of epithelioma affect the penis,--the indurated and the vegetating, or cauliflower growth.
The Fallopian tubes or oviducts are liable to inflammatory affections, tuberculosis, sarcomata, cancer, chorion-epithelioma and tubal pregnancy.
Recent suggestions have been made as to chorion-epithelioma being the result of pathological changes in the lutein tissue of the ovary.
The varieties of malignant disease met with in the uterus are sarcoma, carcinoma and chorion-epithelioma malignum.
The virulence of chorion-epithelioma varies, but in the present state of our knowledge immediate removal of the primary growth along with the affected organ is the only treatment.
Chorion-epithelioma malignum (deciduoma) was first described in 1889 by Sanger and Pfeiffer.
They are frequently infected with tubercle, with epithelioma which has spread to them from the mouth, and also with pyogenic organisms.
Epithelioma may develop anywhere on the body in relation to long-standing ulcers, especially that resulting from a burn or from lupus; this form usually presents an exuberant outgrowth of epidermis not unlike a cauliflower.
Paget's disease# of the nipple is an epitheliomaoccurring in women over forty years of age: a similar form of epithelioma is sometimes met with at the umbilicus or on the genitals.
The superficial glands through their relations to the genitals are frequently the subject of venereal infection, and also of epithelioma when this disease affects the genitals or anus; they are rarely the seat of tuberculosis.
From the absence of lymphatics in scar tissue, the disease does not spread to the glands until it has invaded the tissues outside the scar; the prognosis is therefore better than in epithelioma in general.
The epithelioma originates at the skin orifice of the sinus, and spreads to the bone and into its interior, where the progress of the cancer is resisted by dense bone, which obliterates the medullary canal.
It is rare for them to be the seat of tubercle, but in epithelioma of the lower lip and floor of the mouth they are infected at an early stage of the disease.
Epithelioma frequently originates in long-standing ulcers or sinuses, and in scars, and probably results from the displacement and sequestration of epithelial cells during the process of cicatrisation.
The second type is met with in relation to epithelioma occurring in a sinus, the sequel of suppurative osteomyelitis, compound fracture, or tuberculous disease.
Squamous epithelioma and melanotic cancer are the forms met with.
The deep cervical glands are commonly infected by tubercle and also by epithelioma secondary to disease in the tongue or throat.
Squamous-celled epithelioma is the most frequent type of neoplasm.
Condition of the larynx three years after hemilaryngectomy for epithelioma in a patient fifty-one years of age.
Fungating squamous-celled epithelioma in a man of seventy-four years.
Lukens at the Bronchoscopic Clinic, a primary epithelioma of the trachea was retarded for 2 years by the use of radium applied by Dr.
Sometimes they follow suppuration in the middle ear and mastoid or in the frontal sinus, and epithelioma and rodent cancer that has ulcerated and become infected after spreading from the face towards the vertex.
An unbroken gumma is liable to be confused only with the uncommon form of epithelioma which begins as a nodule under the mucous membrane.
The affection is said to be especially common in those who smoke short clay pipes, and it is a suggestive fact that, while epithelioma of the lip is rare in women, the majority of those who do suffer are smokers.
Epithelioma of the lip# is of the squamous-celled variety, and is met with either as a fungating wart-like projection, or as an indurated ulcer.
The remarkable preference of this location of Å“sophageal cancer for the male sex has already been referred to; it affects the same type of male patients as are subject to squamous epithelioma in other parts of the body.
This form of epithelioma is called rodent ulcer, flat epithelioma or cancroid and sometimes does little harm for many years, but should receive the attention of a physician familiar with cancer and its eradication.
Epithelioma of the lower lip is limited almost entirely to men.
At the autopsy was found a cylindrical epitheliomaof the stomach which had not given rise to characteristic symptoms.
The origin of cylindrical epithelioma from the gastric tubules is generally accepted, and is more readily demonstrable than the similar origin claimed for the other forms of gastric cancer.
Cylindrical-celled epitheliomapresents the same gross appearances and the same tendency to ulceration and to the formation of metastases which characterize medullary cancer.
A middle-aged woman who was admitted to the Pennsylvania Hospital in a very advanced stage of epithelioma of the cervix uteri died from hemorrhage from the rectum and uterus in eight minutes.
With cylinder-cell epithelioma and glandular cancer this is not common, but with colloid cancer much information may be gained by examining the evacuations.
The epithelial form, when it commences at the anus, is closely analogous to epithelioma of the lip: from the anal outlet it spreads upward into the bowel, or it may be primarily seated there.
If the finger be passed into the bowel in a case of encephaloid degeneration, it will encounter a large soft tumor occluding the gut: this is a very different sensation from that imparted to the finger in a case of epithelioma or scirrhus.
Soft cancer (including both cylindrical-celled epithelioma and medullary carcinoma) is the most frequent form of gastric cancer.
As to operative procedure, when the morbid growth is an epithelioma situated within a short distance of the anal opening an excision is not only justifiable, but may be recommended.
The consistence of cylindrical epithelioma may, however, be firm like that of scirrhus.