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Example sentences for "asked him"

  • I asked him, in return for a further present of money, to give me the copy of an important document connected with his department.

  • The Colonel had risen and gone to meet his visitor, but he neither shook hands with him nor asked him to be seated.

  • I asked him whether he was returning to Flushing, and when he said yes, I declared he must take me with him, cost what it would.

  • And spitting upon his eyes, laying his hands on him, he asked him if he saw any thing.

  • And one of them, a doctor of the law, asked him, tempting him: 22:36.

  • And when he was gone forth into the way, a certain man, running up and kneeling before him, asked him: Good Master, what shall I do that I may receive life everlasting?

  • And sending for the centurion, he asked him if he were already dead.

  • And when he was come near, he asked him, 18:41.

  • I asked him if he could get out his teams and supplies in time to make an attack on the ensuing Tuesday morning.

  • Knowing that he, in making preparations to move at a given day, would have to bring up wagons trains from Harper's Ferry, I asked him if he could be ready to get off by the following Tuesday.

  • I asked him a few questions--but not with a view of gaining any particular information--all of which he answered, and I rode off.

  • Then again on the 21st, he not yet having started, I asked him if he could not start the next day.

  • When Sheridan arrived I asked him if he had a map showing the positions of his army and that of the enemy.

  • One time I asked him how he could run a company that was hundreds of miles away.

  • When I asked him to take me to his Guru, he said that he would.

  • I asked him if I could turn up the volume.

  • But when Koll, who was the keeper of the gifts offered to the king, asked him whether he had brought any presents with him, he produced the ice which he had hidden in his breast.

  • He asked him if he was the man who was to fight according to the promise.

  • Abashed as he was with shame for his low estate, he was so ravished with the young man's cleverness, that he asked him why he had aspersed the queen with the reproach that she had demeaned herself like a slave?

  • Then Wigg came forth, and Hiartuar, as though he were congratulating him on the gift, asked him if he were willing to fight for him.

  • I asked him three-halfpence for a penny one, because I was afraid he'd beat me down.

  • At length he asked him whether, if the young lady were still in London, he thought he could contrive to deliver a letter to her secretly.

  • I asked him what he wanted the drugs for?

  • I asked him if he understood it, and he told me he did perfectly well, and that if I wished him to tell me its meaning word for word, I must give him pen and ink that he might do it more satisfactorily.

  • I asked him what he was laughing at, and he replied that it was at something the book had written in the margin by way of a note.

  • I knew that he understood Arabic very well, and could not only speak but also write it; but before I disclosed the whole matter to him, I asked him to read for me this paper which I had found by accident in a hole in my cell.

  • I asked him if he knew anything about the Americans?

  • I asked him if he could speak any language besides English, and received for answer that besides English, he could speak Spanish and French.

  • I asked him how he contrived to live in England without working?

  • I asked him if he did not work now that he was free?

  • And he asked him: What is the word that the Lord hath spoken to thee?

  • And when I asked him whence he came, and by what name he was called, he would not tell me: 13:7.

  • I came to the conclusion that the object of my curiosity must be hungry, and after glancing rapidly round, I asked him in a low voice: "Are you hungry?

  • Once I asked him if he knew what Christ had taught.

  • Oswald thought there was something in it, and so did Albert's uncle when we asked him, but the others thought not, so Oswald agreed to drop it.

  • We asked him what a carcanet was, but he wouldn't say.

  • Then we asked him, 'And what did you do then?

  • I asked him how he had known St. Peter, and he replied by describing him, though he had never seen an image of the saint.

  • I asked him (this being a matter essential to my plan) whether any of the gentlemen had children.

  • Although I had nothing to apprehend from the other servants, I asked him in a low voice if he could conduct me unseen into the room in which Manon was.

  • There's not a man among 'em to-day to take a drink with me if I asked him.

  • A little later in our conversation I asked him a simple little question about the liability of workingmen to accidents, and received a statistical lecture in return.

  • When I asked him if he had broken some rule of working the machinery, he shook his head.

  • When we asked him where he was going, he said-- 'To get my hair cut: if I keep it this length I shall certainly tear it out by double handfuls in the extremity of my anguish every time I think of those innumerable Antiquities.

  • The thin-legged bicyclist explained his machine to us very fully and carefully when we asked him, and then we saw the men were cutting turfs and turning them over and rolling them up and putting them in a heap.

  • I asked him if he would mind shaking hands with me.

  • I asked him where he got the information.

  • I gave him the principal news and asked him to search and I would proceed to New York; at 8.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "asked him" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    addressed himself; asked about; asked for; asked her; asked him; asked himself; asked leave; asked myself; asked the; asked what; asked you; birch canoe; finally decided; hard tack; immediately ordered; kilowatt hours; marriage custom; more simple; priest named; real value; shall have the pleasure; slight excess; small cakes; speech and; vary from; write letters